Stopping and Parking are forbidden: that means a fine, and in some cases, the sign is not valid
In some cases, the sign “Stop Smoking”?
What does the road sign “Stop prohibited”? What happens if you violate the injunction of this sign? What penalty is provided by law for violation of the sign? Are there any exceptions on the road, when the sign “Stop Smoking” is not valid? We have gathered for you information about this road sign, which many people confuse with a different sign – “no Parking”.
Road sign “Stop prohibited” (3.27 SDA RF) is a red circle (round frame), on a blue background marked with a red X-line. What does this sign mean? According to the Rules of the road in the area of the sign are prohibited the Parking of vehicles, but stop. That is, you do not have rights in the area of the sign to stop even for a short time.
Road sign 3.27 is often confused with another the most common sign on the road. We are talking about the sign 3.28 “no Parking”. Same red round frame, blue background. But with a diagonal red line on this sign only one. That is, according to the SDA in the area of the road sign “Parking prohibited” (3.28 SDA RF) is allowed to stop. But to use the road for Parking in the area of this sign is prohibited.
What’s the difference between stopping the car from the Parking lot?
Know why many drivers, despite the great driving experience, still confusing road signs “Stop Smoking” and “no Parking”? The thing is, the sense of these two characters are similar. Because the area of the sign “Stop Smoking” also there is a ban on the Parking of the car. That’s confusing motorists, this sign with the sign “no Parking.” But it is two completely different meaning of the sign.
In order to understand this, one must remember the item 1.2 of traffic regulations of the Russian Federation, where the decrypted key concepts used in the rules of the road, existing in our country.
Here is an excerpt from paragraph 1.2 of traffic rules, from which we can see the difference between stopping a car and Parking. Suggest to all drivers to memorize these terms as the multiplication table. Indeed, thanks to these terms you will easily understand the signs “no Stopping” and “no Parking” and will no longer be confused.
“Stop” – deliberate termination of movement of the vehicle for up to 5 minutes, and more if necessary for fit or disembarkation of passengers or loading or unloading the vehicle.
“Parking” – deliberate termination of movement of the vehicle for longer than 5 minutes on reasons not connected with landing or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading the vehicle.
Accordingly, the area of the sign “no Parking” you can stand up to 5 minutes. And even more if it is necessary to load your car with Luggage (cargo), as well as for landing or landing of passengers.
With regards to the sign “Stop prohibited” in the zone of his actions you are not even allowed to stop.
Please note that you should not cheat in the area of the sign “no Parking”, including the emergency lights and leaving the car. Remember that in this case you can be brought to administrative responsibility, as your stop is not connected with embarking/disembarking passengers or loading/unloading the vehicle.
Traps traffic police: in some places it is impossible to stop, despite the absence of a sign “the Stop is forbidden”?
All motorists know that DPS love to stand in tricky places where the drivers do not understand on the road, often violate traffic Rules. And not on purpose. In most cases, in such “magical places” drivers break the law, not willfully, but according to his forgetfulness. Recall that stopping the car may be prohibited not only in the presence of a corresponding traffic sign. Here is a list of places where cars are strictly forbidden to carry out stop as well as conditions that prevent this:
- – On a pedestrian crossing (“Zebra”), before the crossing (five meters in front of him)
- – On tram ways, and also close them
- – Public lane, on bike paths
- – At the crossroads
- In the field, covering a review of road signs, traffic lights
- – In places that impede pedestrian
- – In places that prevent entry/exit of cars
- – On narrow roads where Parking (stopping, Parking) between the vehicle and the solid line is less than 3 meters of the road
- – In poor visibility (less than 100 meters)
- – Close proximity to dangerous turns, and in the case of the elevation of the highway
- – In the places intended to stop cars taxi
- – Bridges and overpasses (also beneath them)
- – At bus stops, if it creates a disturbance to the public transport
- – In the tunnels
- – On railway crossings and is closer than 50 meters before moving
- – In places where Parking is prohibited
- In the area of the sign “Main road” (only when driving outside of the village)
- In the area of the sign/marking “Parking for disabled”
- – On the lawn
- – On the sidewalk (unless authorized by the appropriate mark)
- – Front doors of any buildings in the courtyards
- – Close railway road (and closer than 50 meters from it)
- On the road, indicated by a sign “the Main road” (outside town)
- – A ban on Parking, where, according to traffic regulations no Parking zone.
