Services carpooling fail under taxes
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Began discussions on taxation of services ridesharing
Excerpt from Wikipedia: “BlaBlaCar is the world’s largest international online service search automotive travel. The service was founded in 2006 by Frenchman Frederic Mazzella”. “According to 2017, BlaBlaCar operates in 22 countries and has 50 million users. Basically the service works for intercity travel, and travel costs are divided proportionally among all participants of the trip”. From 2017, the service has been supplemented by the possibility of joint trips to the city for short distances. The conditions are the same. The Russian market is the most famous service for fellow travellers went in 2014.
Since the service is really enjoyed by millions of people around the world, including in Russia, formed a kind of active market participants who want to travel cheaply and comfortably. Surprisingly, Russia has become one of the leading countries in terms of add participants. Less than a year, the service has acquired more than 1 million participants.
The essence of ridesharing:
Driver at special sites services fills in the form and puts an announcement about the planned trip.
Passengers on these sites are looking for offers, contact the driver and if both are satisfied with the details, meet.
Travel together go on a certain route.
The driver saves on fuel, passengers get a comfortable ride by car.
Now, the Moscow Department of transport, apparently, counting what in this service the money, decided that taxation should take place, because the service, though, and does not involve earnings, the driver and other participants of carpooling (so “scientifically” called this service), but on their own services, so they can be monetized for the state. In the end, itself a French company, and like her smaller services (Yandex.Cars BeepCar, and other) money to get this. And that’s not fair, you know.
The bill, according to the newspaper “Kommersant”, it is proposed to accept joint travel ridesharing (not to be confused with car-sharing) service at the legislative level, and with them, as you know, taxes must be paid to the Treasury. Interestingly, the solution to this issue was convened by the ad hoc working group on the initiative of Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov. So the issue is solved at a high level, and believe me, it will solve one hundred percent.
“It is proposed to oblige passengers to pay for services only in cashless form through the platform of Internet-aggregator – BlaBlaCar and others like him– that should facilitate tax control”, – quotes the words of Alexei Safronov, expert of the Analytical center for the government edition.
In addition, the working group addressed issues of requirements for companies organizing trips, their liability for violations and control of such services by the Supervisory authorities. Also discussed was the legislative definition of carpooling, legal protection and insurance of drivers and passengers, elimination of unfair competition in the transport market.
It should be noted that during the discussions touched on the opposite of the theme, which includes the need to see the calculations passengers with drivers from taxation. It is, of course, supported services riddering, Ministry of economic development and the Union of passengers who took part in the discussion. One of the arguments was that the price you get from the drivers travel less than the cost of fuel, and therefore taxes it cannot be taxed.
Do you use the services of carpooling?