How to distill water
Here’s how you can distill water at home.
If you’re afraid that you buy in the store fake the distilled water I bought, for example, in order to dilute the antifreeze concentrate, or to fill in the battery, that is a great way to play roulette in search of high-quality water in the distribution network, and to do it yourself. Yes, you heard right, any of you can do it at home. How? Now tell.
Also, this method of obtaining distilled water is suitable for those who do not want to drink water from the tap, spending money on questionable water filters or every day to buy water at the store. However, over the use of distilled water has long been much debate about its harm to the body. And although science is nothing explicit about distilled water not said, is still not recommended to use it as a drink. Another thing, when distilled water you will use in your car.
Why to dilute the antifreeze or to add in the battery use distilled water?
The thing is that unlike ordinary water distilled water has in its composition of various chemical substances: salts, carbons, minerals, gases, etc. All these impurities in contact with, for example, in the engine cooling system can adversely affect it, forming corrosion.
With regards to the battery, then adding plain water from the tap, you will quickly destroy even new battery.
So the battery add only distilled water to prepare an adequate electrolyte.
So how do you at home in the kitchen to make their own distilled water? In fact, the process is pretty simple. You do not need special laboratory equipment, with which distilled water is produced on an industrial scale.
Water distillation will remove bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, radionuclides, organic substances, inorganic substances and particles of salt, minerals, toxins. In fact, after distillation, the water will be perfectly clean.
By the way, the distillation is literally the natural method, which we can see in nature. So, the sun heats water on earth’s surface, the water turns to steam (evaporation process). The vapor rises, leaving contaminants water substances below. The net so formed clouds representing water in the gaseous state. But as the upper atmosphere lowers the temperature of the air, water vapor also cools, turning back into the water. That is, water droplets are formed that fall to earth (rain). In the end, the cycle repeats again and again.
For distilled water you can use a variety of methods. Basically to distill water you need to boil to produce steam. In the end, all the pollutants contained in the water remain in the tank, and purified water go into a gaseous state (steam).
The fact is that contaminants contained in water have a higher boiling point than water (H2O).
Once the water has evaporated completely, to produce distilled water from steam we need to cool it to condense back into water. So, as you can see, for pure water one boiling is not enough. You also have to turn steam back into water.
Now let’s proceed directly to the preparation of distilled water at home.
Here’s what you should do:
Step 1: Materials
You will need:
Pot with lid. Cover one side must be concave inward. That is, a dome cover for cooking pot. This niche is on the reverse side of the cover will serve as a receptacle for ice.
Ice. As you have already understood, we will also need the ice. The amount varies depending on ambient temperature and amount of water required for the distillation in the distillate.
So if you want to prepare plenty of distilled water, prepare a large pot and lots of ice. In this case, the distillation process will take more time.
Glass bowl. It is needed in order to immerse it in a pan so that it sank to the bottom, and floated in plain water, collecting the condensation that will be produced by vapor cooling with ice.
Step 2: Filling and heating
Fill the pot with much more water than you want to distill. Put to boil water on medium heat.
Step 3: Place the bowl on top of the water in the pan and close the reverse cover.
Now it’s time to put the glass bowl into the pan on top of the water. And this must be done so that the bowl doesn’t sink, and boiling water does not leak into the bowl. Also make sure that the bowl can be put in yourself enough water before diving into the water.
Next, take the lid with curved back surface and install it upside down.
Step 4: Ice
Installing a lid on the pot, place ice on it. How to use ice, depends on how large cover. As long as the water from melted ice is not trapped inside of the pan. So you have to follow the process of melting of ice and to pour out accumulated water.
Ice is used to cool the distillate and to improve condensation. Yes, of course, you can distill water without the use of ice, but in this case, distillation would need more time.
Step 5: Formation of condensation
If you slightly lift the lid off the saucepan when the water boils, you will see under the cover of small droplets of water forming and falling in a glass bowl, floating on the surface of the water. In fact, we have created a mini-ecosystem of the water cycle in nature.
Step 6: Storage of distilled water
Watch out for the glass bowl. As long as it is not immersed in water under the weight accumulated in her distilled water. Otherwise the whole process will go down the drain.
Once in the bowl will be enough distilled water, remove the bowl from the pan and pour the water into a clean bottle or glass.
All. Distilled water is ready. Now it can be used to dilute the antifreeze concentrate, for the preparation of the electrolyte of the battery and even for drinking.