How to lose weight without the stress and damage to health – 23 effective Board
23 the most important tip for summer: resettable winter fat
There are numerous tips on how to throw extra pounds. Most of them involve diet, which means limiting the consumption of certain products. The second important point – the necessity of physical exercise for burning calories, which people managed to “eat”.
However, ideally I would like to lose weight without strict dietary restrictions, not to punish yourself with deprivation. Below are the advice of experts in health and fitness is nutritionists, personal trainers, spoke about how to get rid of excess weight, not exhausting the body with hunger and keeping good mood.
1. Do not conduct detoxification
Numerous means to remove toxins can harm the health. Should be wary of drugs that promote weight loss the result weekly or monthly detoxification – cleansing the intestines. Manufacturers are promoting such “cleaners”, they sell them to people, suggesting that they will help you be healthier, slimmer, happier and more attractive.
Experts say that the best cleansing of the body — balanced diet. To unknown drugs should always be skeptical and carefully examine their impact on the body.
2. Do not put the products in the category of taboo
When a food is forbidden it becomes more attractive. And if we cross the threshold of the prohibition, then, as a rule, eat every last crumb — like, still diet is broken, to walk so to walk! Instead, you need to allow yourself to receive pleasure from food. Here it is necessary to ensure that the enjoyment from food consciously — it is important to really want to eat a muffin or chocolate, do not translate the food in the plane of the mindless consumption of products.
3. At least one meal should be healthy
Often people want to change everything at once, but not all succeed. You need to ask yourself — which meal is more important and what would happen if it change something. And we should start with him.
Breakfast is usually easier to rebuild, as most people miss it or don’t eat very healthy food. The easiest way to change the situation is to make sure that there is a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This is a pair of chicken eggs, fruit, or some roast potatoes.
4. In training less means more
Should not be in an emergency mode to increase the number of visits to sports halls — for starters, you need to enter a normal workout schedule and try to abide by it. First enough for two workouts per week. After 3-4 weeks in this mode you can increase the number of visits to three. In the same way exercise increase to four and even to five. The result, a man is gradually drawn into sport mode, showing a steady progress.
5. Cook at home
When cooking home need to use more fresh foods — they are more nutritious, contain fewer calories than cooked in restaurants and cafes. You should also learn to cook a La carte dishes — they are easy to assemble in a delicious, wholesome nourishing complex, from the use which the person receives a real pleasure.
6. Do not make training mandatory, put them in priority
Workout in the gym or on the home trainer, should be at the top of the list of daily chores. But we should not get hung up on enforcement of this paragraph — more or less free relationship helps casual sports, from which one receives not only benefits but also pleasure.
7. Tie breaks with snacks
Many people like to take a break from work, eating. But it’s not done from a desire to satisfy hunger, but because we need to move away from the computer Desk. Instead of eating when not feeling hungry, drink a glass of water, chat with a colleague. So relieves fatigue, stress, is given attention from a snack, which is really not needed.
8. Watch carefully what you eat and why
Start with learning what are the benefits of snacking:
• it distracts from everyday Affairs;
• relieves stress;
• gives pleasure;
• eliminates the fear of hunger.
If food intake is not associated with hunger, and the snack consists of nutritious products, it is better to abandon it. This will prevent unnecessary calories, will help the body to return to a state where food taken to stave off hunger.
Start by setting one meal a day. Ideally, it is possible to try to miss, but if it becomes torture for the body, try to make the meal more useful — change from fast food or foods loaded with sugar energy bar, fresh fruit, nuts or other useful products.
9. Make water your favourite drink
Replace one sugary drink (soda, juice, sweetened coffee drinks) with water. To enhance the taste, add fruit or savory flavor. Gradually accustom the body to drink more water and less sugary drinks. To make a substitution until the water is completely replacing soda, juices, sweet coffee and tea. The result is a bonus – stable to digestion and good health.
10. Do strength training
Cardio training is often used to burn off the extra calories, but strength exercises help to build muscle mass. This type of load, speeds up metabolism, activates the ability to burn calories. If you need real results, be sure to include some strength training on a monthly schedule sports.
