As the bailiffs nightmare car owners

As the bailiffs from your mistakes drink the blood from car owners.

As the bailiffs nightmare car owners

As we know, the marshals service protects the interests of not only States, but citizens of our country. Thanks to this office as the country’s enforcement of court decisions and various regulations. In principle, the bailiff brings benefits to both society and the state as a whole. But, unfortunately, sometimes police officers because of their errors make the life of ordinary citizens in a continuous headache. And without any reason.


What are we for such a country, where the government is ready to tear off people three skins through various taxes, fines, penalties, etc.? You try not to pay tax or penalty. Soon you will start to send threatening letters as if you have not paid billions in taxes in the budget and are hardly the enemy of the people. Yes, of course, sometimes we are guilty: that is not right for something will pay, somewhere I forget, and sometimes do not want to pay. Everything in life happens, and we all have our reasons for any delinquencies. What state? As we can see in recent times when officials make some mistakes, the rhetoric from the state is usually mild – it happens to everyone, well, my mistake. Why, then, when the mistake was made by an ordinary person (e.g., something not paying on time), it must be a nightmare to a nervous breakdown?!


But it gets even worse: when people do not have anyone, but him without any reason start to show who the master in the country. Here is a fresh example of how 30-the summer inhabitant of Zelenograd administrative district of Moscow has blocked access to Bank accounts because of debt repaid 2 months ago.


As the bailiffs nightmare car owners

As reported by the infoportal of Zelenograd, the account holder at the end of November last year, paid for through the official website of the Federal tax service of the Russian Federation debt on transportation and property tax in the amount of 63 000.

In early December the money has been credited to the Bank account of the Treasury. The next day the man through a personal account of the taxpayer checked your account, ensuring that debts in the system.


But in early February of 2019, he was in for a surprise in the form of SMS-messages about blocking of all Bank cards on-demand service of bailiffs of the city of Solnechnogorsk, Moscow region. Turned out that he was still in arrears under taxes in the amount of 43 000. The “debtor,” found that at the end of 2018 court enforcement officers Solnechnogorsk Department instituted enforcement proceedings for the recovery of tax debts. However, this has been done after the man had paid off the debt.


As a result, the inhabitant of Zelenograd had to contact the tax office to get a certificate confirming no tax arrears. Then the help had to carry the officers in Solnechnogorsk (from Zelenograd to Solnechnogorsk 30 km). As a result, the account was unlocked the next day.

But in that story one thing that blew the brain of the inhabitant of Zelenograd more than a trip to Solnechnogorsk. The thing is that when the error had blocked all the Bank accounts were debited all the money to pay off exhibited by the bailiffs of the Moscow region debt.


Now the car owner must wait for the return of all illegally written off money.

On the one hand, this story is banal. Such stories in the wide open spaces of our vast country you can find thousands. And in this situation can get any owner of real estate or car. And no matter were you are in debt or not. Alas, as repeatedly said by the representatives of the bailiffs, from errors nobody is insured. Including due to non-operational inter-Agency interaction. But why then the state is not forgiving of our errors, inaccuracies, forgetfulness and inattention?


As the bailiffs nightmare car owners

All clear: the money the hero of our material, of course, return. But who will compensate zelenogradtsy spent nerves, time and inconvenience due to the fact that some days the man could not use his money lying on Bank cards?

This example shows how the state machine works. Despite the availability of modern electronic system of interdepartmental interaction of the state in the face of bailiffs and tax services unprofitable for us to protect. This explains the lack of coordination between these structures, and disregard for people. Today, probably, the main task is to peel.

Manual: how to find out your debt through the base of bailiffs


Received a letter of debt from the bailiffs, how to know the amount of debt?

If you sent a letter about the debt, this is where you will find the address and telephone number of the bailiff, by which you can contact him. In this case, it would be logical to contact the bailiff directly on the telephone number provided.


I want to know is if I was debt. How to do it quickly?

Online! Go to the website of the Federal bailiff service, in the section “data Bank Executive productions”: Here we can learn about the debts of an individual/legal entity or the Individual businessman according to the number PI and the number of the Executive document (ID) issued by a court or other competent authority for the initiation of enforcement proceedings the bailiff for enforcement.


If everything is fine (no debt), you’ll see this sign after you enter the “CAPTCHA”:

As the bailiffs nightmare car owners