The speed limit in Russia: all you need to know
Explained by the the current speed limits in Russia, as well as their history and usage
The speed limit in Russia has long been a bone of contention in our society. Many drivers believe that today, the current rules of speed limits on the roads of Russia don’t correspond in many places, modern road conditions and modern high-speed transport, which over the last 20 years has become more secure.
Nevertheless, the current speed limit on the Russian roads is the front line in the fight for road safety in the country, since such restrictive measures identify all traffic. Indeed, the current Rules of the road clearly set the maximum speed for different road types and different vehicle categories.
This means that Russia is strictly regulated by the norms of maximum permitted speed of vehicles in excess of which drivers face administrative punishment. Thanks to administrative responsibility for excess of the established speed of movement in the country reduced the number of drivers exceeding the speed limit and, consequently, the level of accidents on the roads. In recent years, this also is a good help traffic Cams controlling the speed of vehicles.
Yes, of course, speed limits can be a long debate and even to criticize, but in the end nowhere to come. Because in our country many of those who believe that the current bar maximum speed you need to raise, as well as those who, on the contrary, favour its decline. By the way, there are people who believe that the country you need to cancel on some roads restrictive measures high-speed mode, allowing it to drive drivers on the autobahns of Germany.
But, in our opinion, to do it in any case impossible. While there are restrictions in the rules of the road, drivers will be more careful on the roads, fearing to exceed the established speed of movement. Many drivers are sympathetic to the existing speed limits, considering that time is a sign that restricts the speed, so he should be here for safer movement. That is, many of us understand that time is a restriction, then there are reasons for this.
In the end, the drivers, knowing that the law is strictly regulated maximum speed limits, try to stick to the traffic rules, adjusting your speed of movement. If even on highways to abolish the speed limit, this will inevitably lead to a substantial increase in the accident rate. Alas, judging by the statistics of accidents in recent years, we have not yet learned to behave on the road. Somehow did not work out for us still driving culture with strict observance of the law. So to abolish speed limits on certain road types is still very early.
Unfortunately, Russian laws quite confusing for the regulation of traffic on public roads. But it doesn’t matter. So you can clearly abide by the Rules of the road, we bring you this guide. This will help you to adhere strictly to the speed limit driving not only cars, but also other types of vehicles that you might be driving.
Successfully passing the exams in the traffic police and obtaining a driver’s license, you will soon face a real road that will spook, scare and constantly surprises me with riddles. Be prepared for the fact that you will experience fear. Because now you are not going to of driving instructors who always helped and prompted. All the sweet times are over.
Now you must independently make all the decisions and time to identify road signs. Especially signs, limiting the speed limit. But you should also not forget that where there are signs restricting the speed limit, still there is a certain speed limit.
Firstly, let’s consider how to look like traffic signs, limiting the speed of vehicles. So, here are those signs:
Also recall that there are also signs that recommend to move at a certain speed. And, of course, there are road signs, repealing a certain speed limit. In this case, on the road start to operate in conventional traffic restrictions speed limits that depend on road type and vehicle category.
Unfortunately, even experienced drivers often forget the Rules of the road, associated with the rules of the speed limit. Especially for those drivers who travel a long time every day on the same road from point A to point B. of Course, if not repeat traffic, anyone can forget all the rules.
But what’s worse is the speed limit on the road can be changed. And it may not even warn you. Including not set the appropriate traffic signs. For example, on a particular road section can be entered temporary speed limit (repairs, ice, etc.). Also on the roads may temporarily disappear road signs limiting the speed on a particular stretch of road. In this case, many drivers will be lost, with what speed they move, oblivious to the fact that the rules of speed modes are clearly defined in the SDA.
Or, for example, many cannot remember what speed are allowed to move with a trailer. But the hardest challenge for drivers to get behind the wheel of another vehicle, which has other traffic rules. For example, if you every day for a long time I drove a car, but then get behind the wheel of a motorcycle or truck, you have to keep in mind that the speed limit for these types of vehicles is different on some types of roads. However, not all drivers remember.
