Changes in the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police since July 10, 2017

Expanded the list of reasons may not be permitted to register in traffic police.

Since July 10, 2017 in Russia comes into force the new order of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation №139 “About modification of regulatory legal acts of the MIA of Russia on registration of vehicles,” which amends the rules of registration of cars in traffic police. A new order was necessary to account for all changes in Russian legislation that have been adopted in recent years and related registration actions of vehicles in the traffic police. In particular, the new document makes amendments to order of Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1001 dated 24 November 2008 “On the procedure of registration of vehicles”.

What are the changes to the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police?

For example, since July 10, 2017 at the register in the traffic police car owners, or their representatives, now have no obligation to provide the insurance policy. Now, under the new order of the traffic police should check before registering auto issued an insurance policy in a single insurance system.

That is, the insurance policy must be issued. But to give the form to the traffic police when the vehicle registration is no longer necessary.

But the most important innovation, effective 10.07.2017 year, this extension of the list of grounds for which are not subject to registration / re-registration of vehicles.

So, according to the new order of the interior Ministry of the Russian Federation No. 139, paragraph 3 of the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police is introduced clarified the grounds on which the vehicle’s registration may be denied.

The grounds on which registration / reregistration of the vehicle can be denied?

Changes in the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police since July 10, 2017

Here the old and the new text of the rules of registration of vehicles, which was regulated by the order of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1001, and 10.07.2017 year will be governed by the MIA order No. 139 of 20.03.2017.

The red highlighted text, which shall enter into force on 10 July 2017. That is, the red color designates the text and changes the order of registration actions of vehicles in the traffic police.

Paragraph 3 of the Rules of registration of vehicles in traffic police:

Not subject to registration in the state traffic Inspectorate and not carried out registration actions with vehicles for the following reasons:

signs of concealment, forgery, alteration, destruction, identification numbers of vehicles, numbers of components and assemblies (body, frame, cab, engine) identifying the vehicle, or fakes of the presented documents, inconsistencies of vehicles and license units data specified in presented documents, or the registration data, and in the presence of information about the presence of vehicles, number aggregates in search or the presented documents are among the lost (stolen), with the exception of vehicles with the changed marking of vehicles and license units as a result of natural wear and tear, corrosion, repair or returned to the owners or the owners after the theft, provided their identification.

Changes in the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police since July 10, 2017

That is, as I see that as of 10 July this year, in case of impossibility of identification numbers of a body, frame, cab and engine, to identify a vehicle registration in the traffic police authorities are possible.

It is noteworthy that this is true even for those vehicles whose identification numbers damaged due to normal wear, corrosion, etc.

Also, the new MIA order No. 139 provides that:

The addition of point 3 of the rules of registration of new vehicles the following paragraph that clearly define the grounds on which the traffic police authorities may refuse to register owners or their representatives vehicles.

Here is a new list of such grounds:

– impossibility of identification of the vehicle due to the replacement of the frame, body or component part of the structure, resulting in the loss of the identification number applied by the vehicle manufacturer at its release into circulation

– the availability of information about the death of an individual, or information about the termination of activity of legal entity (natural person, carrying out activity as individual entrepreneur) who are the owners of the vehicles

– failure to pay the state duty or the lack of information about payment

– the invalidation of the passport of the vehicle (PTS).

What is the procedure for cancellation of the registration of the vehicle in connection with his export outside of Russia or disposal?

Changes in the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police since July 10, 2017

Under a new order No. 139 of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from 20.03.2017 and effective 10.07.2017 years, refined the new procedure of termination of registration of the vehicle by reason of its exportation outside the Russian Federation or disposal.

So, in the rules of registration of motor vehicles in the state traffic Inspectorate is changing paragraph 5.

Here’s the new version:

  • 5. The owners (owners) of vehicles required to stop registration of the vehicle (to remove the vehicle from registration) in the division of the state traffic Inspectorate in connection with the exportation of a vehicle outside the Russian Federation for continuous use or after its disposal.

Termination of registration of the vehicle in respect of export outside the Russian Federation in order to constantly use is made on the basis of the contract of purchase and sale, donation, or other document prescribed by legislation of the Russian Federation certifying the right of ownership of foreign natural or legal persons not registered in the Russian Federation.

Termination of registration of the vehicle in connection with the disposal is carried out on the basis of evidence of utilization, confirming the fact of destruction of the vehicle.

In respect of lost, stolen and exported outside of the Russian Federation of vehicles registration shall be terminated on the basis of statements of owners (owners) of vehicles.

