The Russian drivers will twitched his eyes from such “festive” tubes in China: video

Well we have no Christmas traffic jams in China: video

The Russian drivers will twitched his eyes from such


Lunar New year, Chinese new year or as it is called by the people of China – the spring Festival, has initiated a pretty cool light show on the eve of the celebration. Tens of thousands of cars stuck in the evening traffic, lighting their lights, a very broad highway in Guangdong province.


The Russian drivers will twitched his eyes from such

This urban beauty is definitely not to be missed by the cameras, so the skies the drone, filmed fear and hatred of all motorists in the world – the creepiest man on the planet “bottleneck”. In his attempt to get hundreds of vehicles, almost simultaneously, but the transition from about 20 bands in 5 does not pass without a trace. Ultravate congestion in those days, stretched for a few kilometers, but the people organize a very large amount of time:

Video from YouTube channel New China TV


Yes, claustrophobic and allergies is definitely not the place. State News network captured this video on one of the main arteries of Guangdong province. It is the most populous region of the country, the official whose population in 2005 reached 110 million people. Almost a third of the population scattered throughout the outskirts of China in the form of migrant workers. This means that one day all of them for a few days, like magic, flock to the province to spend the holidays with his family.



Interestingly, the inhabitants of Chinese megacities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk or Yekaterinburg, remember not only the New year, but preceded it tube? Maybe there are anecdotes on this subject?