The most expensive boot in the car
This is the most convenient way to store the spare wheel in the world
If you love to travel, in a classic situation on the road you will surely end up at least once in their life. You go on their holiday business, around birds are singing, the sun is shining… and suddenly you feel the car starting to lead in the direction. Arrived – this means only one thing – you got a flat. At this point, usually it starts with the most uninteresting part of the adventure. You need to completely disassemble Packed to the trunk to get to the bus under the floor, and after you conduct the necessary manipulations, will have to put the dirty, road dust just shot the wheel back into the bowels of the Luggage compartment and repeat all manipulations with the things in reverse order. Uncomfortable and long procedure.
But it turns out digging in the trunk could have been avoided if you would have the opportunity to purchase the right car for travel. In these machines, the spare wheel was hidden very clever, in a special compartment, which excluded the need to gut the inside of the car. Yes, special compartments for buses – very convenient and was honored in post-war Europe some time.
Look at them – they are gorgeous! Comes to mind several brands that have made such cars, but if you dig in the wilds of the Internet, one can find a couple of cars:
Škoda, model 1000 MB
Renault Dauphine
Tatra 603
Bristol (convenient arrangement was used on several models, including the 404 and 403)
As you can see from the pictures, there are several possible solutions to the set tasks, everything will depend on which side is the Luggage compartment in the bow or the stern.
Cars with rear engine, as a rule, had little compartments below the main trunk in the front, while the company Bristol remembered the distant past and found the spare tire in a special vertical compartment in the front of the machine near the front passengers feet. Comfortable and extremely practical location of the spare tire. In principle, the spare wheel was mounted in the future. But the pursuit of weight reduction and improvement of roads in Europe, gradually negated the need to use a fifth wheel.
So there was a “tilt wheel” the Zhiguli
In fact options to put a spare tire anywhere but the trunk is not new and not just for these four machines. Classic Lada wheel was put in the trunk vertically on the side, which gave access to it even if clogged potatoes to the top of the trunk. The rolls-Royce was also a special niche in the Luggage compartment, of which the wheel if necessary can be removed separately.
Americans have long loved to hang spare wheels in vintage style – covering their decorative protection, and the Japanese, the Koreans and the French did not hesitate to push the wheel into the engine compartment. In all these examples, the spare tire will be protected from dirt and dust (unlike options, frequent off-road when the spare wheel is fastened on the external side) and to reach it you just do not have to remove half the stuff out of the trunk.