Motorists have once again decided to infringe the rights: Here’s what you need to know about the new signs

The Ministry of transport gave way to the cyclists, but did motorists have no rights

Motorists have once again decided to infringe the rights: Here's what you need to know about the new signs

The Ministry of transport has developed a package of changes that is best to learn while changes are not in force and you, as a motorist collided with the new traffic signs on the roads.


The Ministry of transport proposed changes to the SDA reflected in the bill, the full text of which can be read at:


What will change on the roads in case of its adoption and what is the purpose of this legislative project? To these important questions we will now answer.


Again, new traffic signs and restrictions for motorists

From the first lines of the explanatory note to the draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On introducing amendments into the resolution of Council of Ministers – the government of the Russian Federation dated 23 October 1993 No. 1090”, it becomes clear that the bill was prepared in order to improve the lives of pedestrians on the roads of cities, large and small. And it is said: “the Draft resolution has been prepared in order to further the development of public and pedestrian spaces without compromising road safety”.

Motorists have once again decided to infringe the rights: Here's what you need to know about the new signs

Here’s how to grow in this respect “the powers of the pedestrians” and uzhmetsya in their rights the ability of motorists:

1. In the area of the road sign 5.31 “Area with a maximum speed limit”with a speed not exceeding 20 km/h, pedestrians can cross the roadway in any non-prohibited location. Read, in this area the pedestrian can cross the road not only on the Zebra crossing, and anywhere, and will be right, just as is now happening with the residential area (indicated by 5.21 “Residential zone”).

This is the first indulgence for pedestrians and a serious limitation for car drivers, if negligence can cost the motorist of liberty, in the worst case scenario.


It is in order to motorists rather determined that they were going on a dangerous stretch of road, and here we need to very clearly observe the speed limit, changed special sign regulations introduce a new road layout that will duplicate it.


2. The second limitation for motorists at the expense of cyclists. Legislative practice will be introduced the term “Bike zone” where cyclists can move across the entire width of the street, and motorists, on the contrary, shall not interfere with the movement first.


Speed driving – not more 20 km/h.

So you can look like road signs:

Motorists have once again decided to infringe the rights: Here's what you need to know about the new signs

How you can determine that you eat in the Kingdom of bicycles and that at any moment you could cut a two-wheeled transport? Help new road sign 5.33.1 “Bike zone” and will not need to remember to look around, where is inscribed a redundant road markings 1.24.6.

An example of road markings:

Motorists have once again decided to infringe the rights: Here's what you need to know about the new signs

3. Motorists were forbidden to leave their vehicles closer than 5 m from the intersection of the roadway with bike lanes and a Cycling and pedestrian paths. Of course, it will be impossible to stop on those bikes and Cycling and pedestrian tracks.


Be careful!


4. Also it will be forbidden to stop in front of ramps with sidewalks designed for people with limited mobility. We believe it is the right decision of the Ministry of transport.

Motorists have once again decided to infringe the rights: Here's what you need to know about the new signs

5. Another extension mobility for cyclists. They will be given the right to turn left on roads with more than one lane in this direction, but only in the case when the right lane is also allowed to turn left.


“Currently, some of the T-shaped intersections where it is permitted to move only to the left and there are two or more lanes, cyclists can’t move in any directions.”


6. Will reconsider the appointment of road marking 1.16.1 (it is now designated the islets to separate the opposite direction of threads). Again, changes in favour of Cycling transport. The same lines will be able to designate a zone for the separation of traffic flows in areas where there is Parking. This is necessary to increase the safety of cyclists and drivers of mopeds on bike lanes, “located in the number to the right of Parking of vehicles.”


The project is proposed to complete the purpose of marking 1.16.1 the ability to separate space for Parking of vehicles (Parking) and cycle lanes.


7. Next, impose restrictions on Parking motor vehicles, but not everywhere.


Motorists have once again decided to infringe the rights: Here's what you need to know about the new signs

As explained in the document, the introduction of a new road sign (signs) 8.9.2 “Parking only of vehicles of the diplomatic corps” and a road marking 1.24.8, duplicate a new road sign will be aimed at protecting the rights of workers in the diplomatic corps. Guess due to whose comfort and time? Right – motorists.

Road markings in the area of the Embassy

Motorists have once again decided to infringe the rights: Here's what you need to know about the new signs

The Ministry of transport explained that currently recorded numerous cases of unauthorized Parking of vehicles with Russian numbers, in Parking lots designed for cars of diplomatic missions. “The consequence of such unauthorized sites is the failure of the Russian Federation of international obligations to provide diplomatic missions of such Parking spaces on a reciprocal basis”. As soon as the bill becomes law, marked a new sign and marking places to Park only the car with red diplomatic plates.


What will power cars of the offenders and just inconsiderate drivers who parked in the wrong place at the Embassy until it is explained, “Bringing offenders to administrative responsibility, the detention of the vehicle and place it on a dedicated Parking is impossible in the absence of an appropriate road sign” – the site says the placement of projects of normative-legal acts. One thing is clear, prepares another trap for drivers, directly affecting their rights.


8. In the strip for route vehicles will be able to move the buses of category M3 (weighing 5 tons), which is to expand the opportunities for carriers.

Motorists have once again decided to infringe the rights: Here's what you need to know about the new signs

“The opportunity provided by the Executive authorities of cities of Federal significance, by the inclusion in the list, which should be officially published in the manner prescribed by the laws of cities of Federal significance Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Sevastopol”.

Also set the option to depart from the requirements of road signs 4.1.1 – 4.1.6, 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 drivers of vehicles allowed to drive on the strip for route vehicles entering the junction with a band to continue movement on a strip.

And so, as they say, on a trifle: it is proposed to introduce new traffic lights at the junctions, combined with a cycle path which will depict silhouettes of a pedestrian and cyclist. Proposed to exclude cyclists from the list of those who are denied passage through the territory of the residential areas, the ban will apply exclusively to drivers of motor vehicles.

In General, motorists as soon as the proposal of the Ministry of transport will become a law, be more careful. Do not exceed the speed limit, be careful where you Park. Machine in the big cities became a attribute of luxury and a means of making money for the state, completely lost the basic function of vehicles. Transplanted better on the bike.