That’s how I behaved Lada Vesta Cross the first 50 000 km
How many breakdowns occurred in the Lada Vesta Cross for the first 50 thousand miles? (Spoiler a bit)
By today’s standards, the mileage of 50 000 km is not much. In such a short period of operation to understand that the particular vehicle is extremely problematic, because if the damage will occur, normally they will be associated with the so-called “childhood diseases”, that is, engineering failures which occur and which are known by all owners of a particular model. Sudden force majeure during operation are extremely rare, but they do not cease to be a good indicator of model quality. Even if the machine breaks, the little things, it can become the “litmus test” that will characterize the model as unreliable.
Here, for example, Lada Vesta Cross. The car looks very attractive. Powerful enough. Easy, say the owners. But reliable? This question was answered by drenovci, obchitalsya new domestic station wagon and made their interim conclusion, which will certainly be useful to anyone operating a Cross-version or motorists wishing to buy it. A link to the full study put here. Be sure to read, there are many important and unique information that you will hardly find anywhere else:
Well, we give from the study only the most important facts concerning the failures, which are also extremely detailed, with mileage and the calculations on the prices, said Drom.
So, the car Lada VESTA Cross over 50 thousand km of operation broken 7 times, and once lost decorative caps on the wheels. Breakdowns were local in nature, and virtually no influence on the performance of the model. gives the following operational data for failures:
4038 km – tube windscreen washer. Paid 1800 rubles.
14 997 km – oil seal-wheel drive. Warranty – $ 0.
22 189 km – oil seal-wheel drive. Warranty – $ 0.
25 330 km – the fuel line. Service campaign factory – 0.
25 576 km – transmission. Warranty – $ 0.
32 720 km – door stop. Fee – 1250 RUB.
44 476 km repeater right. Service campaign factory – 0.
44 476 km – disk caps, 4 PCs Fee – 200 RUB.
However, some of the nuances were still and if not (the cost of three passed for the year amounted to slightly more than 22 thousand rubles) and is not a guarantee, it is possible that a small failure could result in a big repair charge.
Replaced transmission. Leaks are not visible. Photo taken from the site
For example, in the Drome, writing, that “Seen during TM-1 leaky oil seal drive in 10 000 km turned into replacing transaxle Assembly“. Ha! So good seal drip! Perhaps if it was not a warranty repair, the gasket could be changed independently, but for some reason, garantisce decided to replace an expensive unit entirely. Can still studying the damage, collecting data this way? However, honor and praise them for such an attitude! Details here:
It’s certainly not a fun failure, but the first raises a smile, and disappointment in the service personnel of our stations at the same time. Just listen:
“…prepare the machine for operation immediately turned unscheduled repairs and waste of money. The installer of the equipment when laying cable on the DVR “successfully” returned to the place the plate right rack of a wind window, damaging the washer hose on the rear window”. As they say – shame!
Twice carried out work for revocable campaigns with replacement parts:
in the first case, was the fuel line
the second light repeater in the right mirror (the ceiling cracked and began to sweat from the inside. KZ not happen yet)
Photo taken from the site
“Trifle”, but frustrating!
The center caps came off and even promised to return. Both with the front wheels. Perhaps this is due to greater centrifugal force or load on the front wheels during a slip, etc. Maybe a little “grab” plastic decorative and protective pads with adhesive? And in fact, it is a pity to lose the beauty.
Happen breakage, and due to the negligence or rather, by coincidence: “at his own expense, we have replaced the door stop the driver.” The sad story of the “death” door stop – the door ajar was swung open by a sharp gust of wind.
Where Vesta Cross for a year has not visited. In the city, and for him. Photo taken from the site
Otherwise, experts say Drom, problems with the car there was no engine, no suspension, no electrics. It pleases. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the work of journalists-testers will be taken into account by the workers of AVTOVAZ and some shortcomings will be corrected. This applies to the streamed transmission. Although marriage can be in any car, and “kids car sickness”, the concept of international.
As for bodywork and paintwork…
Photo taken from the site
“The exterior was little affected: most of the damage obtained on the track “face” in the chips, windshield cracked, with a decorative moulding of the grille peeled off the paint,” – said in summing up the subtotals.
Photo taken from the site Sandblasting in full growth. Rye yet!
Good or bad? It is usual for all new cars. Poor-quality paintwork in our days sin, even top producers, to say nothing of more mundane models. Alas, in the future all damage to the paintwork will be centers of corrosion. However, even if externally the body of the old car will still look acceptable, rusting may begin with internal cavities. So, just in case, please note that the anticorrosive desirable to any car, which is more than 5 years.
Photo taken from the site
It was the interim results from While the machine is doing well with cucumber. And 500.000 km to get weak? And Lada?
Hang in there, brother! Photo taken from the site
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