Dangerous exile hornets from the car: video

The hornets found a home in the classic American station wagon El Camino

Dangerous exile hornets from the car: video


The exterminator from Ohio whose nickname on his Facebook page sounds like “The Bee Man”, translates – “bee-man”, probably became a web sensation thanks to his recently shot video.


Blood chilling footage shows the process of removing a giant hornets nest from an abandoned Chevrolet El Camino in one of the city of Youngstown. The video went viral, gathering more than 233.000 hits in less than a day after its publication on the page of fighter insects.


The video shows how a fighter of pests and other nuisance comfort of human life, insects are looking to the abandoned car, which with every step becomes not in the usual abandoned old farm, standing on the outskirts, and in physical torture chamber of a sophisticated horror movie. After all, in the front seat there sprawled a giant nest of European hornets. According to Travis Watson, the protagonist of the video – it was the big nest built by the hornets, which he had seen in his life.


It is obvious that “man-bee” was in a special protective suit during the operation to exile, otherwise he might not have lived to upload a video to the Network: