How to buy a car and not lose money?
That’s why a thorough inspection of the car before purchase will avoid many disappointments.
Often, buyers of used cars are looking more closely to inspect the car only after purchasing it is a blunder to many motorists. Therefore, only a thorough inspection of the vehicle before the conclusion of the transaction of purchase and sale will allow you to avoid huge problems that you may face after purchasing a used/the car.
Today, when the new car market is in crisis, the secondary market in recent years has received the second breath. Hundreds of thousands of cars gathering dust in the Parking lots of dealers, informal dealers and thousands of private grounds outbid. Moreover, the Internet is choked with hundreds of thousands of listings for used cars. On the one hand, a number of listings for used cars says a wide variety of choice. Indeed, on the market today, you can find almost any model at an attractive price. But on the other hand, this is not good!
The main problem with this variety of second-hand motor vehicles on the market is to really find the worth option. But, unfortunately, the market is full of cars that are in such technical condition, which in the future will only disappoint new owners. In spite of this, a lot of these frankly dead car successfully sold by cunning salesmen. Why? Yes, the fact is that most naive buyers don’t notice during the inspection of the cars shortcomings. The worst thing is that almost every person before buying b/a car is setting yourself up for a cold-blooded and thorough inspection of your machine in the hope that in the process of finding a car to make the right choice, finding all the hidden flaws and problems. But, unfortunately, often comes out differently. And to blame our emotions often overshadow reason.
As a result, many motorists the process of buying a used car is: a cursory surface inspection (usually the appearance and condition of the wheels), check for online databases (traffic, Autocode, and others), as well as checking the thickness of paint coating. After that, we usually give money for the car, in fact, buying a pig in a poke.
So when you start looking for a used car, it is better to get rid of illusions that the market is easy to find a good car. Believe me, our market is a lot of crap. But most of all, of course, cars with twisted mileage. View dozens of listings for used cars one year and you will be surprised that most of them are small, almost identical runs. Divide the mileage by the number of months since buying a new car first owner. In the end, you’ll find that most used cars offered for sale, almost did not go. Yes, it is possible to assume that among the reviewed ads have cars with really small mileage. But that most of them were practically new – it is science fiction.
So before buying a car you need to get yourself taken off the rose-colored glasses and approach the inspection process of the car wisely and without unnecessary emotions.
Also keep in mind that today the market for used car lot of broken cars. Yes, many of them were participants in a minor accident, and do not be afraid of such proposals. However, in the market there are a lot of cars that received serious damage, which was fully restored. But with such cars to make contact is not necessary, because in most cases on the recovery machine, as a rule, the maximum saving. We must be particularly attentive to the cars that passed through an insurance company that paid damages for “total” (repair of the vehicle exceeds the cost of the machine itself), as a rule, take the broken car and then either sell them in a bit state, either alone restore. In the end, these cars also fall into the bottomless Russian market of used cars.
Of course, the used car market is multifaceted and very complex due to the large number of different sellers. So, today in the market sell car private owners (original owners, decided to sell their cars on their own through ads on the Network, or giving advertisement in the newspaper), private middlemen (buying cars with a view to resale), a company engaged in the resale of used cars, car dealers, who have decided in addition to earnings on the sale of new cars to capitalize on the used car market, pawn shops (which sell the cars parked on bail), banks (sell the seized collateral for unpaid loans), auto services (to repair cars after an accident or after the failure), the company bought the car at auction (for resale), leasing companies, taxi companies, legal entities (sell Park companies) and insurance companies (sell salvage cars or rebuilt after a crash).
As you can see, there is only one on our Russian market. Naturally, among so many sellers a lot of those who sell, frankly, dead stuff. Yes, there are among the above-mentioned sellers and decent people/companies that holding a stamp, I try to only sell good cars. Unfortunately, as a rule, the price tag for such sellers is very high (usually cars sell for more).
Can I buy in the market of used cars good car cheaply?
So, before you are going to go to the inspection for used cars, you have to notch yourself that cheap good cars on the market practically do not exist. This is very rare, and usually such delicious offers on the market leave within the hour. The worst thing that such sweet choices buying outbid that professionally monitors the market of used cars (often using expensive computer software-bots).
Yes, there are cases when ordinary people can find the perfect used car for ridiculous money. But it is very rare. Without the fantastic luck is not enough. In some cases, buying for pennies the perfect car is akin to winning large sums of money in the lottery.
Most good cars with small runs cost a lot of money. Understand that most owners of such vehicles will not be much SAG in price. Especially when the market sells so many dead cars for so little money.
