Taxi drivers will be obliged to buy insurance for passengers
That’s why the cost in taxi traffic will grow
The state Duma will soon consider in the first reading (consideration date is not appointed yet) a draft law that would force carriers taxi to additionally insure its civil liability before the third parties, namely to passengers which are services of transportation.
The bill was registered in the automated system of document circulation for the office of the state Duma (SADD GD) in the spring of this year. As noted in the explanatory note to the document: “currently, the acute problem of safety of passengers using the taxi services also remains low financial security of this category of passengers in case of harm to their life, health or property during transportation of an automobile taxi”.
The problem is massive and systematic in nature, due to the fact that the transportation service for taxi cabs are extremely popular among the citizens, this leads to uncontrolled growth of accidents caused by drivers of taxis. Fleet taxis is globally increasing, and the abuses are increasing, which increases the risks to the health and safety of citizens. “Not isolated cases, when a driver exceeding the speed limit or allowing the violation of other rules of the road, unable to cope with the management of the vehicle and gets into an accident, causing harm to the passenger or putting his life and health at risk,” reads the explanatory note submitted to the Duma the project.
One of the ways of dealing with mass violations of legislators believe the adoption of legislative measures aimed at the introduction of compulsory insurance of civil liability of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, carrying out activity on transportation of passengers and Luggage an automobile taxi for causing harm to life, health, property of passengers carried by them. These rules will provide greater protection of passengers.
Despite the fact that back in 2012 there was adopted the Federal law No. 67-FZ “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier for damage to life, health, property of passengers and on the procedure for compensation of such harm caused at transportations of passengers by underground”, the only form of transport that is not subject to this Federal law is by taxi.
Currently, all that can count the injured passenger taxi is compensation under the contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of vehicles, the maximum payment for which the terms of compensation of the harm caused to the life of the victim, amounts to 500 thousand rubles. The payout for harm to the life of a passenger in traffic carried on the bus or trolley is 2 million rubles. Compensation of damage for the damaged Luggage, of course more modest 23 thousand rubles. The difference of 4 times is obvious and requires no comment.
The project, in fact, approved by the Government, however, that the proposed standards have earned you want to make changes to the law “about a taxi”, and to determine the consequences of a breach of the duty taxi drivers at the conclusion of the insurance contract. The bill likely will not until the winter, and the transition period will take at least 1 year. In total, the project will become law in 2019.
All-Russian Union of insurers said that the cost of such insurance policy for one car, a taxi will be in the range of 3-5 thousand rubles per year, which will add 3-4 of the ruble to the price of the trip. The amount is not large, but nevertheless the cost of transportation in a taxi will increase.