Winter traffic fines: do you know what they can get?
Here are the fines you can get in the car in the winter
Winter finally showed its true face. In many regions of the country snow and negative temperatures. This is the worst period for drivers and their cars. In difficult conditions, everyone copes as you can, fighting against aggressive external environment. But sometimes, many drivers forget about some of the mandatory things in the winter that sometimes you get reasonable fines from traffic police. Let’s remember about the most common winter traffic violations.
Snow removal in the winter is, unfortunately, almost daily activity of every motorist who parks a car under the open sky. As usual, we each morning to go out, start the engine and then while the machine is warming up, start, grumbling, to clean the car from snow and ice. Some are too delaying this process, which ultimately may result in problems. No, this time we won’t argue with our readers about the harmfulness of long engine warm-up. Now we want to remind everyone that Parking in a residential area (which, incidentally, applies to any residential building) with the engine running is prohibited. Forgot? And these “winter” rules that must be observed by each driver, a lot. We have collected the most important violations that are usually committed by motorists in the winter.
1. Parking the car and the engine running in a residential area
So, according to point 17.2 of traffic regulations of the Russian Federation Parking in the residential area with the engine running is prohibited. That’s why it is not necessary to warm up the engine. Yes, of course it’s all theory. In practice, to fine the motorist for long engine warm up in a residential area rather problematic. But according to statistics, traffic police, after all every winter in Russia is a violation prosecuted many drivers.
What is threatened with the penalty for violation of the rules established for traffic in a residential area? In accordance with article 12.28 of the administrative offences code of the Russian Federation for violation of paragraph 17.2 of traffic regulations the driver faces a fine in the amount of 1 500 rubles. In Moscow and St.-Petersburg the penalty for Parking in a residential area with the engine running is 3 000 rubles.
But how much time according to the SDA it is possible to stand with the engine running in a residential area? According to paragraph 1.2 of traffic rules that’s what the Parking lot:
“Parking” – deliberate termination of movement of the vehicle for longer than 5 minutes on reasons not connected with landing or disembarkation of passengers or loading or unloading the vehicle.
Accordingly, Parking in the residential area with the engine running more than 5 minutes is prohibited by the Rules of the road. But whether the yard near the house to the living area, which usually should be indicated by appropriate traffic signs? This question gives us the answer is the same 17 the section “the Movement of vehicles in residential areas”, namely, clause 17.4:
17.4. The requirements in this section also apply to yard areas.
However, please note that not all cases of yard areas can be part of a residential zone and a residential zone may be part of the domestic territory. But in most cases the yard of a house is part of a residential area. Accordingly, a long warming up the car near the house is, in principle, a violation of the law.
2. Dirty headlights
Many drivers often forget to clean the headlights of your car. Especially in winter, when once again many motorists do not want to mess around in the cold with the car. Unfortunately, dirt, snow and ice prevent the light flux, which significantly reduces visibility on the road. This makes the process of driving more difficult and dangerous, besides, your car becomes less visible to other road users, which is fraught with accident. But did you know that leaving the road with dirty headlights, you are breaking the law, you face a fine?
So, for dirty lights (including the ice on the glass of the front optics), the traffic police can charge you to administrative responsibility in accordance with part 1 of article 12.5 of the administrative code of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine in the amount of 500 rubles.
Despite the fact that the article of the administrative code does not say anything about the dirty headlights of the vehicle, fines for contaminated front optics can not be avoided. The fact that part 1 of article 12.5 references the Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles, where prescribed in detail how the vehicles forbidden to operate on public roads. Thus, according to section 3 of the Basic provisions, describing the list of faults and conditions under which vehicle operation is prohibited (paragraph 3 “Exterior lights”), if the car is dirty exterior lights and reflectors, vehicle operation is prohibited.
3. License plates of the car in the snow
Unfortunately, winter brings trouble to the driver not only the freezing of the brushes, locks, doors, etc. Often during the day we have to clean the car from snow. Including the license plates of the car who are under the law must be fully readable and easily identified as police officers and cameras fotovideofiksatsii. Otherwise, the driver will be fined.
However, many of us are so bored to clean the car from snow, we just stop doing that leads to trouble with the law.
