36 hazards you can expect while driving
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What dangers can trap drivers on the roads of Russia.
The number of new drivers grows by an average 10 percent a year. At the same time increasing the number of vehicles on Russian roads. On the one hand, this is a clear indication that not all is so bad in our Kingdom. But, unfortunately, on the negative side. Alas, despite the government and police measures, the accident rate on our roads remains quite high compared to Western countries. And the reasons are many.
For example, for a long time in the country is lame, the level of preparation of drivers in driving schools. In the end, the route to get not properly prepared drivers. What this means, says accident statistics every month publishes the traffic police. Maybe it’s time to reconsider the learning process in schools and to monitor the effectiveness of each institution? Also pay attention to the sale of rights in the traffic police. Yes, let’s look the truth in the face.
In Russia it is still possible just to buy the rights. Unfortunately, while the country will not change the level of training in driving schools will not be revised SDA, many of the items which are controversial and will not decrease the level of corruption in the traffic police, we do not establish order on the roads of Russia. But until then, our roads were not as safe as in Western countries, every driver, sitting behind the wheel, needs to be prepared for any scenarios and hazards.
And the fact that on the Russian roads can happen anything, prove numerous videos online shot with DVRs motorists and became worldwide hits. They had already even made a documentary, which debyutiroval for an Oscar. We have gathered for you the TOP 36 of the various dangers that can lie in wait on our roads. So be ready for anything and never be distracted behind the wheel.
1. Cars for some reason flipped
This video by accident a few years ago became a worldwide hit. The accident occurred in Vladimir. At a busy intersection a car suddenly turned over on a roof. What is the matter? What is a poltergeist? Why Ford turned over for no reason at all? From this video, motorists in the West were a blast. But we got used to everything, and nothing surprises us. Actually this car was wheels up for hanging on the road of broken trolley wires, clinging to them. You can watch the commercial here.
2. Video: on the road out of nowhere runs a small child
Get ready for the Russian roads to everything. Including the fact that the road could run out anytime anyone, including a small child. It’s Russia, guys.
3. You can enter t-boned at any time
Know what you need to do in our country? To widen the road. You will not believe, but often the drivers do not have enough width of the road for effective turning. For example, you can enter Bochin, it would seem that in a place where it can’t happen. But no. On our roads it is unpredictable, like in a fairy tale.
4. The cars moving in the inverted position
Do you know why the whole world is watching our videos with the DVR? Because nowhere in the world they don’t see what can be found on Russian roads. Because our road is something. It caught even the cars that can ride on the roof.
5. Trucks are so severe that anger can even explode.
What do you think the most dangerous vehicles on the Russian roads? No, it’s not the car, at the wheel which sat the reckless or drunk. The most dangerous, of course, are trucks that, if I lose control, demolished everything in its path. But even more danger carry burning trucks that know how to explode. Type in YouTube in the search box query “truck on fire and drove into the oncoming lane” and you will be shocked by the number of rollers with a terrible accident. The worst thing is that most videos were filmed on Russian roads.
6. …or suddenly tip over, and then to enter your car in the forehead
Alas, 100% you will not be able to insure against accident. This is especially true of local roads, where every day there is a large number of accidents. Including with participation of trucks, which love to capsize because of overload or due to non-compliance by the driver of the speed limit.
7. Only on Russian roads you will see many unhappy with aggressive drivers who have to get a lot of complaints about your driving
Yes, aggressive drivers there are in the world. But I have the feeling that on our roads any more. Especially if you watch videos that lay out the Russian drivers with DVRs. What rollers you will find on this topic. Then you and the fisticuffs and the drivers who love to walk on the hood of the car, and really mad drivers who love to tear away from the other cars side mirrors.
8. Pedestrians turn into evil people
Do you think that the pedestrians were civilians? And here and there. Very often, pedestrians become aggressive. Especially if they are almost down. In this case, many pedestrians waking up anger. Some even begin to feel a kung fu master. But they can understand. Because their drivers very often do not notice. So there is nothing surprising in the aggression of pedestrians. Somehow it is necessary to treat drivers. However, it is worth noting that there are also arrogant pedestrians who violate traffic rules, creating dangerous situations on the road.
9. Be careful: Russia is on the road a lot of insurance fraud-pedestrians
What danger does not await those who drive behind the wheel in Russia. Then you and the drivers do not know traffic rules, and those who confused the road with a sports track, and Golden youth, which traffic fines as a tip in a restaurant. There is also avtopodstavy that for a scratch ready to take your apartment. In General, a lot of things in our country. By the way, recently on the roads there are many insurance scams that as pedestrians like to throw under the wheels.
10. Only here you can see on the normal roads the stunts seen in the film “fast and furious”
You know, the Russian driver is no surprise. Who has extensive driving experience in circus does not laugh. But it is logical. The humor in these drivers has long gone. They will run on our roads, there is more to lose. Especially if from time to time to meet on the roads of crazy drivers who do such things as that, even the Directors of the stunts in “fast & Furious” tucked in his belt.
11. Pedestrians in our country have a reaction, as the heroes of the movie “the Matrix”
Only in Russia, pedestrians on the sidewalk should be, like a driver constantly focused and attentive. That is, you as a pedestrian should always be aware of traffic. Otherwise, walk the streets dangerous.