Speed limits in Russia by type of roads and vehicles
Below are the speed limits in Russia. We have listed each type of vehicles and the maximum speed allowed for each road type for this class of vehicle
Speed limits in Russia for motorcycles, cars and trucks with a permissible maximum mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes:
– Motorway: 110 km per hour
– Other roads: 90 km per hour
– All roads in settlements: 60 km per hour
– In residential areas, bike areas and courtyards: 20 km per hour
Speed limits in Russia for domestic and small capacity buses:
– On all roads: 90 kph
– On all roads in settlements: 60 km per hour
– In residential areas, bike areas and courtyards: 20 km per hour
The speed limit of other buses, passenger cars towing trailer, cargo vehicles with a permissible maximum weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes:
Motorway: 90 km per hour
Other roads: 70 kph
– On roads in settlements: 60 km per hour
– In residential areas, bike areas and courtyards: 20 km per hour
Speed limits in Russia trucks carrying people in the back:
– On all roads: 60 km per hour
– In residential areas, bike areas and courtyards: 20 km per hour
Speed limits in Russia for vehicles, performing organized transportation of groups of children:
– On all roads: 60 km per hour
– In residential areas, bike areas and courtyards: 20 km per hour
The speed limit in Russia for vehicle towing motor vehicle:
– On all roads: 50 km / hour (including on roads in settlements)
– In residential areas, bike areas and courtyards: 20 km per hour
- Note. According to the decision of Executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation may resolve to increase speed (with corresponding signs) on road sections or lanes for certain types of vehicles, if road conditions allow the safe movement with greater speed. In this case the value of the permitted speed shall not exceed the values set for the respective types of vehicles on motorways (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 14.12.2005 n 767).
- Note. By the decision of the owners of roads may be allowed a speed boost on roads for certain types of vehicles, if road conditions allow the safe movement with greater speed. In this case the value of the permitted speed should not exceed values of 130 km/h on roads marked with 5.1, and 110 km/h on roads marked with 5.3 (introduced by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.07.2013 No. 621).
The speed limit for vehicles carrying bulky, heavy and dangerous cargoes
– All the roads: allowed to move at a speed not exceeding the speed established when negotiating conditions of carriage
What is a road with limited speed on motorways and carriageways other parts?
Under the current Rules of traffic movement of cars in towns and cities is 60 km per hour.
“Settlement” – the built up territory, entrances on which and departures with which are marked with signs 5.23.1-5.26.
(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 14.12.2005 n 767).
However, please note that when driving the speed limit starts to operate in the presence of road signs 5.23.1, 5.23.2 “the Beginning of the settlement”.
Here’s how they look:
Road signs 5.24.1, 5.24.2 mean “the end of the village”. Here is the road signs:
These road signs canceling speed driving mode in the settlements, established traffic (60 kph).
There are also 5.25 signindicating “the Beginning of the settlement”. Here’s how it looks:
But according to the SDA the beginning of the settlement, marked with this sign does not require drivers to reduce speed to 60 km per hour, which must be observed during movement in the settlements.
Other speed limits
Above we have listed the Federal speed limits specified in the traffic Regulations in force at the time of writing this book.
Please note that according to the legislation local authorities have a right to limit speeds on local roads, and to increase them (though the speed increase for all local authorities – a rare phenomenon). Most often you can meet the regulation of speed limits on local roads, which is carried out using road signs directing drivers to a certain maximum speed. For example, Moscow is a settlement. But on some outbound motorways you can find signs that allow to go up to 80 miles per hour, despite the fact that when driving in the village should not move more than 60 km per hour.
For example, the local authorities may reduce the speed of movement in the settlements in order to reduce accidents on a particular stretch of road.
Please note that the speed limit on the roads is strictly regulated Standards. So, GOST R 52289-2004 regulates the rules of application of traffic signs, markings, guardrails and delineators.
According to the GOST sign 3.24 “maximum speed Limit” used to prohibit the movement of all vehicles above the speed indicated on the sign when you need to enter on the road a different maximum speed than at the previous site.
And now the most important:
When speed limits on dangerous roads (tight turns, unsecured visibility of oncoming car, narrowing roads, etc.) the area of the sign should match the length of the dangerous section.
If the location is set a maximum speed that is different from the maximum speed to pre-stretch at 20 km/h or more, apply the step rate limit, with step not more 20 km/h by mounting signs of 3.24 at a distance of 100-150 m from each other.
Speed speed limit allowed does not apply before the settlement, is marked with 5.23.1 or 5.23.2, if the visibility distance of the sign more than 150 m.
That is, if you move along the highway outside of the village where you are allowed to go 100 km per hour, and then see a road sign at 60 km per hour, despite the fact that the road continues beyond the village, it suggests that the road signs installed in violation of the GOST, that is, to reduce speed not used speed system, which needs to use multiple signs with a step of speed reduction does not exceed 20 km per hour.
Minimum speed limits
In more rare cases, on the road you can see a round blue road sign with a number on it. This is the minimum speed limit set for the road/lane.
The usual minimum speed limit is applied before tunnels (and inside them) and other parts of the road where slow movement of vehicles can create a hazard.
The minimum speed limit indicated by a sign 4.6 – “Allowed to move only at a specified or higher speed (km/h)”.