Yes, of course, if on the road a snowstorm or knee-deep snow with water, then, if the number of your car have become unreadable, in most cases, the traffic police will go into your position and will not be brought to administrative responsibility, provided of course that you are not a bite to eat with them for some reason. But if the road is clear and there is no snow, then plastered with snow plates, you can be brought to administrative responsibility in accordance with part 1 of article 12.2 of the administrative code:
Article 12.2. Driving a vehicle with violation of rules of installation on it of the state registration signs
1. Driving a vehicle with unreadable, non-standard or established with infringement of requirements of state standard state registration plates, except for the cases stipulated by part 2 of this article
(as amended by Federal law from 23.07.2010 N 175-FZ),
shall entail a warning or imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles
(as amended by Federal law dated 22.06.2007 N 116-FZ, from 23.07.2010 N 175-FZ).
But please note that for snow-covered license plates can even lose their driver’s license. How? Very simple. For example, if the traffic police will attract you to administrative responsibility under part 2 of article 12.2 KoAP of the Russian Federation, attracted here this driver.
However, in this case, of course, the police should clearly see the intent of the driver to hide the license plate (and part of) the snow.
For example, if you close up with snow on one of the numbers or letters on a clean machine with clean rooms, then this is obviously going to fall under sanctions of part 2 of article 12.2, which faces the driver or a fine of 500 rubles, or deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 3 months.
So I advise you, before you go, always wipe the plates, to then not to argue with the traffic police, proving to them that you did not intentionally contaminate the machine room.
4. Dirty car
The current Russian legislation, unlike many European countries, there is no direct responsibility for the management of a dirty car. But this does not mean that you have until the spring to ride on a dirty car, from which pieces fall off mud, snow and ice. Firstly, it will accelerate the aging process of refinishing your vehicle. Second, in certain cases, if the traffic police really want to prosecute you, they will still be able to fine you for a very dirty car. Surprised? Let me explain.
With the onset of the winter period, many owners of SUVs, which do not feed bread – let me go on the road, starts a Golden age. Indeed, in the summer, to drive on the road you can not always, because very often in rough terrain, there are rivers, lakes, etc. In the winter many freeze water, creating havens for lovers of off-road travel.
This, by the way, know the traffic police who love to ambush in locations where off-road travel lovers hybrids dirt.
Such places are very valuable to cops, as car owners dirty SUVs that go in the mud, snow and ice on public roads, it is easy to bring to administrative responsibility under article 12.33 of the administrative code.
Here’s how it sounds:
Damage to roads, railway crossings or other road structures or technical means of traffic organization, which poses a threat to road safety, as well as intentional interference in road traffic, including by pollution of road surface, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount from 5000 to 10000 roubles; on officials – 25 000 rubles; for legal entities – 300 000 rubles.
Note the phrase: …including by pollution of road surface…
Know what we are?
This, incidentally, applies not only to the SUV, which traveled across the expanses of our vast country. You have probably seen the winter snow on the wheels of passing cars, which during its movement throw snow and ice on the road. Here are snow-covered cars are also breaking the law. So their drivers can really be brought to administrative responsibility under article 12.33 of the administrative code.
So better don’t play with the law, and before you get on the road, always clean your car from snow. Yes, of course, you can clean the car completely. Most importantly, to the sound of the snow machine did not create a risk to other road users and do not pollute the roadway.
5. Bald winter tires
Unfortunately, in recent years the country has risen by almost everything. And the fault here, of course, the exchange rate of the ruble against world currencies. Most of the depreciation felt by car owners who are faced with an unprecedented increase in the cost of spare parts, wheels and rubber. You will see how much today is the cheapest rubber on the car! For many residents of regions, this price tag is unaffordable. Eventually this led to the fact that on the roads of Russia began to go more and more cars with worn in stuff rubber.
This applies especially to winter tires. Nothing good in this, of course not. After all, the car on bald winter tires is a danger to all road users.
So I do not advise you to risk leaving the road on the car, which is badly worn out tread. Do not play with security. Usually in this game always loses to the owner.
If you are not able to buy new tires, this does not mean that you can go on the road on bald tires.
Also do not forget that for operation of a vehicle with badly worn tires, the driver will be fined 500 rubles (part 1 of article 12.5 of the administrative code). Recall that this liability is provided for violation of the Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to public roads, according to which, when a vehicle with worn tires prohibited.
6. Frozen windscreen washer system
Probably every other driver in our country once faced with this situation, when the car was cold the system washer. This is especially often the case, when the temperature fall sharply drops from above freezing to below zero. Many motorists just do not have time to fill in the windshield washer reservoir antifreeze or purchase of dubious quality antifreeze, which at the first cold freeze.