11. Chat with people who are obsessed with achieving the goal
Be brave and join the community of people with similar goals and then achieve them together! When surrounded by no-one who stimulates to achieve goals that are easy to hide, to keep secret and soon happily to be forgotten.
But if there is a team of people who want the same as you, it inspires and allows you to drop the case halfway.
12. Pay attention to portion size — consider how much you eat
Most of us don’t know how many we eat during the day and how our food is high in calories. The result – you eat more than you want or expected. For the analysis of diet need to calculate the amount of food eaten. But this should not develop into a system of constant counting calories is tiring and injected into the gloom. Guide counting for a day or two to understand how much actually gets eaten during the day.
For example, people think that eat a tablespoon of peanut butter, and it turns out that the two. Measurement of servings gives you the understanding of how actually looks 1/2 bowls of oatmeal or 100 g of beef, and it becomes obvious how undervalued the volume of food consumed.
13. Buy sports equipment
Buying sneakers, track suit, t-shirt or velocipedes – trivial way of motivation to exercise. But it still works.
14. Create a morning ritual of preparation for a healthy day
The beginning of the day plays a crucial role in achieving success in the fight against excess weight. So you should spend time developing and implementing a morning ritual that will help to make the right, healthy choices throughout the day. You should put in priority a balanced diet and exercise.
To the observance of a healthy daily “ritual” should be allocated 15 minutes in the morning. This will help to improve health, to prepare for the implementation of the correct actions. Drink a Cup of warm ginger tea, take a 5-minute warm-up, breathing exercises. If you need to focus more on the subconscious, mental motivation, take a few minutes to read passages from inspirational books.
15. Eat green vegetables 3 times a day
They are low calorie, contain a lot of fiber and other nutrients. This is an effective way of increasing the volume of food that will help to banish hunger and be satisfied. The cells get the nutrients needed to function properly.
16. Add in the diet of plant products which have undergone minimal processing
Vegetables, beans, fruits, whole grains saturate the body beneficial trace elements, satisfy your hunger, improve health. This is a great analogy less useful products. Try to enter these products to your daily routine — take the right, healthy decision.
17. Complicate the process of getting sweets and other harmful power
The availability of junk food makes it more attractive. Solution may be to substitute in the area of food of comfort of snacks, sweets and baking healthy food — they just need to make a more convenient and accessible. And this will help discipline and strict adherence to the diet.
18. Do not put ephemeral goal, guided by the real result
Not only need to dream about how I want to look — take real steps towards achieving the goal. To see the result, get a training diary, write in it is made of exercises and number of sets and reps. Every week your weight is the best motivator for achieving goals is not found.
19. Eat more fat
It sounds illogical, but trying to lose weight, many people make the mistake of sitting on a strict diet. The result is a constant feeling of hunger, irritability, a high probability of returning to usual diet.
Supplementing the diet with healthy fats promotes a feeling of satiety, to prevent eating simple carbohydrates and sugar, and also helps to stick to a proper diet.
20. Competent training regime
Find a coach who can adapt the sport to the rhythm of life. This will ensure a harmonious integration of exercise in your daily schedule. Elaborate system get rid of injuries, mistakes and disappointments will accelerate the achievement of results.
21. Focus on healthy food
Diet does not mean abandoning fun get-togethers with friends, parties with colleagues. Do not dwell on not eating — focus on healthy cuisine, it is always present at any table.
22. Forget about the word “perfection”
Attempts to achieve the ideal often end in failure, leading to frustration, returning to the point from which began the struggle for healthy weight. The best solution would be step-by-step achievement of results with error analysis, their awareness and acceptance. The ability to quickly make adjustments will help to avoid deadlock and to reach the purpose faster.
23. Ask yourself, would a diet or healthy eating plan inner satisfaction
If the answer is no, you should look for other ways of solving this problem. When the diet is a burden, it is likely that you will soon throw a healthy diet. You should not strain the body, believing that this is a temporary phenomenon that will end soon. A balanced mode of food intake is not a period of time, and the system is harmoniously integrated into everyday life.
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