New rules of cancellation of record of vehicle in the traffic police in connection with the disposal

Changes in the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police since July 10, 2017

We specifically highlight in bold the text that relates to the cancellation of the registration of the car in the traffic police in connection with the disposal.

As you can see now, owners of vehicles or their representatives will not be able to cancel your account without submission of evidence of disposal, which confirms the fact of destruction of the car.

Recall that the old procedure of recycling a car is not obliged owners upon cancellation of registration to submit a document about the actual destruction of a vehicle. It was enough just to present a passport and a statement.

So from 10.07.2017 year, everyone who wants to stop the vehicle registration in the traffic police will be forced to take the car organization, which is engaged in the destruction of the vehicle. You will also need to obtain a special certificate of the fact of disposal of the machine that you want to present to the Police.

Do I need to re-register the vehicle in connection with change of the place of residence of the owner?

Changes in the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police since July 10, 2017

Recall that the old edition of the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police necessarily involved the re-registration of the vehicle in connection with a change of the place of residence of the owner.

But with the introduction in Russia of the new administrative regulations on registration of vehicles, the need for re-registration of the vehicle, in connection with the change of residence of the owner, disappeared, since now the vehicle registration is not tied to the place of residence of the owner.

That is, starting with 2013, we can register the car in any division of traffic police irrespective of their place of residence.

In order to bring existing legislation into line with the new adopted acts, the interior Ministry, under a new order No. 139, cancel the obligation of the owner of the vehicle to carry out the re-registration of vehicles in connection with a change of residence.

How is the transport to Individual entrepreneurs 10 July 2017?

Changes in the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police since July 10, 2017

Starting from 10 July 2017, when Russia enters into force MIA order No. 139, changing the order of registration of vehicles to individual entrepreneurs.

Now, in the case of vehicle registration for individual entrepreneurs registered in the traffic police conducted the procedure of registration of vehicles legal entities.

Earlier, the car of individual entrepreneurs were registered in the traffic police in the same order as in the registration of transport of individuals.

A new procedure for the recovery of vehicles in the traffic police

Changes in the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police since July 10, 2017

Changes in rules of registration of vehicles in the state traffic Inspectorate, adopted by the order of MIA No. 139, touched upon the procedure of recovery vehicles in the traffic police.

For example, expanded and refined the list of vehicles in respect of which it is possible to recover the register in traffic police.

So, after the cancellation of the registration in connection with recycling, etc.

Under a new order No. 139, here is a new list on the basis of which the car account can be restored:

  • 13. The restoration of the registration of vehicles made:

in respect of vehicles deregistered for alienation or whose registration was terminated by the former owner (the owner) in connection with the conclusion of the transaction aimed at alienation of the vehicle on the basis of passports of vehicles or the verification of the credentials according to their last place of registration of vehicles

in respect of vehicles whose registration was terminated in connection with the export from the Russian Federation, on the basis of registration certificates, which made a mark on deregistration in connection with the export of vehicles outside of the Russian Federation or on the basis of credentials according to their last place of registration of vehicles

– detected vehicles, whose registration was terminated in connection with their loss or were formerly in the wanted list, – the verification of the credentials according to their last place of registration of vehicles

in respect of vehicles whose registration was terminated (cancelled) when establishing the circumstances referred to in paragraph 3 of this regulation, in case of elimination of reasons which are grounds for termination (cancellation) of registration

– in relation is not actually disposed of vehicles whose registration terminated (deregistered) in connection with the disposal, the verification of the credentials according to their last place of registration of vehicles

– the courts and other public bodies.

Is not possible the restoration of the registration of scrapped vehicles!!!

Can I restore a machine account in the traffic police in case of an actual disposal?

Changes in the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police since July 10, 2017

Please note the red text at the top. According to the new MIA order No. 139 and the amendments to paragraph 13 of the rules of vehicle registration, restoration of registration in the traffic police against vehicles actually disposed of by specialized organizations is not possible!

That is, in the case of destruction of machine utilization and cancellation of registration in the traffic police, in connection with the disposal, restore the vehicle registration in the state traffic Inspectorate in the subsequent will not be possible.

How to amend registration data in traffic police if the car has changed the labeling of license units in connection with the corrosion, repair or return the car to the owner after the theft?

Changes in the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police since July 10, 2017

Now with 10.07.2017 year for changes in registration data of the vehicle in the event of a change of its marking of the body, engine, frame and cab due to the corrosion, repair or return the machine after the theft of the re-registration of the machine is performed only during the passage of the examination, which can identify the vehicle.

In this case, to make changes in the registration data, the owner must provide traffic police his statement, a copy of the examination and the decision of bodies of preliminary investigation about the identification of the vehicle.

