Check your insurance policy number car – 30% chance that it is not in the database
That’s why due to errors in the database CTP drivers will start to receive massive fines.
Well, that was postponed in Moscow again h X (enable cameras to check CTP) for an indefinite period. Now, according to sources in the Russian Union of motor insurers, the nearest planned date of inclusion of the cameras of the traffic police and the MANAGEMENT for review of insurance policies was moved to March. Recall that this is not the first shift of the period inclusion of cameras insurance.
But despite the slippage of the activation chambers and associations of the bases of traffic police and registry of CTP in the near future as an experiment, the inclusion of cameras is inevitable. Now the question is: what will such concern of the authorities about the presence of drivers of insurance policies? Unfortunately, there is reason to believe that everything will be as in the saying: “Wanted as better, and it turned out as always”.
Why not turn the cameras fotovideofiksatsii verification of insurance policies?
So, initially, the project verification of insurance policies on the road online with the help of speed cameras and other traffic violations had to start in September 2018. However, this was only the city of Moscow, which was chosen as a pilot site. Further, the authorities planned to extend the experience of the control of insurance policies for the whole country. But at the very start of project implementation stalled.
Developers are faced with a large number of technical problems. In the end, the launch of the cameras to check insurance policies have repeatedly postponed.
What is the problem? Again, screwed up traffic? Not this time. From the police, surprisingly, everything is fine. All existing databases of vehicles and license plates is fully adapted to work in the new system, verification of insurance policies.
As it turned out, the main reason why not include cameras CTP, became a mess in the database of policies issued in the registry of the Russian Union of insurers. With the integration of a database of traffic police and registry of RSA revealed that the basis of the Russian Union of insurers outright chaos: lack of data on the issued insurance policies, the dubbing of insurance, incorrectly completed number plate information of vehicles, etc.
According to “Kommersant”, from 38 million insurance policies approximately 6 million policies require adjustment. But the worst that does not provide the data policies of many cars. You understand that under this “curve” database startup cameras CTP in Moscow was impossible.
So while RSA will not edit my database, camera, naturally, will not include. But do not hurry to rejoice. Do not forget that in our country pilot projects almost always carry a lot of risks for ordinary citizens. In this example, there are risks millions of drivers.
Why every driver needs to check the database of RSA your insurance policy?
Want to make sure that at the moment in the database of insurance policies the Russian Union of insurers reigns of obscure metaphysics, which does not allow to find in the registry every third insurance policy? Then I suggest you check your insurance policy directly to the official website of RSA. Someone will say: “what’s there to check, last I checked, the policy number, everything is OK”. And that’s just with the base number of insurance policies all right. The problem actually appears when checking the insurance policy on the license plate of the car.
How to check the insurance policy on the vehicle’s license plate or VIN number?
Recall that on the website of the Russian Union of motor insurers anyone can check out your insurance policy and the policy of any car on the state license plate or VIN number. To do this you must go at:
Next, enter in the appropriate field and state license plate number vehicle VIN number. Also in this form there is a search by chassis number. Then select below, the date on which you make the request (the date on which you want to check the effect of the policy CTP). Please note that if you want to check the insurance policy purchased through a unified system of buying an e-policy, E-insurance, the system policy will have only a few days from the date of purchase of electronic insurance policy.
Entering the required information, click the checkbox beside the “I robot”, to ensure that the website security system made sure that the request is not a robot. After confirmation of the security code, click “Search”.
After checking the data entered about the vehicle you should obtain information about the number of CTP insurance policy in force on the date specified in the search form on the insurer that issued the policy and do you offer insurance with the limit (is there a limit for the tolerance of drivers).
Try to check your policy. We did this after a little experiment over the weekend near a big shopping center in Moscow, driving in search approaching cars. Imagine our surprise when a database of RSA could not find the license plate information on the insurance policy of each third driver. But that’s not all. We also struck an online registry of all vehicles approaching TC cars taxi. In the end, the base is not found a single car!!!
So, apparently, the database of RSA is in a more deplorable conditionthan we had anticipated before beginning our experiment.