Before going to see the car
If everything is so bad on the used market, then how to buy good cars? Don’t worry if you correctly approach the process of choosing a car, you will still be able sooner or later to buy a really decent machine that will correspond to the ratio quality/price. However, for this prepare to lose a lot of time and have remarkable patience.
So the first thing you must do before choosing a car, is to arm the principle of limited confidence in the sellers car. And no matter who sells the car. Yes, even the dealer or the old man, whose face says that he always speaks only the truth.
No, we’re not talking about the fact that a used market, some are liars and crooks. But for your own sake you should with some distrust to communicate with any seller. Even those who, in your opinion, can not cheat. In General, as they say, trust but verify.
Remember that if the seller seems nice and trustworthy is the worst thing that can happen to you in the process of purchasing a car. Because your mind can play with you a malicious joke. So, if you start to fully trust the seller, your emotions can take over the mind and you will forget to check the whole car, being confined to his cursory examination, what can later regret. Remember that you do not buy kettle, washing machine or smartphone. The car is a complex technical device, which costs a lot of money.
Also remember that the market is very much tricky and cunning sellers. Including professionals who can sell you anything for big money. For such people to lure customers to their network and to sell him the car, then let him down as easy as selling bread in the store. The worst thing is that many professional sellers (among which a lot of entrepreneurs – individuals who, posing as ordinary cars, are the usual outbid) so skillfully possess the gift of persuasion that they are often impossible to sell to unsuspecting customers restored after a serious accident cars. Usually in this case the sellers focus on painting one or more parts of the body, stating that it was necessary to eliminate scratches and chips on some parts. You know, what’s the catch? Is that actually painted the whole car body, as she was previously tied in a knot after a serious accident. So the pros are distracting us from the major problems of the car, concentrating on some details. As a result, our mind gets tired, and we make mistake after mistake in the process of choosing a car, later concluding a disadvantageous transaction for the sale, which, perhaps, will regret for a very long time.
So when inspecting the car you should behave like a private detective. To do this, you must suspect that the car has hidden flaws and defects and is not legally clean. That is, you should look for in the car traces of these faults. Can’t do it yourself, contact the professionals who help to pick up on the used market for good options. However, among such professionals often come across dirty rotten scoundrels. So if we turn to those who help to find a good car, strictly only on the recommendations and positive reviews. If you choose the car yourself and then get ready to become meticulous investigator or operative of the interior Ministry. Prepare a lot of questions to the seller in advance, writing them notes in your smartphone or on a piece of paper.
Also get ready to write down all the answers the seller. For convenience, you can take the recorder, to then home in a quiet environment again carefully listen to the recording of your communication with the owner. So you will be able to associate the seller with what I saw during the inspection, as well as data obtained from various online database on the Internet about the history of the car. Quite possibly, all this will help you to catch the seller in a lie. In this case it is better not to mess with his car because there is a risk to gain a lot of problems after purchasing the car.
First, always ask the question of how serviced the car, are there any official documents about the planned passage in the technical center (the mark on the service book, receipts, checks, etc.). If you find out that the car was serviced at the garage, we suggest you to buy this car (even if everything indicates that the machine is in good technical condition) since you have no history of maintenance of the car. So you increase the risk of killed by the car which was repaired and served the Amateurs. Also, if the owner had the car serviced at the garages of dubious and unknown small garages, it indicates that the person saved on maintenance and repair. In this case, a large probability that the car used a non approved spare parts and consumables.
Yes, of course, not always the aftermarket parts on the car worse than the original. But, alas, on the Russian market a very large proportion of counterfeit Chinese parts, the quality of which leaves much to be desired. And you can tell it’s fake are often not even employees of service stations. In the end, many cars today are Chinese parts, about what does not suspect their owners. The worst thing is that these Chinese parts contribute to reducing the service life of the vehicle as any vehicle most of the components relate to each other. So literally the eyes in revealing the trash into the thousands of cars that are then in various forums begin to criticize the former owners, bringing the topic of unreliable cars of a certain brand.
Also in the process of vehicle inspection, your task is to find out, not hitting a car. If the machine became the participant of road accident, you must find out the nature of the injuries and the list of recovery operations. In particular, you should know exactly where to carry out repair work of broken cars. If the car was prepared and painted in the old garage, you should not contact him because, most likely, the paint quality will be low, with the result that the paint will start to otlepitsya from the body, like the husk of the seeds, in the near future.
