The bailiffs will charge fines in new ways
Cancellation of traffic fines without the initiation of enforcement proceedings – coming soon
The latest amendments to the legislation that directly affected car owners will soon begin to discuss in the State Duma in the second reading. Change again does not Bode well for drivers. At this time, the deputies propose to work out a scheme of writing off fines without the initiation of enforcement proceedings the bailiffs (FSSP).
All must be in automatic mode, the traffic police will have the opportunity to write off from the Bank accounts of drivers paying fines for violations of traffic rules, if the amount does not exceed 3,000 rubles, and they are fixed cameras automatic commit violations. It is assumed that banks can write off the money from the account of the debtor after receiving notice from the FSSP.
The proposed amendments will operate according to the following algorithm: within three days of receipt of information from the traffic police officer will prepare a notice about the debt and requested information from banks on accounts of the debtor and the money for them. If in two days the debtor does not pay the fine voluntarily, the Bank will debit the money automatically. If funds in the account do not exist or are insufficient, after 20 days, the bailiff will bring enforcement proceedings independently.
As can be seen from the proposals which we believe 100% will be the second and final reading and be adopted by the state Duma, the penalties will be written off in line and almost immediately. Two days for voluntary payment, then the funds will be written off at the request of the Federal bailiff service.
Judging by the comments of the forum on the portal, which discusses the bill, all very skeptical about the innovation.
The sarcasm evident in every post ordinary motorists. Someone suggests lawmakers to take the penalties in advance, the “50 years forward”, other commentators are afraid of terrible stories of sudden withdrawal of funds from them or their friends.
In some cases, finding the causes of write-offs of 500, 1.000, 2.000 roubles in people takes years, in others, cards were written off more impressive sums that have caught people who were at the time abroad is unprepared, they just had to come back home, money to buy return tickets safely went home, leaving their owners alone with my heavy thoughts.
Still others rush into the conspiracy theory that this is all a long con, in which the first step was to translate all to a clearing, and the second act was the introduction of this bill, which “automated” the withdrawal of funds for the budget.
Maybe someone will say that people are just panicking ahead of time, but listen to the experts. Peter Shkumatov from the “Blue buckets” reminded that the work of the information systems departments is imperfect, eventually it may lead to erroneous withdrawal of money from Bank accounts. Due to the fact that information from the database is not updated for a long time, other penalties may spill over to the new owners. It is also possible to write off money from the accounts of namesakes and so on.
Appeal as charged and a refund will be very difficult. And who will be the 500, 1,500 rubles to spend time, to go on instances, to penetrate the forehead bureaucratic machine? Easier to pull on the brakes.As the saying goes: “it Happens”.
The position of the legislators:
In the opinion of lawmakers, this innovation will improve the situation.
Now the decision of the traffic police the penalty comes into force in 10 days. Voluntary payment of the fine the offender is given an additional 60 days. Thus, information is transmitted to the FSSP through 70 days after the violation. It’s very long and inefficient.
The volume of fines up to 3,000 rubles (considered small) giant, every year the bailiffs have to consider about 30 million cases (according Известия.Ru), and it costs in time, state funds, plus involve risks, including corruption, the so-called “human factor”. Plus, “knocking out” of debts does not always go according to plan and the money in the Treasury not come.
Modern way, stress in the state Duma – is an electronic path and away from paperwork. The only way to optimize the activities of bailiffs. The case is certainly good, as long as the quality does not disappoint.
The project will be considered next month. If it passes, the changes will happen in six months. Banks and departments (RSA, traffic police, FSSP) will need time to prepare.