Volvo SUVs have become bulletproof

Car brand Volvo launched a special
bulletproof cars: XC40, XC60 and XC90.

Volvo SUVs have become bulletproof

These machines were created through joint efforts of the companies: Volvo,
EDAG and Carbon Blindados, mainly for the Brazilian
of the automotive market. The car body coated 3-mm layer of
special impact resistant steel and Kevlar plates. Also, the brand
installed bulletproof glass thickness of 20 mm and put
additional protection of the passenger doors.

Unfortunately, the company has not yet revealed the final degree of protection
XC40, XC60 and XC90. Also not reported, whether the car
to withstand a mine explosion or shot grenade launcher. But, judging by
submitted photos, the machine can save many lives
senior members of the Government, as well as large
businessmen, their families and protection.

Volvo SUVs have become bulletproof

The production process of cars a little complicated, due to the fact that
first cars are produced on the basis of production capacity in
China, and then travel to Brazil where Volvo specialists
carried out the modification of a car.

Separately, the company noted that over the bulletproof modification
will have to pay 70 thousand reals or of 1.08 million.