Camel playfully pulled domestic SUV out of the snow: video

Video: if you are stuck on the car, will help you camel!

Camel playfully pulled domestic SUV out of the snow: video

Camel, as we know from children’s books is a “ship of the desert”. Nature has taken care to ensure that this majestic animal was comfortable to endure heat and sand storms. But how are the Bactrian camel (Bactrian camel) in the Russian latitudes in the winter? Yeah well he feels here! On weekends rolls the children at the circus, and sometimes rescues from the snow captivity cars. And makes it so easy and Boyko that any tractor envy:

Video taken from YouTube channel the IA Version, Saratov


Yes, this “guy” just kachek. Two pulls, pulled and ran! Yes, almost as though he was not harnessed in the domestic SUV!

Camel playfully pulled domestic SUV out of the snow: video