One of the ways to get rid of scratches under the door handles of the car
Here’s how to remove scratches from under the door handles of the car.
Where do you think first scratches on the car body? Of course, in those places where it is most often exposed to the outside. For example, the most whimsical place in any car are the door handles, which is very quickly formed scratches. Unfortunately, this affects all cars. But is it possible without much hassle to get rid of these defects? Of course. There is a great life skill.
Certainly, buying a car, you thought that the paint of the body is stronger than women’s nail Polish. But when you after a short time began to notice small scratches on your new car, disappointed in modern cars. However, do not rush to give up, because everything can be fixed. Especially fine scratches.
Here is a video that will help you to know simple way how to remove scratches from under the door handles of the car.
Be sure to view the video before proceeding to the polishing scratches on the door handles. Be careful with plastic handles that are easy to damage.
Including be careful with any chemicals and improvised means during polishing of the doors. Also keep in mind that this method is great for removing only shallow scratches from the handles of the car. If the car body has deeper scratches, you need to consult experts for complex repairs. In this case, most likely to remove deep scratches from door handles and from beneath them, will not only clean the surface of the body, but also to carry out painting work.
How to remove scratches from the door handles of the car?
So, before you start removing scratches from door handles, it is necessary to carefully wash the car by getting rid of dirt and sand.
During washing, it is desirable to use a special car shampoo. Also pay attention to door handles that are in front of the works must be perfectly cleaned and degreased.
To do this, use a small brush to remove dirt and dust from all hard to reach places.
We advise you to wash the door handles twice.
Don’t forget to dry the wet body (including the handle). For example, with this task perfectly cope microfiber cloth and towel. In particular, if you have the opportunity, blow out the door handles with air, to remove moisture that may have fallen into the cracks of the handle.
Further, as the author explains videolight, close the car, to lock the door handle, with which you are going to remove the scratches. Also, in order for the handle did not move, insert into the slot a plastic card, which will block it and will not interfere with the polishing space under the door handle.
Then take a tool for polishing paint coating and apply it on a rag from microfiber. Then start polishing in the space under the handle. Note that the polishing of the upper space will be heavier than the bottom, due to natural disturbances.
To check the quality of polishing, always use a bright led flashlight.
Please note that once the scratches have disappeared from under the handle, repeat the polishing process again. Yes, it’s hard, but you need to more thoroughly Polish the surface, which is located under the door handle of the car.
At the end of the video the author shows another autolithic from which you will learn how to protect the space under the door handles of the car, with a back protective film.