Driving license is a piece of plastic or is it ID?
Is it possible to use a driving licence instead of a passport?
Well, the country is gradually becoming more expensive. Including recently increased the fee for the issuance of various government documents such as driver’s license of the new sample, registration certificate of the vehicle (STS), as well as a passport. So now to citizens for obtaining various important documents have to pay more. Today we are not going to argue about the validity of growth rates of duty that our government has changed several times in a short period of time. Today we want to talk about a rather hackneyed theme of whether driver’s license is a document certifying the identity of a citizen? For this reason what opinions does not exist in society. The greatest confusion regarding the status of the “plastic card” occurs in the Network, where hundreds of sites are publishing conflicting information, despite the fact that in Russia at the moment, the law contains an exhaustive list of documents that can be recognized on the territory of the RF ID.
Also recently, the Network began a new wave of heated discussions on the background of rumors that the driver’s license is now considered to be the document certifying the identity of the driver. But I hasten to disappoint you. It’s all rumors and myths, God knows where.
In fact, the status of the piece of plastic while not defined by our powers. Therefore, the right is not yet legally unable to verify your identity. So do not believe any rumors.
Here is a quote from article 2 of the Basic provisions of the Federal law “On basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation” dated 12.06.2002 № 67-FZ, where indicated, limit the list of documents replacing the passport:
military ID, temporary ID issued to replace a military identification card, or ID card (for persons who undergo military service);
– a temporary identity card of the citizen of the Russian Federation issued for the period of registration of passports in accordance with procedures approved by the authorized Federal Executive body;
(as amended by Federal law dated 23.07.2008 N 160-FZ)
– the document proving the identity of the citizen of the Russian Federation on which the citizen of the Russian Federation shall enter the Russian Federation in accordance with Federal law governing the procedure for exit from Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation (for persons permanently residing outside the territory of the Russian Federation);
– certificate of the established form issued to the citizens of the Russian Federation, in places of detention, suspects and accused persons, in the manner approved by the authorized Federal body of Executive power.
Please note that this list of documents certifying the identity of citizens of Russia. For citizens of other countries, certifies the identity of the document certifying the right of a foreign citizen to permanent residence in the Russian Federation in accordance with Federal law governing the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation.
Outside of the Russian Federation the identity of citizens of Russia certifies the passport of the Russian Federation, Russian passport, seaman’s passport, diplomatic passport, service passport.
As you can see, this list is not a driver’s license. Accordingly, a driver’s license under current law to replace the document proving the identity, can not.
Is it possible to pick up a registered letter at the post office by presenting a driver’s license?
Unfortunately, you will not be given customized written correspondence, because to receive it you must show ID.
This is a comprehensive list of documents required to receive written correspondence in the mail of the Russian Federation:
The identity documents that are subject to the provision of postal services (receipt of registered mail, cash transfers) are:
- the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation
- the passport of the citizen of the USSR of the sample of 1974 (when this photo upon reaching the age of 25 and 45 years)
The document replacing the passport of the citizen, issued by the competent authority:
- 1. Military ID, temporary ID issued to the citizen of the Russian Federation instead of a military identification card, or ID card (for persons who undergo military service)
- 2. Issued to the citizen of the Russian Federation the passport of the seaman (the identification card of the seaman)
- 3. Certificate of the established form issued to the citizens of the Russian Federation, in places of detention, suspects and accused
- 4. The identity document of the citizen of the Russian Federation, in which he shall enter the Russian Federation (for persons permanently residing outside the territory of the Russian Federation)
- 5. Temporary identity card of the citizen of the Russian Federation issued for the period of registration to replace lost or worn of the document proving the identity.
7. The passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by Federal law or recognized in accordance with the international Treaty of the Russian Federation as identity document of foreign citizen
8. The certificate of the refugee
9. Certificate of examination of an application for refugee status on the territory of the Russian Federation, issued by the diplomatic mission, a consular post or a post of immigration control or the territorial Agency of the migration service
The identity documents of a stateless person in the Russian Federation:
1. Residence permit
2. The temporary residence permit
3. A document issued by a foreign state and recognized as identification document of a stateless person
4. Issued to foreign citizens or persons without citizenship the certificate on granting temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation.
As you can see, this list does not include driver’s license to receive written correspondence in the mail. So legal way to get a certified letter in the mail, some presenting a driver’s license, you can’t.
Can I use a driver’s license to confirm his nationality?
Another myth, which is widely distributed to many motorists, due to the fact that there is a misconception that using a driver’s license can confirm his nationality.
This, of course, wrong. Limit the list of documents that confirm the citizenship of the Russian Federation, regulated according to item 45 of Chapter VI of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 14.11.2002 n 1325 (ed. by 03.09.2017) “About the statement of Regulations about the order of consideration of questions of citizenship of the Russian Federation”.
Here is the list of documents:
- a) passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation, including passport
- b) diplomatic passport
- C) official passport
- g) abrogated from January 1, 2014. – Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 22.10.2009 № 1180
- d) ID card (military ID) soldier with liner, testifying to the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation
- e) birth certificate, which included information on the Russian citizenship of parents, one parent or only parent
- g) birth certificate with a stamp confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation, placed official authority
So, as you can see, in this document there is no word on license. So, sadly, a driver’s license in Russia, unlike many foreign countries, are in fact a normal piece of plastic, and they established a considerable state duty, despite the fact that the cost of a plastic card is pennies.
I hope our lawmakers sooner or later will change the status of driving licences, equating them to the identity as, for example, has long been done in some Western countries. Otherwise, we believe that, then you need to reduce the state fee for the issuance of rights, which is unreasonably large. Because this duty is almost comparable to the issuance of a passport of the Russian Federation. Agree, for a cheap piece of plastic such stamp duty is nonsense. Especially when you consider that this card is only needed to confirm his status behind the wheel, making his DPS.
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