Yes, of course, by the time the cameras CTP on the roads of Moscow the Russian Union of motor insurers is likely to tweak the database, making necessary adjustments. But, unfortunately, from the human factor no one is immune. In any case, Moscow drivers will face problems with verification of insurance policy in the basis of PCA, even after switching on camera insurance in the Metropolitan area. So with high probability the pilot run many drivers will face unreasonable penalties for using a vehicle without insurance.
We will remind, it is already known that camera insurance in the capital city will fine owners of vehicles once a day. That is, the day a car without an insurance policy can only receive a single penalty in the amount of 800 rubles.
It is worth noting that the fine will be discharged immediately because of the peculiarities of obligatory insurance of civil liability of drivers (information on the insurance policy entered into the database of RSA not immediately). It was therefore decided at first not to penalize car owners whose vehicles do not have insurance policy. The penalty will be discharged only after 10 days after fixing a vehicle without insurance insurance policy. On the tenth day the system will again check the car, and if it turns out that on the day of fixing the violations of the insurance policy was not the owner of the car will be brought to administrative responsibility.
Why all car owners must demand from RSA include information about insurance policy?
What to do if the result of checking the insurance policy number of the car you have not found the information about my insurance policy? In this case, you have two options: do nothing, and wait for when the developers will correct the “curve” database PCA, or to apply to the Russian Union of insurers with the requirement to make information about the CTP insurance policies on your car in the single register of insurance policies (in particular, in order for your insurance policy without problems made the way in number of the vehicle).
Why car number in the database of the RSA is not searched insurance policy?
As we have said, first and foremost, this is due to the large number of errors in the registry CTP, which leads the Russian Union of insurers. First, as the representative of RSA, the database is missing information on many new cars, whose owners had purchased the insurance policy before the primary registration of the car on accounting in traffic police. The fact that many owners had after the initial registration of new vehicles apply to the insurer with a request for making information about issued the license plate into the database of RSA, as well as to add a number of the car in the form of insurance policy. But, unfortunately, many drivers do not.
Also, according to insurers, in a database of the RSA at the moment there is no single form of information storage on state license plates. So, license plates entering the registry completed by both the Russian Cyrillic and English letters.
Because of this, at the moment, many motorists and won’t be able to find the number of your machine and issued the insurance policy.
By the way, the use of cars number of different letters of the alphabet allows unscrupulous agents and insurance brokers to issue illegal policies taxi vehicles that should be insured by a completely different insurance rates in contrast to individuals.
Today, before you purchase an insurance policy, software insurers, checks a vehicle on the permit for passenger transportation by taxi. In case of detection of a valid licence of a taxi software insurance companies blocks the processing of insurance policy at rates for individuals owning cars. Many insurance companies today generally there is an unofficial ban on insurance for taxi drivers in the branches of insurance companies. In the end, the taxi drivers have to be insured only in the Central offices of the insurers.
Of course, not all taxi drivers agree to waste time and overpay for insurance. In the end, unscrupulous brokers and insurance agents have found a way around the software the Russian Union of insurers. When making policy car taxi letters on state registration plate driven in the form of a design policy is different in Cyrillic.
In the end, when checking the car system does not recognize car as a taxi and skips making a simple policy. So in the database and appear in large quantities “curves” number plate information of vehicles. Of course, when you turn on the camera similar CTP machine can not be inspected for insurance policies.
I hope that by the time the cameras CTP in the spring of this year, the Russian Union of insurers, will correct the database of insurance policies and will not allow the traffic police have sent out fines to cars, which actually has a valid insurance.
But there is another problem – it’s a massive fake policies which our citizens are willing to acquire online. Unfortunately, many drivers often do not even suspect that go with the left insurance. So no harm will every driver to check your car in the database of RSA in the presence of CTP insurance policy. After all, if your policy is not found on your machine, then it is possible that you are the owner of a fake insurance policy. Suggest you find out before the cameras include insurance on the capital’s roads. Otherwise the fines from the cameras you provided.
Please note that this information concerns not only the Moscow drivers. Don’t forget that after testing the system, verification of insurance policies with the help of cameras the traffic police the project will be across all Russia.