12. Open hatches on the roads
We all know that the road is unpredictable and can give the most unexpected surprises in the form of a laying wheel, brick, rebar, etc. But our roads are special. People today will surprise the wheel on the road? You will surprise even the open hatch.
13. Russian roads can scare anyone
You know that you can find on the Russian roads? Yes, anything. Including even a military helicopter that can fly almost tightly to your car.
14. You can meet even military fighter
Who said that in the world there are roads that can surprise even us? But how we can surprise if we meet on the road here are military planes that can scare even the driver, who is completely absent of fear?!
15. You can meet the driver, who very quickly left.
According to statistics, anywhere in the world are not fixed as often cases of damage to gas stations, as in our country. Why not just do the drivers at the pump. Their favorite occupation at gas stations is to illuminate the lighter the gas cap. But most motorists off the hose, forgetting to remove the gun from the tank.
16. Russian drivers are not afraid of lightning
Unfortunately, sometimes the zipper get in the car. But Russian drivers, it’s not scary.
17. We know how to ride even without wheels
Well, where in the world you will find such a thing? I think anywhere…
18. A left turn from the right lane
Yes, on our roads to predict the behavior of drivers, no one can. Yes, all drivers should be extremely careful and ready for anything. But in this situation what to do? Unfortunately, such accidents thousands.
19. Very often on the road flying logs
So many things happen on our roads. Crash there for every taste. We are the forge world video on accidents. The accident has long been possible to defend the thesis. For example, you can find a lot of commercials involving log trucks and trucks carrying logs.
20. Russian drivers and passengers the most unflappable
That can stop the Russians, if they in a hurry? Yeah nothing is gonna stop us. Even an accident.
21. The sky can fall anything
If the earth were the Apocalypse, guess three times who would be more likely to survive? Of course, we are with you. We can be cautious, suspicious and attentive. And all this was taught to us by road.
22. Truck drivers know how to survive even the worst accidents
Know who you need to take in the stunt? Truck drivers that can survive anywhere, having fire, water and copper pipes. If Hollywood Directors took on the work of Russian truckers for the filming of another blockbuster, they would have already collected all the Oscars.
23. Our drivers transcend everything, even the bumpers
We constantly surprised ourselves. What we’re doing behind the wheel. And some of traffic rules for us do not exist. Especially when it comes to driving on the road. Many drivers believe that roadside is also a regular traffic lane where road builders just forgot to put the asphalt. And we’re not stopping the danger of such trips on the curb. In particular, we are not afraid even of the strikers.
24. Indestructible tractors
What did not meet in Russia on the roads. Especially surprising is the broken and broken machinery. And who said that our vehicles are unreliable? Where you’ll see a technique that after a hard crash can go on their own?
25. Russian drivers are the best in the world inventors
If Russian drivers were awarded the international prize for ingenuity, we would have already been ahead of the rest. Well, in what other country in the world would know to carry the hay on the roof of the car?
26. We are not, pereplyunem over your left shoulder and go
Temporary fencing? Bump? Road works? I could care less! For many drivers in Russia is not an obstacle. The restriction of movement or contraction of the strips does not stop those who love speed. It’s a pity that a similar attitude on the road very often leads to disastrous consequences.
27. We know how to be polite and ready to help
What are we all about sad about sad. Not so bad on our roads. And not all motorists are willing each other to eat. Most often we respect each other on the road and are often willing to help.
28. We do not always notice no one is around…
Thank God that, despite the fact that we’re doing on the road, our soul remains bright. We are ready to help not only other drivers but also pedestrians.
29. And we do it quite often…
We are ready to leave the car and help to cross the road to someone who can’t to do it myself.
30. … very often
We are an astonishing people. We don’t always obey the law, sometimes do not respect each other on the road, often swear at other drivers behave behind the wheel is not very decent. But as soon as we see that someone is in trouble, we are ready to give up your car to help. That’s why we are invincible.
31. We even have the horse go on the crosswalk…
Russia is a country of contradictions and contrasts. In our country a huge number of accidents are caused by pedestrians. Unfortunately, a lot of people running across the road in the wrong place. But we know how to cross the road on “Zebra” horses.
32. … and cats
I think only horses know what a crosswalk? In fact, in Russia, even cats run across the road on “Zebra”.
33. But not all animals in Russia know the SDA
Unfortunately, not all animals run across the road, where it should be. Very often on the roads can meet the stupid ducks that usually stop a whole movement on the track. Eventually drivers begin to help the ducklings cross the road. Well, where you can still see?
34. Motorcyclists are also ready to help
Russian motorcyclists – is a particular caste on the road. Yes, they often break the rules, exceeding the speed. But that doesn’t mean they don’t respect other road users. Most bikers ready to help anytime.
35. The most sympathetic motorists – only in Russia
Each motorist ready to come to each other for help when someone was in trouble. Believe me, you’re not going to find a driver who agreed to take you in tow if your car broke down. In the West, so fast you will not find someone who will agree to help you.
36. We know how to be grateful
I think Russian drivers are insensitive and arrogant? In vain. In fact, we know how to be grateful.