18 signs that driving is not for you
Here is the bells that indicate that the drive is not given
We do not cease to repeat on the pages of your online edition that the drive is not for everyone. There are many people who prefer to stay away from the car. And it’s not blonde. Oddly enough, they show your stupidity behind the wheel only in jokes and humorous stories. In real life, blondes and the girls – one of the most law-abiding and considerate drivers. There are, of course, exceptions. But there are people that just don’t need to drive, better to ride in a car as a passenger or to use for travel public transport, there are among the male half of the population. So, here are 18 signs that clearly indicate that driving a car is not for you.
1) You always feel scared due to the fact that you are surrounded by other machines
If you are already a long enough drive, but still shugan passing a number of cars, then this is a clear indication that you are not allowed to drive due to the characteristics of your psyche. If you are just afraid of cars around, but still with fright, pulled the wheel, you just better give up the car.
2) If you were the recipient of one of these notes
If you occasionally find such notes under the windshield wipers of your car, we suggest that you either reconsider its attitude to the SDA and to the people around you, or simply to sell his car to hell and switch to public transport. Believe me, this will bring more to society.
3) Your aggression behind the wheel has become a problem for you
If you begin to notice that, sitting behind the wheel, become aggressive and have nothing to do, you either have a mental problem you want to treat, or you’re very nervous people, and, accordingly, driving is contraindicated for you, as driving is stressful.
4) in case of any traffic on the road you are lost
If you are a inexperienced driver who just recently found himself behind the wheel, then surely you are lost while driving in any traffic on the road. Especially you take out the brain tube. But after a certain time every beginner becomes braver and more confident. However, if you, despite sufficient driving experience, continue to keep your head behind the wheel, afraid of any movement, it is possible that driving a car is not your thing.
5) You get too many fines for traffic violations
Fines for speed, for running a red light, leaving behind the stop line and the traffic on the side… you Have a complete set of the collection of regulations on traffic violations recorded by the cameras fotovideofiksatsii or DPS? Looks like it’s time to rethink the manner of his driving and attitude to the law. After all, if you do not begin to respect the law, no one around you also will not do. Maybe you should start with yourself? You tried, but you’re failing? Then think about possibly giving up driving, you will do better not only ourselves but also others.
6) You never learned to be lazy with the traffic police
If you have already been behind the wheel, but have not learned how to avoid tricky traffic police, who constantly throw you into fines (sometimes almost nothing), then it is possible that you will never be a real driver. After all, in order to comfortably drive, you not only have sufficient driving experience, but also to know applicable legislation. Especially Rules of the road. Moreover, it is desirable not just know them by heart without much understanding, like their bison drivers-novices before the exams in the SAI, and fully understand all Rules of the road, be able to compare them with each other and, of course, solve puzzles from road signs and markings, where they like to graze crews of traffic police, hoping to cut the loot is easy. So if you have learned how to talk with road police, maybe the driving is not yours.
7) You are constantly afraid to go close to the other cars going sideways
You probably remember when you just started your career behind the wheel, you are usually very afraid of cars passing by. Especially those who go the mirror to the mirror on the side of your car. The only bad thing in this case not so much afraid of the machines themselves, and the fact that the side rear view mirror of your car touches the side mirror of another car. But after a while the fear had to go. This usually happens after you get used to the size of his car. But, alas, this is not happening to all owners. There are many such drivers, which are already 10 years behind the wheel, but I can’t get used to the size of their cars, constantly passing sideways suhas machines for fear of hurting his mirror to the other cars. In this case, you have two options: find instructor, that will take away from you that fear and teach you how to feel the dimensions of the machine, or to sell the car, put the right on the shelf as a memory and to use taxis and public transportation.
8) You are the best driver when it comes to brakes
You are constantly experiencing problems with braking, braking sharply, is not enough. You can not calculate when you need to begin to reduce speed in your car, for example, to miss a turn or, if necessary, stop at a traffic light.
Also if you have had a accident due to your fault, due to improper braking and you have been got right, it is best to remove yourself from driving.
9) the Merger of secondary roads to the motorway makes you panic
As we have noted, driving is no place for fear. Fear deprives us ability to think and make the right, informed decisions. And if you are a long time haunted by fear of the highway exit when you are exiting from the minor road which gradually runs into the highway, you better take a few lessons from a instructor that will teach you not to be afraid when going on the freeway. If that doesn’t help, then probably you’ve got rights.
