Sign “Spikes” cancelled: Explanation
Medvedev canceled the sign “Thorns” and has made changes in the order of registration of road accident.
Finally, the Russian Government has made changes to paragraph 8 of “Basic regulations” rules of the road, which fixed the obligation of drivers to stick to the vehicles equipped with winter tires with spikes sign “W” (Spikes). Also Dmitry Medvedev has signed a number of amendments to existing legislation regulating the order of registration of accidents.
Now, according to the amendments exclude the obligation of drivers to install identification sign “Spikes” on vehicles equipped with studded tires.
We will remind that last year on 24 March the Government of the Russian Federation approved Resolution No. 333, which contributed to the list of malfunctions and conditions under which prohibited operation of vehicles paragraph 7.151 prohibiting car use in the absence of a car with studded tires sticker “sh” (Spikes).
In the end, last winter, the traffic police authorities have begun to penalize drivers for driving with studded tires in the absence of sign Spikes. But this spring, the interior Ministry has drafted a bill abolishing the mandatory presence on the machine this sign.
The fact is that according to the interior Ministry sign “Thorns” has lost its relevance due to the fact that at the present time, the dynamic characteristics of traffic in large extent determined by other factors.
So, we will remind that on conditions of motion of modern transport are mostly affected by electronic security systems and driver assistance, vehicle design and many other modern technologies.
As a result, the installation of the sign “Thorns” on a modern car does not allow other traffic participants clearly judged on the likely nature of their movement, as the movement of the car and its inhibition interfering with various electronic systems.
This is especially true of road surface in winter.
Unfortunately, this bill is MIA for a long time lay in the Government that only 24 November 2018 reached out to him, repealing Decree No. 1414 sign “Spikes”.
But this decree introduces changes not only in the main paragraph on the admission of vehicles to operation and duties of officials to ensure road safety, relating to the sticker “sh”.
So, Resolution No. 1414 of 24.11.2018 of the year to make changes to several other rules of the road.
In particular, changes are made in paragraph 2.6.1 SDA RF. Now here’s how will look like this paragraph:
2.6.1. If as a result of road accident harm is caused only to property, the driver involved in him, is obliged to release the roadway, if the movement of other vehicles creates an obstacle, the pre-fixing in any way possible, including by means of photography or video, the position of vehicles relative to each other and the road infrastructure, traces and the subjects concerning incident, and damage to vehicles.
The drivers involved in this fatal accident, are not required to report the incident to the police and unable to leave a place dorozhno-transport incident, if in accordance with the laws on compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners documents about dorozhno-transport incident can be carried out without the participation of authorized police officers.
If, in accordance with the laws on compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners documents about dorozhno-transport incident can’t be executed without the participation of authorized police officers, the driver involved in him, is obliged to record the names and addresses of witnesses and report the incident to the police for instructions of the police officer to the place of registration of road accidents.
In addition, the Decree clarifies the concept of “pedestrian.” Now pedestrians are equated person traveling in a wheelchair, driven by the engine.
Well, finally sign a Disabled person can glue the disabled of the III group, and also owners of vehicles carrying such persons with disabilities and (or) children with disabilities. As a result, now for the disabled of group III 3.28 action of signs (“no Parking”), 3.29 (“Parking prohibited on odd days of the month”) and 3.30 (the”Parking prohibited on even days of the month”) will not be distributed.
By the way, this decision also introduces not the above-mentioned road signs for taxis with a taximeter and is included for vehicles vehicles of the postal service.
3.28 – 3.30 – on vehicles driven by persons with disabilities transporting persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, if the specified vehicle-mounted identification mark “Disabled person” and also to vehicles organizations Federal mail service having on a lateral surface a white diagonal stripe on a blue background, and in a taxi with taximeter included