From 21 December 2018, introduced new rules for pre-trip inspections
New order pre-trip inspection of technical condition of vehicles from December 21, 2018
The Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation once again approved the order of organization and carrying out pretrip control of technical condition of vehicles, introducing a new concept: “predominant control.” Recall that a similar order on amending the regulation on the procedure of organization and conduct of pre-trip or pre-shift inspection of the technical condition of vehicles was introduced a year ago, we published material: the New order pre-trip inspection of vehicles
The new order introduces some changes in the organisation of carrying out pretrip control of carriers of goods and passengers, also introduces the new concept of “pre-shift” the control of the vehicle facing the line.
And so, to answer some questions that may arise from carriers regarding the application of the updated version of the order. It is useful to learn about the innovations not only for drivers of large commercial vehicles, but the taxi companies and individual entrepreneurs working in this sphere, because the order applies including them.
Who needs to conduct pre-trip and pre-shift control? The list includes individual entrepreneurs?
According to the order of, a specified list of persons who have to carry out control, namely the document specifies a comprehensive list of these organizations:
This procedure is obligatory for legal entities and individual entrepreneursengaged in the carriage of passengers and cargo.
Under what conditions control is required to conduct?
The control is carried out for all persons engaged in transportation of passengers or goods on the basis of the contract of carriage (for commercial shipments) or contract of affreightment.
If the vehicle is used for personal needs, the new arrangement applies to them?
Including, importantly, the document applies to persons engaged in the transportation of cargo or passengers (besides the driver) without concluding such contracts. That is using the vehicle for transportation for their own needs with setting a mandatory mark in the waybill.
What is the difference between “pre-trip” and “pre-shift” control?
The order clearly differentiates between these two concepts, because:
Pretrip control of technical condition of vehicles is carried out prior to the flight, if during one shift (working day) is only one flight or the travel time exceeds the duration of the shift (working day) the driver of the vehicle.
Pre-shift inspection of technical condition of vehicles is carried out prior to the change, if during the shift (working day) the driver of the vehicle performs more than one flight.
When and where should be carried out pre-trip or pre-shift control?
Pre-trip or pre-shift inspection of technical condition of vehicles is carried out prior to departure of the vehicle from the Parking lot (Parking spaces) intended for the Parking of the vehicle upon return from a trip and the end of the shift the driver of the vehicle.
If motor vehicle drivers work on shifts on a single vehicle control is carried out prior to the flight or shift (working day) the driver of the vehicle who first leaves the Parking lot.
Who can take control of the vehicle? Any mechanic?
Specified in the order and this important detail. Thus, control is exercised by the controller of technical condition of vehicles or supervisor of technical condition of vehicles of city land electric transport.
It is important to note that, as before, the supervisor should meet appropriate training and qualification in accordance with the order of the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation of 28 September 2015 № 287.
What are the technical components and assemblies need to check on cars, buses and trucks under the new order of mechanics?
During the inspection, should be checked:
1) serviceability:
brake system (including a pressure gauge, pneumatic or pneumohydraulic brake actuators, if their installation provides the vehicle structure);
vehicles (except trams);
tires (except trams);
audio signal;
tachograph (if the mandatory installation provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation);
satellite navigation equipment (if the reliability of its installation provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation);
the device (system) call emergency services (if bound by his (her) setup is provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation).
The list is actually much wider, since the obligation to check the condition of elements of the TC include:
the doors of the body or cabins, locks of boards of a cargo platform, a cistern neck locks and stoppers of fuel tanks;
of the fixing device of the seat cushion and driver seat;
the device of the defrosting and demisting of Windows;
trailer hitch and safety cables (chains);
holder spare wheel (except trams);
the clamps of transport position of the supports of the trailers (if available);
H) provided for the construction of the vehicle:
display on the dashboard, indicating a malfunction affecting safety of traffic (checked with engine running);
glass and visibility from the driver’s seat; mirrors and their mountings;
rear protective device antisplash aprons and mudguards;
seat belts (mandatory if their installation is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation) and (or) the head restraints of seats and their performance;
4) performance in the prescribed mode: wiper;
external lighting devices and reflectors;
5) integrity of systems, components and assemblies of the vehicle, including the exhaust system, and additionally installed on the vehicle hydraulic devices;
6) staffing of first-aid kit, fire extinguisher and wheel-stops (trucks and buses);
With a full list of faults can be found in the order of Ministry of transport, starting with parts 7 to 9.
What mark is placed upon successful completion of the pre-trip or pre-shift control?
This question is answered by paragraph 12 of the order, which States that if the control revealed no discrepancies in the waybill shall be marked “technical inspection vehicle complete” and signature, surname and initials of the inspector who performed the inspection, date and time of the meeting.
What if the mark of inspection is not in the directions? Is it possible to release a car like this?
To this question the answer is categorical: “the Release of the vehicle on line without the level of control and the signature of the controller is not allowed”.
According to the current legislation for the departure of the vehicle on line without the pre-trip inspection provides for administrative liability under part 3 of article 12.31.1 of the administrative code “Violation of requirements of safety of transportations of passengers and Luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport” provided heavy fines in the thousands and tens of thousands of rubles.
Finally, we note that, to accommodate the passage of pre-trip and pre-shift control should be a log of the results of technical inspection of vehicles in which shall be recorded:
1) name the make, model of vehicle;
2) state registration plate of the vehicle;
3) a surname, a name, a patronymic (at presence) the driver of the vehicle;
4) surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the inspector who carried out the inspection;
5) the date and time of inspection;
6) the odometer (total mileage) in carrying out the control;
7) mark control;
8) the signature of the inspector who carried out the control.
The journal may be in paper or electronic form.
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