Here’s how it looks:
Please note! Not to be confused with a road sign 6.2 – “Recommended speed”.
The history of speed limits in Russia
Long before the advent of cars in many countries, the authorities thought about the speed limit on the roads for horse-drawn carriages. It was necessary for road safety.
The first attempt to impose order on the roads of Russia is the decree of Peter I in 1683, forbidding fast driving in Moscow. Also, Peter I banned driving without drivers and with newnodename horses. Including the Russian Emperor banned coachmen beat passers-by with whips. But the main thing that made Peter I, is introduced the rules of the siding on the right side.
In the XVIII century in Russia there was one more legislative regulation of the speed of the horses.
So, in 1737 in Russia a decree was issued that prohibited fast ride on horses:
- “…if anyone will be riding soon, to ride, to catch and drive to the police station, where lackeys to whip mercilessly, and themselves – landlord fined with a monetary penalty on the Senate”.
About the same period appeared in Russia rules for Yamskoy chase, which prescribed speed limits of riding in the winter and the summer. Winter was forbidden to drive at a speed exceeding 12 miles per hour (12.8 km/h). In the summer the rate was limited to 10 miles per hour (10.66 km/h).
In 1742 Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna was outraged road safety in Moscow, where many civil servants too fast, ride horses and shoot down people. In the end, the Empress issued a decree:
- “All the townsfolk to declare with subscriptions, so no one in Moscow on the streets on frisky horses not ridden and the people of oppression and murder are not repaired”.
This was the first attempt in Russia to introduce a speed limit on country roads.
But only in 1900 Russia was approved the first rules of traffic. For example, in the city of Moscow cars were allowed to drive no more than 20 miles per hour (of 21.33 km/h). In St. Petersburg were allowed to drive no more than 15 miles per hour (16 km/h).
In 1929, our country adopted the first Rules of the road where the maximum speed was regulated only for movement in the settlements. For example, in the settlements of the passenger cars were allowed to move at a speed not exceeding 40 km per hour. Trucks are forbidden to drive faster than 30 km per hour.
By the end of 1930-ies these speed limits were changed. So, the maximum speed in the localities for the movement of cars was raised to 50 miles per hour. Trucks allowed to drive more than 35 miles per hour.
After the great Patriotic war, the authorities increased the maximum speed of traffic in cities and towns up to 60 km per hour.
Also appear for the first time restrictions when moving outside the city. For example, in the Moscow region outside the settlements allowed the movement is not over 80 km per hour.
But despite this, the SDA until 1971 the vehicle speed outside towns and settlements are not regulated.
In 1976, the country began to operate the new Rules of the road that has limited traffic in all localities 60 km per hour.
Outside settlements-for light passenger vehicles and trucks with GVW not more than 3500 kg were allowed to ride no more than 90 km per hour. Also, this was also true for some categories of buses.
In 1987, SDA amended, which related to the rules of traffic on highways. So, starting this year, on motorways be allowed to drive not faster than 110 km per hour.
Monitoring of compliance with regulations restricting speed on the roads
Ensuring compliance with the restrictions of speed limits on the roads of Russia is entrusted to the traffic Police (Ministry of interior). Crews of traffic police have the right to use a special technique to control the speed of vehicles and the detection of overspeeding to attract drivers to administrative responsibility, writing out fines for traffic violations. In this case the inspector of traffic police makes the Protocol on an administrative offence concerning the driver and issues a decree on the accountability.
Including Russia to control the speed used automatic complexes of fotovideofiksatsiey of vehicles that violate speed limits on the roads. In this case also, a Protocol signed by officers and issued a resolution on bringing to administrative responsibility. However, in this case, according to the administrative code, liability is incurred by the owner of the vehicle violated the speed limit.
Fines for speeding in Russia
Below is a list of speed limits and fines you can expect, depending on how much you exceed the stated maximum:
Speeding 20-40 km/h
A fine of 500 rubles
Speeding 40-60 km/h
The penalty 1000-1500 RUB
Repeated violation speed (during the year) 40-60 km/h
A fine of 2,000-2,500 RUB
Exceeding the speed limit 60-80 km/h
Fine 2000-2500 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period from 4-6 months
Repeated violation speed (during the year) 60-80 km/h
Deprivation of rights for a period of 1 year or a fine of 5,000 rubles (if the violation is recorded automatically by the camera)
Speeding more than 80 km/h
A fine of 5000 rubles or disqualification for a period of 6 months
Repeated violation speed (during the year) more than 80 km/h
Deprivation of rights for a period of 1 year or a fine of 5,000 rubles (if the violation is recorded automatically by the camera)
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