10) Rebuild the machine for you is a huge problem
If you have not learned correctly and confidently to regroup, then you need to do something. Indeed, in this case, you are a danger to all road users. Remember that the key safe on the road – the correct changeover from strip to strip, with strict observance of traffic rules. If you ever forget to include the turn signals, cut when rebuilding other cars, creating an emergency situation on the road, it means that you are not ready to driving as required by the Rules of the road. So you have two options: either to gain experience or to put right on the shelf.
11) are You the culprit of several accidents
If you are a beginner, which is forgivable minor accidents, and often find yourself at fault in an accident, then maybe “bagel” is not for you. You think about how much money you will save if you no longer drive a car. After all, you not only will have to repair at his own expense his car, but every year will not need to feed the insurers due to accidents for you have raised the price tags on the CTP policies and hull.
12) You dream of a personal driver
If your joy of obtaining the rights and buying the car suddenly turned to disappointment and you will no longer driving a pleasure, especially if you start constantly dreaming about a personal driver, then it is possible to drive a vehicle you do not.
13) the One who constantly travels with you often afraid of your actions behind the wheel
If you start to notice that for a long time been the same passengers who are constantly afraid of your driving, then it’s time to think about. Because maybe you are doing something wrong behind the wheel, despite the fact that you have long been driving. In this case, the conclusion is that for some reason does not become a more experienced driver. This usually happens to those drivers who do not learn from their and others ‘ mistakes, and constantly make the same mistakes, creating an emergency situation on the road. You know that passengers can feel your uncertainty and see your mistakes behind the wheel. This is the best indicator that you are wrong to drive a car. Sometimes it can’t be fixed. Especially those people who just can’t drive a car.
14) You have repeatedly deprived of the rights
If you have several times denied a driver’s license and retake the theoretical exam, you could not the first time to take the test, then most likely, you had better abandon the car and leave right as a souvenir. It would be better for all road users.
15) Your soul goes to the heel, and you freeze up at the sight of traffic police on the road
Remember how you started your drive home, after he got his driver’s license and started driving my first car. How you feeling on the road when you first saw the traffic police on the road who stared at your car or on you? Many novice drivers at this moment there is an inexplicable fear. Some of these moments even make the fear a silly mistake and directly in front of the traffic police violating traffic rules. But it’s forgivable for all those who just recently acquired the rights. But if you after a long time continue in panic to be afraid of police officers on the road and make because of this error behind the wheel, then maybe you should not have got right and bought a car. Unfortunately, such drivers in the country very, very much. You must have seen many drivers almost stop before Dpsnikov. Some fright even begin to confuse the pedals and turn signals. If you have this fear, it’s time to think about public transport.
16) each time you fill the car, do you think, how you could buy things instead of fuel
If you are constantly “toad strangling” when you give money for the fuel, and you constantly believe how much money you could spend on different things, if you don’t have to fill my car, it is possible to own a car – not for you. Maybe you knowingly bought a car and cannot cope with his possession? But if you have the opportunity to contain the car and the price of fuel does not scare you, but you still regret that you throw on the fuel, too much money that could be spent on something else, then you might not like to own a car and you are most likely not the driver.
17) You begin to notice that public transport is the best in the world transport to move
If you were more likely to use public transport, leaving his car in the Parking lot near the house and began to notice that public transport is the best alternative to owning a car, it is quite possible, driving is not for you. Once you have found the benefits in public transport, so, for you the process of driving a banal and uninteresting. Those to whom the main thing – to drive a car, not afraid of traffic jams, loss of time and money.
18) You’re sorry, and you are afraid you can’t do without a car
Modern life is impossible without a personal vehicle. That is why all the yards/streets in major cities around the world crammed a huge number of cars. But not all people like to own a car. Many especially frustrating is that it is necessary to constantly spend money (fuel, taxes, insurance, maintenance). Also many don’t experience any pleasure from the process of driving, what’s more, it irritates them. But, alas, modern life and needs do not allow us to reject the car. Because often it is impossible to move. Unfortunately, in Russia public transport is not developed in all regions of the country. So people have to own a car even contrary to their wishes. But in big cities you can still manage somehow without a car. So if you constantly regret that own the car that you are constantly annoyed by the exhaustion of the money and the control the machine gives me no moral pleasure, then maybe driving is not for you and it’s time to use taxis and public transportation. In this case, you will be much calmer.