Ask the seller for the VIN number and record it in order through the online database of traffic police and Autocode break in the history of the car for the accident and determine if there are registration restrictions on the car in the traffic police authorities. Also the VIN number will need to break the car for collateral in the online database of the Russian notary chamber, which maintains the registry, where banks and other companies must send information about the collateral.
Including the VIN number will be useful for you to find out information about the car from an authorized dealer. However, without the owner of the car you hardly provide any details. But friends who will provide you with such data, it is theoretically possible to find. If you can’t find friends, then the dealer can contact with the owner of the car.
Buy a car from a legitimate owner
We advise you not to contact intermediaries and outbid. That is, buy the car only from their rightful owners. Also I do not advise you to buy a car in those acts even on the notarized power of attorney.
If you want to buy a car in the salon, buy only those cars, which was purchased by the dealership in the property (for example, the program trade-In). If the cabin is for sale car that the owner is not the dealer, it is better not to mess with such machines, because, in essence, the seller acts as the intermediary, providing the owner a platform for selling a car, taking it for a nominal Commission. In the case when the interior sell the purchased car, there’s always a responsible entity that is responsible for the transaction. However, in a questionable car dealerships are used car salesmen, as a rule, pass sales through day LLC, which in case of problems just disappear or go bankrupt. In the end, if you have problems with the car you can not even in court with someone to ask.
So it is best to buy cars from private owners or from well known dealers who are buying first car in his name.
Do dealers sell cars with hidden defects?
Many believe that authorized dealers sell only tested quality vehicles with no hidden defects. But, alas, a myth. Yes, as a rule, large companies, official representatives of a particular brand in Russia, try to only sell tested used cars that meet the many parameters of reliability, quality and standards of the technical condition.
Usually such cars before they are offered for sale are thoroughly tested and, in case of detection of technical problems, go to technical repair. Cars pass and another a thorough pre-training, from polishing the body and ending with the restoration of the trim.
Naturally, each car dealer in Russia, its own criteria of selection of cars to buy and sell on a common platform of used cars. For example, some dealers don’t buy cars, accident, and since the release of which has been a lot of time. Also dealers try to buy cars for resale with a small runs. All other options are on sale only under the terms of the Commission.
But all this does not mean that the purchase b/a car dealer – is a guarantee of a good car. You know, the human factor has not been canceled. Also according to the law you need to remember that the used car you generally will not return back to the salon (for example, due to the fact that shortly after purchasing the machine is out of order transmission or stukanula engine). The fact is that the contract of sale concluded with the dealer when purchasing a used car, you usually sign that claims to the technical condition of the car you have and that you assume all risks associated with owning a second hand car. That is, in fact, the dealer immediately denies the possible hidden problems of the car, which could go unnoticed in the process of pre-sale preparation of the car.
You won’t believe, but the market aware of cases where even well-known dealers were selling on their sites cars with twisted runs, as well as candid stuff restored after a serious accident.
However, such cases are rare. But believe me, they are. This means that buying a car from a dealer you do nothing is guaranteed. Yes, the risk of running into a dead car for sale from a dealer, less than a second hand private market, but it is still there.
Therefore, the choice of the car dealer should not differ from the machine with it. You should also be suspicious as a detective. Especially be careful, not to mess with cars for sale by dealer, who, in fact, is actually not associated with the owners of vehicles (cars, exhibited to the Commission).
The diagnostic report of the car in the showroom
When inspecting a used car in the cabin managers often try to show you the documents about the car in many respects and subject to a technical condition. Do not believe such diagnostics. Especially if you are going to buy a car in the showroom, which is the official dealer of some avtomarki.
Even though the dealer should verify the information on the technical condition of the car based on the pre-diagnosis of the machine. Sometimes even the dealers come across cars that, despite full diagnostic for sale with hidden problems.
By the way, in recent years among official dealers became fashionable youngish sell used cars with warranty. But you must remember that if the dealer gives a guarantee to sell a used car, it does not mean that he is confident in the condition of the vehicle. In fact, the warranty on our market, as a rule, provides himself the dealer, and the partner company that simply insures the machine from possible damage, the repair of which will occur within the coverage of such insurance. Naturally, such companies provide such insurance is not free and not on everything cars. Also understand that the insurance rate was already included in the price tag of the vehicle you want to purchase. Moreover, you should know that such a warranty on used cars covers not all types of damage. That is the warranty limited. Also, as a rule, such pseudogyrate does not provide coverage for vehicle diagnostics in case of problems.
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