Can I be fined for a phone, a DVR or Navigator on the windshield?
What is responsible for telephone installation, a DVR or Navigator on the windshield?
In recent years the fashion for car gadgets, must have reached an unimaginable scale. You look around you on the road. It seems to meet the vehicle without DVR, Navigator or smartphone is no longer possible. Motorists carry various electronic devices in the car. But is it legal? Especially when the entire Arsenal of electronic devices is on the windshield. Let’s deal.
That drivers hang on the windshield and why?
What did not see on the windshields of cars. Then you and smartphone suction Cup mount and DVR, and Navigator. Some for greater visibility even hang a radar detector. But what to sculpt on the glass? Because most of the newfangled gadgets can be installed on various panels in the car. The fact is that most, even modern cars are not equipped with special fasteners or places for installation of various electronic gadgets. Moreover, despite the fact that today, the 21st century, in many vehicles there is a special place for smartphone as a Navigator.
Yes, there is, of course, lots of different mounts for gadgets that allow on the dashboard, rearview mirror or on the vents to install almost any gadget. But most of these mounts are expensive. Additionally, some devices still best to install on a level with the eyes of the driver to be less distracted from the road. The DVR is generally best to mount closer to the ceiling of the driver’s side to avoid glare and reduce the view video.
But there is a way to buy cheap special fasteners on the suction cups and install them on the windshield, the benefit of similar Chinese mounts on the market today are a dime a dozen. Here are our drivers and found the perfect way to place all your gadgets in the car, ablepsia their windshield.
But is it legal? Not whether it is contrary to the current legislation in the field of road safety? Unfortunately, sometimes this passion for decoration windshield can really be contrary to law. Unfortunately, many drivers forget or just don’t know.
What responsibility for the installation on the windshield of the telephone, DVR, radar detector and GPS?
It is worth noting that directly in the Russian legislation there are no restrictions on installing in the car various electronic devices. Including no restrictions on their installation on the windshield (including the radar, which, in fact, illegally determines the presence of cameras on the road).
Nevertheless, to descend to the fine risk of any driver, to secure your gadget on the windshield and violated paragraph 7.3 of traffic rules, clearly explain why the operation of the vehicle is not allowed.
Here is the paragraph 7.3 of Chapter 7, with the list of reasons why use of the car on public roads is prohibited (traffic regulations of the Russian Federation “other structural elements”):
7.3. Installed additional items or coatings, limiting visibility from the driver’s seat.
Note. On the top of the windscreen of cars and buses can be attached transparent colored film. Allowed to use tinted glass (except mirror), light transmission which corresponds to GOST 5727-88. Allowed to use curtains on the Windows of tourist buses, as well as blinds and curtains on the rear Windows of cars at presence from both sides outer rear view mirrors.
Note the phrase, which we’ve highlighted in red. In the paragraph of traffic rules clearly stated that if the car has additional items which reduce visibility of the road from the driver’s seat, the vehicle operation is not allowed.
Accordingly, if you have set your phone, GPS or any other fancy gadget on the windshield in such a way that it covers a sufficient view of the road, you break the existing traffic that can be brought to administrative responsibility under article 12.5 of the administrative code:
Administrative code Article 12.5. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions at which operation of vehicles is prohibited, or vehicle, which illegally installed identification mark “Disabled person”
1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions at which in accordance with the Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and duties of officials on safety of traffic vehicle operation is prohibited, except for malfunctions and the conditions specified in parts 2 to 7 of this article
(as amended by Federal law of 22.07.2005 N 120-FZ dated 10.07.2012 N 116-FZ),
shall entail a warning or imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.
(as amended by Federal law dated 22.06.2007 No. 116-FZ of 23.07.2013 No. 196-FZ)
But as the traffic police who stopped the car to check the documents and saw gadget on the windshield, will determine whether to restrict the device fixed on glass road visibility from the driver’s seat? Really?
Unfortunately, in the current legislation there is no precise explanations and instructions how to act in this case, the traffic police. So, in essence, they are given the right to decide whether the driver violates paragraph 7.3 of the traffic, securing the windshield to the electronic device.
This, of course, a little frustrating, because it creates great opportunities for corruption. But, in fact, a traffic COP can invent a penalty out of the blue, get to your DVR, the Navigator and the smartphone.
So I advise all motorists to think before you light weight windshield of the car and various gadgets in the wires. Unfortunately, to expect that you will prove to the DPS that the gadget does not restrict the view of the road, not worth it.
You know that the employee in the form on the road – the king and God. And only he is allowed to decide whether to punish you or pardon. That’s not he wants to listen to you, then you will prove his innocence in court.
Therefore, as advised major General of the police Mikhail Chernikov in an interview with the magazine “Behind the wheel”, in order to avoid penalties for the device attached to the windshield, you need to install them so that they do not obstruct driver’s field of vision.
It is a pity that the General-the major has not told and not shown, where it is possible in modern cars to install modern gadgets. Personally, we don’t know many places where you can install the same DVR or Navigator.