9 things you should never do when you leave the car
That’s why it’s dangerous to store many things in the car.
Your vehicle must be used for transportation and not for storage of various things. A car is not a warehouse and not a garage, etc. did you Know that storing your various belongings in the car can threaten your health and safety?
1) do Not leave medicines in the car
Most drugs should be stored at room temperature. Some medications can be stored in the refrigerator. Left in the car of medication in the cabin will be kept far from room temperature. Especially in spring, summer and autumn. No, of course, the heat will not make the medication harmful, but it can make medications less effective due to the loss of the chemical properties of the medicines when improperly stored.
2) don’t leave electronics in the car
Know why you can’t leave in the car electronic gadgets? Not only that your laptop, mobile phone or other gadget left can steal, you can still lose valuable data that you store on a flash drive. If it so happens that you have to leave your tablet or laptop in the vehicle, hide them from view and make sure that information stored on the media encrypted.
In this case, thieves will steal even if your gadget will not be able to view your personal information. Encrypting data on electronic devices, you will receive greater protection than the protection of your normal password.
3) do Not leave in the car sunscreen
Ironically, the active ingredients in sunscreen lose their properties at high temperature. So I do not advise you on a hot day, leave the sunscreen in the sweltering hot car. This will cause reduced effectiveness of the cream. In addition, a tube or bottle with sunscreen or liquid can explode from overheating in the cabin, leaving poorly removed contaminants in the machine.
4) don’t leave your water bottle in the car
According to the latest research conducted by a number of foreign scientists plastic water bottle left in the cabin can be hazardous to health. The fact is that, leaving in the car in hot weather a bottle of water in it the heat releases chemicals that can cause heart disease.
Including chemical found in plastic water bottles left for a long time in the cabin in hot weather, carcinogens dangerous to humans, which can get into the body if you drink water.
Also bottle can cause fire in the cabin, if it gets direct sunlight in the summer heat. In fact, a clear plastic bottle can turn into a real magnifying glass, collecting the sun’s rays into one beam. As a result, the light beam can start to melt the element of trim, causing your car to catch fire.
5) do Not leave the bag in the cabin
Leaving a purse or bag in the cabin in sight, you provoke thieves to open your car or break the glass. Even if you took all the valuables from the bag, but left it in the cabin, the risk in the morning to see shards of glass around the cabin. Do not provoke criminals.
6) Glasses
In any case, do not leave in salon points out in the open. Yes, driving glasses are indispensable. But they can play with you a malicious joke. Especially if you leave the glasses on top of the center console.
The fact that the glasses can in your absence to become very hot from the hot sunlight. In the end, heated the rim may slightly melt the plastic of the console, leaving the removed traces from the rim.
Including glasses can serve as a lens (especially if the sun’s rays pass through the windshield), and a bottle of water left in the cabin. As a result the points collected the sun’s rays into a single beam can be responsible for the fire in the cabin.
7) Important documents
If you have personal documents that you plan to send by mail, or to hand them over, and represent a certain secrecy, in any case, do not leave paper in the machine.
Also, do not leave copies of tax returns, statements from retirement accounts, Bank documents, etc., because in case your car will reveal the attackers, their hands will get your valuable personal data. So the documents are not in the car. Leave them at the office or at home.
8) passport
Never while traveling in another country, do not leave in the car passport. Yes, Yes. Even if he stirs and seems cumbersome because of which it is not convenient to carry. If you lose your passport or it is stolen, you will have great difficulties to return home.
9) Wine
Do not leave in the car wine, because you risk to spoil its taste. Especially hot season, when the temperature in the cabin reaches large values. The fact is that if the interior of the car is too hot in your absence, the bottle will become too hot.
In the end, any wine will lose its taste. In particular, from the heat of the bottle the liquid in it starts to expand, which can lead to bias up the tubes, gently pushed her outside. This leads to the fact that the microorganisms will begin to fall into the bottle changing the wine’s taste.