Within what period must obtain temporary license plates on the car when exported outside the Russian Federation?

Henceforth a new order of the Ministry of interior No. 139 abolished the obligation to get the numbers “TRANSIT” for 10 days on the car, exported outside Russia.

Also abolished the obligation to obtain temporary license plates within 10 days of the organizations-manufacturers of vehicles, as well as to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in trade in vehicles passing to their finalization (resupply) or sale.

On what grounds may be canceled of record of vehicle?

Changes in the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police since July 10, 2017

In fact, the reasons may be cancelled account of the machine in traffic police in addition to recycling can be a lot. Here is the new revised list of grounds for registration of automobiles, which may be discontinued.

Please note that the amended administrative regulations on vehicle registration in the traffic police there is a new sub-items. All the changes we’ve highlighted in red, making it easy to see what has changed in the administrative regulations on registration of vehicles in the traffic police authorities

  • Termination of registration of vehicles

Changes in the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police since July 10, 2017

  • 60. Vehicle registration terminated on the following grounds:

60.1. The application for termination of registration in connection with the loss of the vehicle.

60.2. The application for termination of registration in connection with the theft of the vehicle.

60.3. The end of the period of registration of the vehicle for a limited time.

60.4. The statement of the former owner of the vehicle and the presentation of documents on conclusion of transactions aimed at alienation of a vehicle after 10 days from the date of such transaction in the absence of confirmation of registration to the new owner.

60.5. A statement by the lessor in the event of termination of the lease agreement in respect of vehicles registered with the lessee for a limited period.

60.6 Statement of termination of registration of the vehicle in connection with the disposal.

60.7 a Statement of termination of registration of the vehicle in connection with the disposal.

60.8. The establishment of grounds for termination (cancellation) of registration referred to in paragraph 3 of the Rules of registration, except the imposition of prohibitions and restrictions on the performance of registration actions.

60.9. The presence of information about the death of individuals, or information about the termination of activity of legal entity (natural person, carrying out activity as individual entrepreneur) who are the owners of the vehicles.

60.10. Statement of termination of registration of the vehicle in connection with the waiver of his rights to the insured property due to damage, destruction of the insured property in order to receive the insurance payout, or in case of replacement of goods of inadequate quality.

61. Termination of registration of vehicles, in connection with the loss of the vehicle or in connection with the theft of the vehicle is made at the request of their owners. Registration documents, passports of vehicles, registration marks in cases of their presence are dealt and disposed of in the prescribed manner in the divisions of the state traffic Inspectorate, and in their absence are exhibited in the search. Introduced in automated information systems and information shall be certified by electronic signature.

62. At the end of the validity of the reason for registration was for a limited period of the vehicle and the lack of information on the renewal the owner of the vehicle the term vehicle registration, vehicle registration, shall be automatically terminated in the division of the state traffic Inspectorate issuing registration documents. Relevant data is automatically recorded in the register of registration actions. Registration papers, registration plates are void and are exhibited in the search.

63. Released registration marks, non-reusable, registration documents, passports of vehicles are accepted by the employee and utilized in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

64. Upon termination of registration of vehicles, produced for a limited time, temporarily imported into the territory of the Russian Federation for more than 6 months, issued to the owner of the stored registration documents and the number of States in which the vehicle is registered, registration signs “TRANSIT” are not issued.

Termination of registration of the vehicle in connection with the export from the Russian Federation

  • 65. Termination of registration of the vehicle in respect of export outside the Russian Federation in order to constantly use is made on the basis of the contract of purchase and sale, donation, or other document prescribed by legislation of the Russian Federation certifying the right of ownership of foreign natural or legal persons not registered in the Russian Federation. In this case, run the administrative procedures provided for in paragraph 32 of the administrative regulations vehicle registration in the traffic police.

Changes in the rules of registration of vehicles in the traffic police since July 10, 2017

Vehicle passport (if available), and also the state registration signs shall be in the registration unit, in return for which are stated on the registration signs “TRANSIT” of the appropriate types.

To export a vehicle outside the Russian Federation in the name of the owner is issued a certificate of registration of the vehicle. In the column “address” indicates the country of residence. On the inner side of the certificate of registration of the vehicle shall be mentioned deregistration and issuance of registration signs “TRANSIT”, indicating series, number, date of issuance and expiration date digits, the entry: “Subject to mandatory export outside of the Russian Federation”, which shall be certified by the signature of the officer and stamp of the registration unit.

In respect of vehicles previously exported outside the Russian Federation shall not apply the provisions of subparagraph 32.3, paragraph 32 of the present Administrative regulations, the state registration signs “TRANSIT” are not issued.