Unfortunately, many motorists are very careless with this issue, considering that in half a day drive the water in the washer tank will thaw from the heat in the engine compartment. As a result, many hit the road with a frozen windshield washer fluid, which is a gross violation of the legislation in the field of road safety.
Did you know that according to the list of malfunctions and conditions under which prohibits operation of motor vehicles, you have no right to go on the road with non-working envisaged in the design of the vehicle wash system?
SDA RF, 4. Windshield wipers and washers
4.1. Do not work in the established mode the wipers.
4.2. Do not work under vehicle washers.
If the driver drove on the road with a broken windscreen washer system, he faces a fine of 500 rubles (part 1 of article 12.5 of the administrative code).
But here it’s not even a penalty. All the matter in our responsibility while driving. After all, without the washer in the winter to drive very dangerous. So promptly put in the car of quality antifreeze (in advance, when it’s still positive temperatures) and if the washer is frozen, take advantage of the various means available to warm the washer fluid before you travel.
7. Parking on a snow-covered lawn
Everyone in the metropolis knows what a headache is when you find Parking near the house in the evening. For many to put the car near the house becomes a huge problem. This problem is particularly relevant in large cities. Unfortunately, the number of Parking pockets, many residential buildings is very limited. Here motorists and parked on the lawns and sidewalks, which often receive fines. Many motorists who have received fines for Parking on the lawn, looking forward to the winter when the lawns are covered with snow. But it’s actually not protects drivers from major fines.
For example, in Moscow the Moscow automobile and road inspection (MADI) all year round prescribes penalties for Parking cars on the lawn or in close proximity to green areas. Recall that in Moscow there are your fine for Parking cars on the lawn, which for individuals is 5,000 rubles. But how? In fact, Parking on the lawn, under the snow, not happening. Yes, it is, on the subject of things in Moscow courts were already a lot of trials, where most motorists have lost the argument.
The thing is that MADI at the decision of a question on attraction of the car owner to administrative responsibility (for Cao) uses a special municipal register of green plantings where designated trees, shrubs, and all the lawns of the capital.
In the end, if the car owner left the car in the snow, but this area is included in the register of green spaces, he faces a fine of 5,000 rubles (article 8.25 of the administrative code of the city of Moscow).
The worst thing is that if you get a fine for Parking on the lawn, you will not be able to use a 20-day grace period for payment of a fine in the amount of 50%, as it is a violation not included in Chapter 12 of the administrative code.
8. No sign of “Spikes”
With the onset of winter, most car owners pereobuli their iron horses, changing summer to winter tires. According to statistics, 80% of car owners use the winter studded tires. According to the current at the moment legislation, every driver is obliged to place at the rear of the car sticker in the shape of “Spikes”, if his car is equipped with studded tires. In the absence of the labels “W” (“Spikes”) of the driver can expect a fine of 500 rubles (part 1 of article 12.5 of the administrative code).
Yes, of course, the last time with this unfortunate sign there is some kind of unhealthy mess, when the interior Ministry first ordered the car enthusiasts to hang sign “Spikes” on the machine, and then, after a short time, decided that the sticker is not needed. But let it remain on the conscience of those who are promoted to the masses the idea. We need whatever the circumstances to comply with the law. And if so, then while officially, the Russian Government abolished the obligation to glue on a car with studded tires sign “W”, all drivers are required to comply with all applicable laws. Otherwise they will be fined.
9. Not the heating and cooling of the glass
Sometimes in the winter our machine can hold unpleasant surprises in the form of various breakdowns. However, in most cases, in all sorts of unexpected faults to blame the car owners who have not checked out the machine or changed some parts. This applies, in particular, and cooling system or the defroster the car. As they say, prepare sledge in the summer. That’s why all motorists must before the onset of cold weather to see how it works in the heating and blowing glass, and in case of problems be sure to fix them.
The fact that the heating and cooling of the glass in any car is an important part of vehicle safety. Indeed, in the case of non-working blowing glass or heating glass machine moisten and even freezing, hindering visibility while driving that is already fraught with accidents.
That is why according to the list of malfunctions and conditions under which vehicle operation is prohibited, the fault blowing and the defroster is the reason why the vehicle is forbidden to travel on public roads. Accordingly, if you violate the requirements of the basic provisions for the admission of vehicles on the road, the driver faces a fine of 500 rubles (part 1 of article 12.5 of the administrative code).
But the main thing here, of course, not a penalty. Remember that the system efficiency of heating and cooling glass in your car is your safety and the safety of your passengers.
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