Reconstruction on the toll road M-4 “don” will conclude in 2021

Reconstruction on the toll road M-4

Road builders continue works on the road section which passes through the territory of Tula region.

Russian toll roads are under trust management of the state company “Avtodor”. One of them is still highway M-4 “don”, familiar to those motorists who choose to travel to black sea resorts in their cars. From this road there are a few problem areas. One of them is the so-called “Apple hill”: this area is now rekonstruiruet.

Reconstruction on the toll road M-4

Its name he received because of the fact it is running through hilly terrain and, in fact, is a series of sharp descents and steep climbs. Cut slopes were designed and built in 60-ies of the last century according to the norms of the third category. Now he can not cope with the load, as the traffic has increased significantly. Now in the summer months here in passing average of around 70 thousand vehicles per day.

The reconstructed sections of the route are held in the Tula region 211 through 218-th km and from 222 to 225 km in the direction of Moscow towards the South. According to “Avtodor”, these trails are now “in a high degree of readiness”. Work began in late 2018, the main stage has been held in 2019-th, the final stage is scheduled for the third quarter of 2020.

Reconstruction on the toll road M-4

The road to the site opposite direction, from South to Moscow, from 275 to 287-th km will wider, now here are the preparatory work. In may of this year it will be allowed on a temporary basis.

During the reconstruction in “Tula the hills” will also be new bridges and overpasses that will withstand the actual load. In addition, the contractor will equip the crossing of roads at different levels. So another section of the highway M-4 “don” will be a modern and high-speed. According to the calculations of Avtodor, all work will be completed next year.

Reconstruction on the toll road M-4

All road works are without restraint existing traffic flow. So, in the preparatory stage, the road widens from one side to four lanes (now two of them), let them traffic flow. Then dorozhniki have already started to work on the reconstruction on a traffic-free stretch of road.

We have previously reported on other problem areas of the highway M-4 “don”: the overpass at 1346-kilometer toll road (in the area of the settlement Tugurgoy of the Republic of Adygea). Work will be completed by the end of 2020, but some machines are planning to start to put on the upgraded highway at the beginning of the upcoming holiday season.