You can’t save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?!

What you need to work to save: a car, apartment, mobile, appliances, theater tickets, etc.

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?!

How much you need to work to save up for a car? And how long would it take to save up for an apartment? Of course, calculate exactly how much you will need of time in order to save money on an expensive purchase for each of us, impossible. All individually.

After a period of accumulation depends on many factors, ranging from income level to our everyday spending. So let’s take the average income in the country and will not take into account the cost of our communal and products, calculating how much we need time to work to make money not only on car, apartment and clothes and food.

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?!

According to the Federal state statistics service, the average salary in Russia in the period from January to November 2018 amounted to RUB 42355 (est). Please note that this salary without deduction 13-the percentage tax. So let’s numinosum tax: get 36848,85 RUB.

The minimum wage in Russia 9489 RUB Also let’s subtract 13% tax rate: RUB 8255,45 For our calculations we proceed from the fact that people work for 8 hours a day 5 days a week.

Given these values, let’s calculate how much we need to work to earn as for expensive things, and cheaper required in everyday life. So there you go.

Coca-Cola 2 liters

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?!

The average cost of a 2 liter bottle of Coca-Cola in Russia is 121 RUB.

On the basis of average earnings of Russians in order to earn a bottle of sparkling water, you must work approximately 38 minutes. A working person with a minimum s/n, in order to earn a two-liter bottle of Coca-Cola, you have to work is 168 minutes, or about 2.8 hours.

A loaf of bread (300 g)

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?! 

The average cost of cheap white bread (300 g) in Russia is 22,37 RUB to make a loaf of bread, the average Russian citizen need to work in 7 minutes. Working in Russia for a minimum wage will need to work 31 minutes.


A pack of cigarettes

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?! 

The average cost of a pack of cigarettes in Russia by the end of 2018 was 105 rubles.

For those who receive the average salary in Russia, in order to earn a pack of cigarettes, you have to work in about 33 minutes. Those who live on the minimum s/n required to work 148 minutes, or 2.5 hours.


A bottle of vodka 0.5 liters for 205 rubles

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?! 

Let’s calculate how much time the average Russian citizen, to earn the most popular alcohol in Russia is on a half-liter bottle of vodka costs 205 rubles. Russians with an average salary, to buy a bottle of vodka, you need to work 64 minutes. The Russians, receiving the minimum s/n for a bottle of vodka will have to work for 285 minutes, or 4.7 hours.



You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?! 

In recent years, the price of smartphones has dropped significantly. Today, even for little money you can buy a pretty powerful smartphone. Yes, of course, the cost of some new flagship phones rather increased, which ultimately led to even greater inaccessibility of the expensive phones for the average Russian to the average salary. So we’re not going to figure out how much you need the Russians to work to earn for your iPhone, etc.

In our study, let’s calculate how much time will it take the Russians with average and minimum s/n to buy cheap smartphone cost 10,000 rubles. So, on the basis of the average wage in Russia, in order to make a phone, you need to work 52 hours, or 6.5 days with 8-hour working day. For those who receive a minimum, you need to work no less than 231 hours, or 29 days.


Washing machine

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?! 

To buy washing machines that cost 15,000 rubles to those who receive the average salary in the country, you have to work 78 hours or almost 10 days. 347 hours, or 43 days with 8-hour working day need to work to earn for a washing machine to those who receive the minimum wage in the country.


A ticket to the Bolshoi theatre

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?! 

Take the price tags offices of the Bolshoi theatre. According to the official website ticket for “La Bayadere” (historic theatre) is from 5500 rubles. To purchase a ticket, the average Russian citizen will need to work almost 29 hours, or 3.5 days. People receiving the minimum salary, you need to otpahat a little more than 127 hours. This whole 15 days!


A ticket to the cinema

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?! 

Let’s calculate how much the Russians need to work to afford more leisure time available. We are talking about the movie ticket. Let the cost of a movie ticket will be 180 rubles. Then it turns out that the average Russian needed 56 minutes to earn a ticket to the cinema. Operating at minimum in the country the salary in order to buy a movie ticket, you need to work at least 4.2 hours (250 minutes).

1 liter of fuel

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?! 

1 liter of gasoline, the average cost of which in Russia is 44 RUB (as of mid-January 2019), the Russian with the average salary in the country will need to work 14 minutes and 61 minutes to those who receive the minimum salary.


The New Lada Granta

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?! 

Well, now the fun part. Find out how much the Russians need to work to earn a car. For example, take one of the most popular cars in sales in 2018 in Russia – Lada Granta, which cost in the database is 435 thousand.


So, according to Rosstat, average salary in the country in 2018 (January-November), in order to save up for a new Grant, the Russians with an average R/p need to work 2265 hours, or 283 working 8-hour days.


Those who live at a minimum in the country a salary, this will need to work out 10069 hours, or 1259 days. That is a little more than 3.5 years.


Used Lada Granta

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?! 

Our study was more equitable, the proposed calculation for used Lada Granta 2013 in the base set, the average cost of which is in the secondary market of 230 thousand.


So, the average citizen must work a minimum of 1197 hours to earn a used Lada Grant, and 5324 hours (665 days = almost two years) those who live on minimum wage labor in the country.


How much to save to buy a car for 1.43 million rubles

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?! 

Our report on the purchase of automobiles would be incomplete if we were not told about getting a new car at a weighted average price, which, according to the Agency AUTOSTAT, by the end of 2018 made up 1.43 million RUB


Russians with an average salary in Russia in order to buy a car for 1.43 million RUB, you need to work 7447 hours, or roughly 930 days (2.5 years). Russians with a minimum s/n 33101 need to work hour or 4137 days (11.3 years).



You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?! 

According to the Ministry of construction of Russia, in the third quarter of 2018, the average standard cost of one square meter of residential real estate in Russia amounted to RUB 37848


Calculate how much you need to work Russian with the average salary to buy an apartment of 35 square meters.

(Such an apartment, according to the Ministry of the Russian Federation, according to the average prices in Russia in 2018 cost 1.35 million rubles). In reality, of course, in many regions, these price tags are already there for a long time. It’s much more expensive. But as we consider the average data in the country, then calculate on the basis of official statistics.


So, in order to save up for a flat cost of 1.35 million rubles, the Russian with the average salary needs to work 7031 hours, or 879 days (2.4 years), and those who receive a minimum salary, need to work 31250 hours (3905 days = 10.7 years).


Apartment in Moscow

You can't save up for a car? We have calculated how much you need to work. Can you do it?! 

According to The study Village, average cost of 1 square meter in Moscow amounted to RUB 159168 Moscow real estate has always attracted the attention of the Russians. Unfortunately, to buy housing in Moscow can not afford it. Especially difficult to buy an apartment in Moscow those who live on the average s/n in the country. For those who receive the minimum wage, the real estate in the Moscow region remains a distant dream.

So, in order to buy in Moscow apartment of 35 square meters (of 5.57 million RUB), the Russian with the average salary in the country is necessary to develop 3626 days or almost 10 years, and those who receive minimum wage labor, you need to work 16119 days, or slightly more than 44 years.