The man got hit by a bus, got up and went to the bar

The pedestrian miraculously survived, and stood as if nothing had happened went to the bar.

The man got hit by a bus, got up and went to the bar

This man fell under the bus, went to the bar after he was hit by a heavy two-story bus at a decent speed. This is not a joke and not a staged video. It happened really. We offer you to watch the video.

In the video you can see how a double-Decker bus out of control and hits a person walking on the road. In the end, after the strong impact the pedestrian flying away to the side gets on his feet and walks into a bar.

This man is 53 years old. The accident happened in reading, England. The amazing thing is that somehow the pedestrian was not injured, and after a strong blow continued on his way to the bar.