Traffic police reminded about the new rules of transportation of children on buses
Safety is paramount, especially when you may hurt children
Ahead of the big school holidays, head of traffic police, Mikhail Chernikov re-briefed the drivers, transport workers and parents about the changed rules for the transportation of groups of children.
We remind you that from 1 July 2018 in Moscow and Moscow region and Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region, in the field of departure and arrival of children, organizations need to have new rolling stock, buses weighing up to five tons older than 10 years. The resolution “On approval of rules of transportation of organized groups of children by buses” was published on the official website of traffic police of Moscow.
“On April 1, 2019, such buses should be introduced everywhere. That applies to buses over 5 tonnes, this requirement is introduced for the same four regions from October 1, 2018, and on all remaining October 1, 2019”, said Mikhail Chernikov.
“There is a procedure for the control of such transportation. The first requires the filing of applications, if more than three buses. They must accompany. If less than three buses, the territorial divisions of the state traffic Inspectorate should be informed. They will check both the vehicle and driver who will carry out this transportation. It is made comfortable and affordable. Everything can be done through the website of the state traffic Inspectorate and to this service online,” reads the message posted on the website
According to the statistics of traffic police, last year at the organised transportation of groups of children, no child died. But the situation changes drastically for the worse, when we talk about the transportation of children by the parents themselves. The same statistics of the traffic police said that only last year were killed 713 of child passengers. 60 percent of all deaths of children. This year has killed 127 children-passengers – 70 percent of all deaths in crashes of children. Terrible performance, with a decrease in which the strength to cope as citizens and the state.
Going to meet young families, continues Mikhail Chernikov, the traffic police proposed to use part of matkapital to purchase bassinet and child restraint device of good quality.
The head of the state traffic Inspectorate reported that the transfer of control of technical condition of buses, traffic police will significantly reduce the number of accidents with their participation. The initiative, proposed by the interior Ministry has already supported the government, we wrote about it here: traffic police want to return the inspection of buses in their hands