Here’s how to change the rules of conducting exams in the traffic police
The traffic police plans to change the rules for obtaining a driver’s license.
The interior Ministry has developed a draft law changing the procedure for admission of citizens to management of the vehicle. According to the developed amendments would complicate the procedure of taking exams in the traffic police, canceling the test of initial skills of driving (the so-called “platform”).
We will remind that today under the current rules governing the classification of examinations in traffic police for a driving license candidates for drivers after training at the driving school first pass the theory test, then practical test on a closed platform (as a rule, is carried out on site traffic), and then the cadet of a driving school together with the inspector of the state traffic Inspectorate goes to the city to test the practical driving skills on public roads, where the traffic police control not only the driving skills, but also adherence to the candidates the Rules of the road.
If the amendments are adopted, then soon for students to manage some categories of vehicles will be cancelled practical tests on the court. According to the Ministry proposal, it is planned to combine part of exercises with which previously tested the driving skills on the court, with the practical exam in the city.
That is, the interior offers instead of three exams for the right to make two.
By the way, the Ministry of the interior also proposes to delete “platform” of programs of training in driving schools, which are now required to include in their programs the training for the exams on-site (pier, check in the garage, Parking, maneuvering in tight spaces, etc.).
Including extensive changes in the order of reception of examinations in traffic police for a driving license affect the number of other rules. Thus, it is proposed to slightly change the time frame to retake the exams in case of unsuccessful attempts. More about this below. So, we conducted a thorough analysis of the proposed interior changes to the routine examination to obtain rights and, as always, answered all questions, which may arise from the drivers after this document is approved and will come into force (proposed to amend regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 24 October 2014 n 1097 “On the admission to management of vehicles”).
Does that cancel the pad in the traffic police do not test the initial skills of driving?
No, according to the bill of the interior Ministry, changing the rules of admission examinations in the Russian Federation Government decree No. 1097 from 24.10.2014 year it is proposed to make the following changes:
Paragraph 6 of the Federal law “On the admission to management of vehicles” as follows:
At present paragraph 6 as follows:
As you can see, the interior Ministry decided to combine two practical exams in one that, of course, on the one hand happy because it will save time candidates drivers, but on the other hand, will lead to an inevitable complication of procedure of reception of practical skills of driving.
In some cases, and pass examinations in traffic police for a driver’s license?
Under the bill slightly changes the order of exams to obtain a driving license, depending on the category and subcategory, and in the case of retraining the driver to another category or subcategory.
That’s what the order of the exams for different categories:
theoretical exam and practical exam in the category “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “M”, “BE”, “CE” and “DE” and subcategories “A1”, “B1”, “C1”, “D1”, “C1E” and “D1E”.
For the persons having the right to drive a vehicle of category “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “M”, “BE”, “CE” and “DE” and subcategories “A1”, “B1”, “C1”, “D1”, “C1E” and “D1E” with automatic transmission and mastered a program of advanced training of drivers of vehicles appropriate category or subcategory with automatic transmission, and for persons entitled to drive a vehicle of the specified categories or subcategories with automatic transmission after the development of training programmes or retraining of drivers of vehicles of the relevant categories or subcategories with a manual transmission and the exams according to his will in a vehicle with an automatic transmission, is only a practical test (on the vehicle of the corresponding category or subcategory with a manual transmission).
Will there be a mandatory audio and video recording of examinations in GAI?
Yes, according to proposed amendments in the order of reception of examinations in traffic police, it is planned to make the process of taking the theoretical exam and validation of skills of driving in the city more transparent by requiring the traffic police authorities to record the procedure of the examination using audio and video recording.
What are the dates of retake exams in the traffic police since the new rules took effect?
In addition to the pooling of the exam on the initial skills of driving exams in the city, the interior Ministry propose to change the term retake exams, if drivers failed the test.
Thus, in particular, it is planned to establish, that re-retake the theoretical exam should be carried out not earlier than 7 days but not later than 30 days.
Re-practical exam in case of entering of the bill into force will be carried out not earlier than 7 days but not later than 60 days from the date of the last failed attempt.
How long will be valid the successful results of the theoretical exam for admission to the examination in the city?
Under the proposed amendments, the deadline will remain the same. That is 6 months.
However, for candidates for drivers who do not pass one of the tests with the third and subsequent attempts, re-examination will be conducted no earlier than 1 month and not later than 3 months from the date of the previous exam.
If the candidate drivers do not appear at the appointed day for the exam, the timing of the re-exam will be calculated from the date of submission of the candidate in drivers in traffic.
At what age can obtain a driver’s license under the new rules?
Under the bill, the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation after the entry of a new order of the admission of drivers to management of vehicles to commence driving training for a subcategory A1 or moped (Category “M”) requires that the candidate drivers were at least 15 years.
To start learning to drive car or truck, the future driver must be 16 years of age. To start learning at the driving school on a category “A” (motorcycle) candidate drivers must be at least 17 years. For learning on the bus is the future driver must be at least 20 years.
Can training driving to go on the motorway?
Yes, the Ministry of internal Affairs plans to repeal the current at the moment the ban on teaching driving on motorways. According to the interior Ministry at the moment, roads in Russia is rather developed, which led to the fact that the existing road network according to its characteristics practically ceased to differ from the motorways.
For drivers which categories will still have to pass exams on the Playground?
It should be noted that the exam at the site are canceled not for all categories of vehicles. Thus, according to the new rules of reception of examinations in traffic police practical test of driving skills on closed track will be future drivers of vehicles of categories “M” and subcategories “A1” and “B1”.
Where to get the right candidate drivers temporarily residing or temporarily staying on the territory of Russia?
Recall that currently the drivers are temporarily residing or temporarily staying on the territory of our country can pass the exams and get right, and to exchange their foreign driving licence only within the limits of the subject of the Russian Federation, where they officially reside temporarily (temporary registration at the place of stay or residence).
The new rules considerably simplify for temporarily living and temporarily staying obtaining a Russian driver’s license, allowing them to apply for a driver’s license at any division of traffic police in the country.
When will start to operate new rules for admission exams?
Under the bill the new rules should enter into force on the expiry of 6 months from the date of their official publication. So the document will come into force for at least a year, given that the bill will fall.
Read more about other proposed changes in the procedure of reception of examinations in traffic police and the licensing you can read on a single portal of legal acts, where currently the bill is a public discussion.