- – Parking in areas designated for disabled Parking
- – On the lawn
- – Near the doors of any buildings in the courtyards
- – Ban Parking near railroad
- – Parking places for taxis
The list of penalties for violation of rules of stopping or Parking vehicles (for the whole of Russia, except the cities of Federal importance Moscow and Saint-Petersburg)
All motorists should remember that stopping and Parking in places where it is expressly prohibited by the Rules of the road, faces an administrative fine. As we have said, the driver will face penalties not only for violation of requirements of traffic signs “no Stopping” and “Parking is forbidden”, but for a stop or Parking of the vehicle in those places where it is prohibited by other Rules of the road. In particular we remind you that the penalty for violation of stopping and Parking of vehicles on the road depends not only on exactly where you stopped or parked the car.
The fact that on the territory of Russia Federal cities operate their own fines. Thus the authorities are trying to improve the traffic situation in large Russian cities. We are talking about Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the violation of stopping and Parking apply higher administrative fines.
For starters, here is a list of fines, with the most frequent violations of rules of a stop and Parking of vehicles, which operate outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg (article 12.19 of the Cao RF):
- – Violation of rules of stop or Parking of vehicles (a violation of the regulations of signs “no Stopping” and “no Parking”), except for violations of the rules of stopping or Parking on a railway crossing, or near 500 rubles
- – Violation of rules of stop or Parking of vehicles in the area of the sign and markings intended for the Parking of vehicles of disabled persons: 5,000 rubles
- – Stopping or Parking on a pedestrian crossing or within 5 metres in front of him: 1000 rubles
- – Stopping or Parking at bus stop or closer than 15 meters to it: 1000 rubles
- – Stopping and Parking the vehicle in areas designated for Parking of taxi: 1,000 rubles
- – The stop or Parking on tram ways: 1500 rubles
- – Stopping or Parking in a tunnel: 2000 rubles
- – Stopping or Parking in areas that impede traffic: 2000 rubles
The list of penalties for violation of rules of stopping or Parking vehicles (for Moscow and Saint-Petersburg)
As we have said, in accordance with article 12.19 of the administrative code of the Russian Federation in Moscow and St. Petersburg are subject to other penalties for violation of rules of stop and Parking of vehicles on the roadway. Unfortunately, the fines in the cities of Federal significance for violation of stopping and Parking of vehicles is significantly higher than in the whole country. Here is a list of the most common violations in this area:
– Violation of rules of stop or Parking of vehicles (a violation of the regulations of signs “no Stopping” and “no Parking”), except for violations of the rules of stopping or Parking on a railway crossing, or near it: 2500 rubles
Stop at the crosswalk or near it (within 5 metres in front of him): 3000 roubles
– Stopping or Parking at bus stop or closer than 15 meters to it: 3000 rubles
– Stopping and Parking the vehicle in areas designated for Parking of taxi: 3,000 rubles
– The stop or Parking on tram ways: 3000 rubles
– Stopping or Parking in a tunnel: 3000 rubles
– Stopping or Parking in areas that impede traffic: 3,000 rubles
A temporary ban on stopping or Parking in certain places
Also under current law, and traffic regulations of the Russian Federation, local authorities are entitled to temporarily restrict the stopping or Parking of vehicles on certain road segments (e.g., during public events: festivals, meetings, etc.) or road works. To this end, the authorities are required in such areas to place temporary traffic signs, strictly observing the existing Rules of the road. Recall that in SDA there are temporary road signs that look the same as the basic but have a yellow background.
Accordingly, if you violate the injunction of temporary road signs (e.g. “Stop Smoking” or “no Parking”), you can be held to the same measure of responsibility which is provided for the violation of the basic traffic signs.
