Why car engines don’t melt?

As kept for internal combustion engines a high temperature?

Why car engines don't melt? 

The temperature of the internal combustion engine during the ignition of the fuel is much higher than the melting point of the components of the power unit. For example, the combustion of fuel inside the engine the temperature can reach 1600-2200 °C. As did the engines go a long time down, if the melting temperature of aluminum is 659 °C, iron is 1530 °C, iron – 1260 °C, high carbon steel – 1353 °C, etc.?


Usually in the technical center at THE masters advise us to constantly monitor the temperature of the engine, watching the temperature gauge on the dashboard. It is necessary to promptly respond to the increase in engine temperature in order to avoid it from overheating.

But many motorists forget that, as a rule, this temperature sensor has nothing to do with the actual temperature of the power unit. In fact, this gauge shows the temperature of the coolant (antifreeze).


That is the coolant that circulates inside the engine and is protected from melting engine components. The whole point of thermal conductivity. Coolant passes through the head and the engine block, taking the excess heat generated in the combustion process.

Why car engines don't melt?

Then the heated coolant enters the radiator, where it is again cooled by the flow of air during the movement or flow of air from the cooling fan when the machine is in place. Thanks to system of cooling of a hot metal engine components lose heat at a certain speed, the antifreeze, which is achieved by engineering the balance of keeping the motor in good condition.


In cars and motorcycles with internal combustion engine with liquid cooling radiator is connected to channels running through the engine and cylinder head, through which is pumped liquid (coolant). This liquid may be water (used in climates where the water in the cold does not freeze). But most often, the coolant is a mixture of water and antifreeze in proportions appropriate to the climate.


What about the antifreeze or water takes away so quickly most of the heat from the heated combustion engine? This is possible thanks to the so-called effect of microcephaly.

Microcephalia is little bubbles that are visible on the bottom of the pan before the water starts to boil evenly throughout the tank, reaching a temperature of 100 °C. That is, in fact, the coolant is heated almost to a boiling state, resulting in the cooling system is formed microcephalia. This promotes more rapid absorption of heat from the engine. Naturally, this is made possible by the circulation of cooling fluid through the system. As we have said, heated, bubbles, the coolant enters the car radiator, where the bubbles disappear because the liquid cools due to the strong air currents.

Why car engines don't melt? 

That’s why if you punch the radiator or expansion tank, and if you burst one of the pipes, which circulates in the system the coolant, the car engine will overheat very quickly, reaching critical values. Eventually the motor will fail long before the melting point of metals, as due to high temperatures many of the internal components of the motor simply deformed.


Also the engine can overheat by boiling antifreeze. For example, this may occur as a result of degradation of the coolant or in connection with use poor quality antifreeze. Unfortunately, during the boiling of the coolant radiator can not cope with its task, to remove from the liquid large bubbles. In this case, the cooling system will not be able to lower the temperature of the antifreeze to the level to effectively cool the engine.


Engineering design of the engine, the lubrication system and the motor design is created in such a way as to maintain the inside of the engine the temperature of the metal components at a level below the melting point. This is achieved through the optimal lubrication of the engine oil (you have to remember that motor oil not only reduces friction between the parts, but also is a fluid to reduce the temperature inside the motor) and the speed of circulation of antifreeze in the system.


So, despite the fact that inside the engine the temperature can reach 2200 °C, and the melting point of the metals used in the construction of the power unit is much lower, thanks to the competent cooling system of internal combustion engines long-term fail due to overheating.

Why car engines don't melt?

That’s why, if you notice that the temperature of the coolant in your car began to grow (arrow on the temperature gauge started to creep closer to the red zone), you need as quickly as possible to stop the car and shut it to avoid overheating the motor. In this case, you need a thorough diagnosis to determine the cause of the temperature increase of the coolant.

If your motor is overheating (boiling coolant), then in any case do not turn off the engine immediately to avoid a sudden drop of temperature of power unit, which may cause global issues with the motor. In this case, turn on the stove (heated cabin) on full blast and let it run the engine at idle. Due to the heat exchange of the heating system extra heat from the engine will go to the salon. In the end, you will be able to lower the temperature of the engine and after that drown it out.

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