That’s why at speed the engine will cool down in winter, even at minus 5 degrees Celsius

Here is how the rate of movement in winter affecting the rate of cooling of a warmed-up motor

That's why at speed the engine will cool down in winter, even at minus 5 degrees Celsius

For people cold, and especially a strong cold wind in winter, the phenomenon is very unpleasant. Even in the apps “Weather” on our smartphones there is a section “Feels like” in which you can learn how the real temperature differs from the value on the thermometer. After all, the perception of cold is affected by several factors at once – it’s the humidity and power.


You probably noticed that the humidity of 80-85%, even in winter, -3 °C feels like everything is 10 °C. Add to this a gusty wind and you’ll catch up to bones even at 0 °C. conversely, at minus 20 degrees Celsius, when the sky clouds, you will feel quite comfortable and will not freeze very hard.


But did you know that for your car, it’s a slightly different story. Moving the machine feels it a little differently, with different parts in different ways to contact with cold air. Much will depend on the speed of movement, and absolute negative indicator of temperature. Thus most exposed to cold air current, of course, is the heated element in the whole system of a car engine.


Why the temperature of the engine drops when driving fast in the winter?

That's why at speed the engine will cool down in winter, even at minus 5 degrees Celsius

Here’s the key thing you need to know: when your car is moving, and behind, say, zero degrees Celsius, the speed of 100 km/h, the effect of the cold air will be comparable to the temperature of -10 °C without humidity and exposure to sunlight.


It certainly would not mean that the temperature of the external metal and other parts will go down to that freezing mark, still the ambient temperature would be zero degrees, but this will directly impact on the thermal losses of the heated parts of your car, that is engine at this speed of movement will cool as quickly as if it was 10 degrees below zero.


Here is a chart of wind-cold index:

That's why at speed the engine will cool down in winter, even at minus 5 degrees Celsius


Thus, this indicator can be considered as the accelerator of the engine coolant of the car, but not as a constant temperature. What is useful in practice. Of course, the engine even when driving at thirty-degree frost at the speed of 100 km/h is not cooled to sub-zero temperatures, despite the fact that according to the index, temperature, cooling will be more of -54 degrees Celsius, but to keep warm it will be much harder.


The same thing applies to the movement at low speeds. For example, you are only left with the Parking. On the street all the same minus 30, and you eat slowly with a constant speed of 40 km/h. What is the temperature load will test the motor of your car? Minus 47 °C! What do you think, soon out of the oven blows warm air while the car warms up to operating temperature? It will take much more time if you went, say 10 km/h.


What to do if the motor does not get warm in the cold?

That's why at speed the engine will cool down in winter, even at minus 5 degrees Celsius

This problem is particularly common on diesel cars or old cars with primitive design of the thermostat. As did the grandparents, as did our fathers and continue to do as motorists in the North – have put kartinochke covering the radiator from the outside. Here it is:

That's why at speed the engine will cool down in winter, even at minus 5 degrees Celsius


Heat will accumulate inside and the machine will not SuperCool.


Attention! Be careful that the cardboard did not get into the engine compartment, belt or a timing chain! Also check back frequently for temperature. Sometimes it happens that a well “wrapped up” the engine even boil in the dead of winter!

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