It is estimated the number of accidents for 7 months in 2018
The traffic police has published the number of accidents: there has been a slowdown in the reduction of accidents
Traffic police estimated the number of accidents in 7 months 2018. Judging by the dynamics emerging from the third month of the current year the tendency towards slowdown of the positive dynamics of reducing the number of road accidents in the country.
See for yourself, from January to July of 2018, the percentage of the number of accidents over the same period last year amounted to -1.9%. In other words, statistics tell us that the number of accidents continues to decline compared to the same period in 2017. This is certainly good news. The bad is that the dynamics of decline from month to month in the current year is far from positive:
Road accident statistics in Russia in January 2018 (-6.9%)
Accident statistics in Russia in January-February 2018 (-7.0%)
Road accident statistics in Russia in January-March 2018 (-4.9%)
Accident statistics in Russia in January-April 2018 (-4.2%)
Accident statistics in Russia in January-may 2018 (-2.7%)
Accident statistics in Russia in January-June 2018 (-2.3%)
Accident statistics in Russia in January-July 2018 (-1.9%)
Is it not the principle of “tightening the screws”. The increase in penalties does not help? Or not enough traffic cameras photos and video recording? Maybe the motorists so learned the location of the last, avoid fines, but exceed the free sites highway and get there in an accident? Questions immediately arise as much.
Meanwhile, the number of completed in seven months 2018, the accident corresponds to 85.841. In them was lost almost 9 thousand people (as I don’t like to announce such terrible digits), injured more than 100 thousand people.
Because of drivers of vehicles occurred more than 75,000 accidents. It 1.9% more than last year.
Involving pedestrians has been committed 24.5 thousand accidents. Victims – 2.3 thousandwounded 23.250 people.
Affected children 11 thousand to 10 thousand road accident.
P. S. the Number of accidents, the Commission of which is accompanied by insufficient housing conditions and improvement of the road network has decreased compared to the previous year by as much as 2%. That is, the roads in Russia are becoming better. Another interpretation for such a significant reduction in accidents we do not see.
Where the pendulum will swing the statistics in the future to predict not taken. All statistics exact science. Will be watching for further developments.