Quiz: guess the car by the headlights
Test: if you can read Russian cars front optics?
The writer of world level ray Bradbury once wrote in one of his books: “Pay attention to the little things, they can be very important to you”. It is the word reasonable, of course. Even though this phrase is not talking about cars, what was said by ray Bradbury, applicable to vehicles. Sometimes it’s more important in cars and various things that are awesome. Very often it is these little things we love cars.
It is the desire to pay attention to detail led us to the creation of our next quiz. We have decided to offer you to identify known domestic cars. I think it’s easy? Yes, we have already proposed to do this by guessing a domestic car in silhouette and on the dashboard. Today we decided to complicate a task, offering you to guess Russian cars by their headlights.
Some of the cars in our test is currently available for purchase, some no longer available. Also a few cars in our quiz can be attributed to experimental models, which was not destined to become a serial.
Are you ready to test themselves on the knowledge of the domestic automobile industry? Then go ahead. Good luck!
Don’t forget to get our other quizzes on various subjects.
Take a test: guess the headlamp