For which vehicles does not have signs “no Stopping” and “Parking is forbidden”?
In some cases road signs “Stop Smoking” and “no Parking” are not valid for some vehicles. That is, the law makes for some categories of vehicles the exception.
So, according to the Rules of the road the sign “Stopping is prohibited” does not apply to the following categories of vehicles that stop in the area of markup of 1.17 and (or) road signs 5.16, 5.17, 5.18:
– Route vehicle
Cars taxi
With regards to the road sign “Parking prohibited”, it does not apply to the following category of vehicles:
– Cars operated by disabled persons of groups 1 and 2, and cars driven in the usual drivers transporting people with disabilities 1 and 2 groups and disabled children
– Cars taxi, a taximeter (counter)
– Cars of Mail of Russia, on the back of which is coated with a white diagonal stripe on a blue background
The zone of road signs “Stop Smoking” and “no Parking”
Most of the questions, of course, causes the area of application of traffic signs. First and foremost, many drivers are often confused, as are road signs “no Stopping” and “Parking.” These are the DPS who like to watch drivers in a variety of “traps” where inattentive drivers often make mistakes in the interpretation of the traffic situation. For example, because of the complexity of the interpretation of traffic signs and markings.
Of course, like all road signs, action signs “no Stopping” and “Parking is forbidden”, has its own characteristics, which must know each driver, not to fly on a penalty somewhere on an unfamiliar road. So, here is a comprehensive list of specific effects of the traffic signs “no Stopping” and “Parking.”
The area of the sign “Stop Smoking”
- Road sign “Stop prohibited” acts from the scene of the stop to the nearest intersection
- – If a traffic sign installed in the village and in the absence of intersections on the road, the road sign “Stop prohibited” is valid until the end of the settlement
- – Prohibition of stopping of vehicles is valid only on the side of the road, which is directly installed road sign
- Road sign “Stop Smoking” information sign 8.2.2 (indicating coverage of the ban on the stop) works to re-sign “Stop Smoking” information sign with 8.2.3
That is, after information plates 8.2.3 stopping the car have been resolved.
- – Also according to traffic the prohibited area stop in addition to the road sign “Stop prohibited” may be indicated by the yellow markings 1.4 SDA RF.
- – A sign “Stop prohibited” shall cease to have effect after the sign “End of all restrictions” (mark 3.31 SDA RF)
The area of the sign “no Parking”
- Road sign “no Parking” is valid from the place of stay to the nearest intersection
- – If a traffic sign installed in the village and in the absence of intersections on the road, the road sign “Parking is forbidden”, valid until the end of the settlement
- – Prohibition of stopping of vehicles is valid only on the side of the road, which is directly installed road sign
- Road sign “no Parking” label 8.2.2 (indicating coverage of the ban on the stop) works to re sign “no Parking” label 8.2.3
That is, after information plates 8.2.3 car Parking already permitted.
- – Also according to traffic the prohibited area stop in addition to the road sign “Parking prohibited” may be indicated by the yellow markings 1.10 traffic regulations of the Russian Federation.
- – The sign “no Parking” shall cease to have effect after the sign “End of all restrictions” (mark 3.31 SDA RF)
Can I stay under the sign “Stop Smoking” and Park the car for more than 5 minutes under a sign “Parking is forbidden”?
In exceptional cases, drivers under the current legislation is allowed to deviate from the instructions of traffic signs “no Stopping” and “Parking.” For example, if the driver wasn’t feeling well, which may pose a risk for the passengers and all road users. Including Rules of the road are allowed to stop the car under the prohibitory signs, if the vehicle is out of order and is a danger to traffic.
In these cases, the driver must stop before the turn on the alarm system. Also at the stop, where there are prohibiting signs, you need to install the warning triangle to warn other drivers of an obstacle on the road, so they have time to reduce speed and change lanes of movement. However, the driver of the car who stopped in the area of signs “no Stopping” and “no Parking”, at the first opportunity, shall move the car to the road section that is not subject to the prohibition signs.