From 1 June 2018 in Moscow region changing the order permitting taxis

Here’s how to change the rules for issuing licenses for passenger transportation by taxi in the Moscow region with 01.06.18.

From 1 June 2018 in Moscow region changing the order permitting taxis 

The Ministry of transport of the Moscow region from June 1, 2018, radically changes the rules for issuing permits for realization of activity on transportation of passengers and Luggage automobile taxi. Since may 31, 2018, to receive a license taxi will not be sufficient to apply a standard set of documents through the portal or suburban MFC and have the car in white.

Now, in order to obtain a permit for taxi transportation in the Moscow region, the Ministry of transport of MO, from 31 may this year, will require the presence of the registration certificate (CCC) mark on the line he installed colour schemes on the territory of the Moscow region, as well as the presence of STS in the column “Special notes” inscription “taxi”.


We will remind that on the territory of the Moscow region with 10.02.2017 year entered into force the law on the introduction of a single color of the taxis that transport in the region. We are talking about a single white color, which should have all the taxi vehicles engaged in passenger transportation by taxi in the suburbs. However, please note that we are not talking about only one color (as, for example, in Moscow, where the adoption of a yellow taxi cars), and a single color. What is it?


Here is a sample of how should look taxi car in the Moscow region:


From 1 June 2018 in Moscow region changing the order permitting taxis


Now, recall that the colors of the taxi, entered on the territory of the municipality last year, is a white body color, reflective strip yellow color of a width of 15 to 25 cm, which is placed along the entire length of the side surfaces of the body. The strip must not be lower than 10 inches from the lower boundary of the side Windows. Including in the framework of a single color taxi cars in Moscow region should have a dark gray strip width of 15 to 25 cm, which should be placed over the entire length of the rapids cars, side doors, and front and rear bumpers.


Plus according to the Federal law “About a taxi” any vehicle engaged in passenger transportation by taxi must have a side band on a side door of the vehicle and identifying the orange lantern is “taxi”.


So now to get a taxi license in the Moscow region, it is not enough to have a car of white color. And all because, it turns out, the Ministry of transport of the Moscow region did not enter the color, and the whole color scheme. Although the Federal law “About a taxi” you will not find any words. Interestingly, employees of the Ministry long been planning how to inflict more obstacles to obtaining a license for taxi cars?

From 1 June 2018 in Moscow region changing the order permitting taxis 

But more was to follow. Now, as we have already briefly noted, to obtain permission for taxi transportation in the Moscow region, starting with 31.05.2018 year, require that all taxis had made changes to the registration certificate (CCC) on compliance adopted in Moscow oblast, single color taxi. So, according to the order of Ministry of transport of MO with 1.06.2018 years to obtain taxi license in the Moscow region it is necessary that in STS on the vehicle in the column “color” it was stated: “white-yellow-grey”. It is also required that in the “special notes” has been specified, the entry “taxi”.


So to those who planned in the near future to obtain a license for a taxi in the Moscow region on cars of white colour, should pass next test is to change the registration on the car body color, and write “taxi” under “special notes”.

Moreover, those who do not know or do not remember, recall that for changes in registration details (color, special notes) it is necessary to register in traffic police, paying the state fee for the issuance of a new certificate of vehicle registration (new STS).


Next, after making the necessary changes to the documents of the vehicle must apply to the Ministry of transport through the Moscow portal of public services or through any MFC in MO.

By the way, permission to taxi in the Moscow region on-former is given at no charge, unlike many regions of Russia, where for the license taxis have long charged the state fee.


But the most interesting still ahead. Not all? What else was invented in the Ministry of transport MO? Now tell.

The innovations associated with changes in the rules for the issuance of permits for passenger transportation taxi in the Moscow region, there is another point that will cause any jittery taxi drivers and owners of taxi companies.


The fact is, that if after making changes in the documents for the car car owner did not receive permission for passenger carriage by taxi in the Moscow region in the next 30 days, the registration will be cancelled (the car will be automatic removed from the register). How about this? Agree, this could come only in Russia. I wonder if the Ministry of transport of MO coordinated with the Moscow region traffic police departments new rules for the passage of the quest called “received a license for a taxi – and you weak?”.

From 1 June 2018 in Moscow region changing the order permitting taxis 

I would like to know on what basis the traffic police will remove the car, not received on time a taxi licence, registration? What document (order) they will be guided?


And what do the taxi driver who, after making changes in registration documents on the car about matching colours, through the fault of MFC or of the Ministry of transport does not receive within 30 days the license of a taxi?


For example, often people are unable to license a taxi in the Moscow region due to various errors in the portal, as well as due to employee error MFC. What to do in such a case the taxi drivers or the owners of taxi companies, if they have to go back to the traffic police Department to waste time, to pay money to restore the registration of the car? Who will compensate the damage?


In addition, questions remain about whether new rules for the issuance of permits for taxi transportation in the Moscow region, which will enter into force on 1 June 2018 under existing Federal legislation (the law on a taxi, the regulation of internal Affairs on registration of vehicles in the traffic police, etc.).


For those who will soon have to get the quest “get a taxi permit in MO” here is a list of the Moscow divisions of traffic police, where you may amend the registration documents (STS) for the next taxi.


  • 18 km a/d Moscow – Nizhny Novgorod
  • REO OGIBDD MU Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia “Balashikha”
  • Khimki, Lavochkina str., 12 A
  • REO OGIBDD UMVD of Russia in the Khimki city
  • Mytishchi, Olimpiysky PR-t, d. 40
  • REO OGIBDD MU Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia “Mytishchi”
  • p. Malakhovka, Kasimov highway, D. 3 And
  • REO OGIBDD MU Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, “Lyubertsy”
  • p-p bol’shiye Vyazemy, Yamskaya str., 1
  • REO OGIBDD MU Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia “Odintsovskoe”
  • was a Prominent, white stone rd., page 5
  • REO OGIBDD UMVD of Russia in Leninsky district

If you have questions about changes to the order of issuing permits to taxi, here you phones division, responsible for licensing taxi. Phones we took from the official website of the Ministry of transport of the Moscow region.


8 (498) 602-01-71 EXT. 53461, 53469, 53460, 53458