The road builders have developed a new type of intersection (Yet not us)
A new type of road junction will reduce the number of accidents 50%
What you see before you on the title picture is nothing like the new concept of the intersection on the highway, which is aimed at eliminating the left turn, thereby reducing the risk of serious accidents at times. I agree that at first glance, it is a pile of strips looks like complete chaos, but, specialists argue that such a safe future interchanges.
The concept is actually not new. For the first time this variant junction was proposed by the engineering student many years ago, in 2000 this type of interchange appeared on the pages of the thesis Gilbert Chlewicki, although, according to some sources, these interchanges were built in France, though in small quantities.
Since then, similar in design to the junction in the form of an experiment began to appear on U.S. roads. The experiment was expanded and at the moment on the territory of several States there are more than 100 such interchanges.
The largest of these is in Florida, where last year the road was completed diverging diamond interchange (these huge intersections so called due to the unusual shape of the connection of internal roads) on University Boulevard on the line of Manatee and Sarasota County, which at its widest point is up to 12 lanes. (Map “diamond junctions” around the world can be found here.)
What is the essence and meaning of this interchange? The concept is quite simple: the fewer points of stops for drivers, more bandwidth, less congestion and full removal of the left turns that cross oncoming traffic. Here is the official video from the Department of transportation of Florida, showing how it all works:
As you can see from the video, crossing two opposite directions under the bridge removes the need for a left turn against traffic.
However, those drivers who have already experienced all the delights of automotive urbanization of the new generation, said that to understand where to go and how it all works necessary several times to pass a difficult crossroads. Very rarely the first time is able to pass the test and move in the right direction.
The researchers, however, said that the so-called “diverging diamond interchange” reduce fatal accidents by more than 60 per cent, and the usual crash about 33 percent. They can also be designed with the posted Bicycle paths and walking trails. In the video is demonstrated.
How are you doing on the biggest interchanges in Florida? Pretty good, according to a report on the website of the America’s Transportation Awards, organization, partially sponsored by AAA and the U.S. chamber of Commerce.
Since motorists that use the interchange, has experienced a 40 percent reduction in delays in travel, reduction in road accidents to 50 percent by reducing the number of so-called conflict points and improve mobility.
What will the new interchange and see if they not only in the United States and in other countries, for example, in Russia? Mainly, in our view, the “diamond interchange” show a very important trend of the modern major highway. Turn left sooner or later they have to withdraw completely, including the arrow on the traffic light.
The reader will object, why such a complex circuitry, because there are much cheaper and affordable way to build one-way bridge put over the main highway to the exit on his right side? Absolutely true, but a new type of intersection designed for very busy areas of major highway with high volume traffic, where no other type of congresses do not work – the stupid clogged with cars, and you receive many kilometers tube. After all, it is important that not only safety but also capacity.
As for Russia, sure similar versions of the interchanges will be with us soon. Commuter highway they are mostly not needed,Yu and in Moscow and other cities of the country everything is so tightly built-up that globally change the traffic landscape similar projects in the near future is unlikely someone will.