17 most annoying things that ever happened in the car
That’s what annoys drivers in the car often.
Each driver constantly annoying. Someone always gets mad because of the actions of other drivers on the road. Someone nervous about some of the options in the car (or, conversely, not missing any features). We are all different, and our irritation at the wheel is due to our habits, character, education and lifestyle. But there are things that enrage in the car all. 1gai.ru guide to the examples that really irritate almost all motorists.
1. When you accidentally drop your phone between the driver and the front passenger seat
Familiar? You must have fell into this place is not just a phone. This is really annoying, as to get out any difficult things. But when there falls the phone, many drivers can not afford to find a place until you’ve got it. After all, we can’t imagine life without your phone.
As a result, many drivers on the go try to pick up your cell phone with one hand. But remember that it is very dangerous. Better, of course, first stop the machine before you pull out your phone between the seats. Unfortunately, not all drivers understand this. Each year on the roads there are thousands of accidents caused by drivers distracted on pulling some things between the seats.
2. The twisting of the seat belt
Here is another thing that is very annoying. We are talking about tightening the belt, that is, before to fasten, it is necessary to spread. Otherwise the belt will not only stop you in the road, but will not be able to provide you with effective protection.
Alas, the twisting of the seat belts is common. And not all drivers and passengers want to stretch their belts, opting to wear them out. In any case, don’t do it. Yes, of course, often similar to the spin of the strap hate. But remember, your safety comes first. Do not forget that for the normal protection of the belt must be straightened and squeeze you with all his plane.
3. When you open a little window in the cabin starts windlifter
In spite of modern air conditioning systems fitted to all modern cars, many motorists like to open the window. But, alas, sometimes, even slightly opening a window you get in the salon is a nightmare in the powerful vortices of air.
This is especially true when the wind in the street. But the worst thing for many drivers (especially for girls) is that the strong streams of air passing through a slightly open window, hogging all the hair on his head. In the end we have to close the window, which of course upset those who like to ride in the car with the window open.
4. When the sun visor doesn’t help at all from the sun
We all know how hard sometimes the sun bothers to drive a car. Especially in winter, when the sun is low on the horizon, and the white snow reflecting the sun’s rays, greatly dazzles drivers. Fortunately, in the cars to protect from glaring sun rays provided by the sun visors. But they can’t always help. As a result, many drivers are forced to drive almost blindly. This is really infuriating. In this case, I advise all motorists to keep in the car sunglasses. Believe me, they are more effective than the sun visors in the car.
5. When the sun falls directly on the radio with cassette, which makes invisible text on the screen
In older machines, which were equipped with older radios with analog displays, the sun often did the information on the screen is practically invisible, which, of course, greatly annoyed the drivers. Today, fortunately, many vehicles are equipped with displays and infotainment systems that are less prone to flare sunlight.
Nevertheless, in some cases, the bright sun hitting the screens infotainment systems, can make the information displayed on the display almost invisible. It’s very annoying. Especially when the driver is moving on the route of regular navigation on the car screen.
6. Or when the sun is so bright that even a tiny metallic surfaces reflect so much light that you can barely see
Many modern machines have become too many shiny surfaces. In some machines they are so many that sometimes it seems like the car was created for the magpies who like shiny things. Yes, on the one hand, many shiny items in the salon to decorate the interior, making it richer. But, on the other hand, they are like a mirror, can reflect the bright rays of the sun, creating interior glare. It very often interferes with the drivers.
7. The sun for the driver, more often an enemy than a friend
Especially dangerous the sun when it is low on the horizon and shining right in the windshield. Repeat: carry just in case of sunglasses. Also, if you have the opportunity, plan your trips at the time when the sun most of the way will not be right in front of your car.
8. When you are riding empty roads in the dark, after a while you realize you forgot to turn off high beam
You were irritated when something that you forgot to turn off the high beam? Because at this point you not only becomes embarrassing in front of other drivers, but you begin to reproach himself for stupidity, forgetfulness etc. The worst thing is that in such moments we do not understand, what time we went to far.
9. When you turn on random warning light on the dashboard and you don’t know what that means
We all are afraid of the appearance on the dashboard different icons, many of which warn of the danger or the damage to the car. We are particularly afraid of the appearance of the icon “Check engine”, which appears in case of problems with the engine. But not less than we fear the appearance of other warning signals.
The worst thing that is most annoying when the collection tubes light up unknown icon. As a result, many drivers begin to cheat yourself clogging your head with different versions of the icon appears, and thinking about the worst. But in most cases a frightening signals on the dashboard turn a simple warning connected with, for example, with a low level of wiper fluid.
10. When you are trying to use both your Cup holders at the same time
When you ordered your car, you will definitely want to inside, it was two Cup holders? But you certainly were then disappointed that the Cup holders are very close to each other. In the end, not many cars two glasses easily fit with each other. It makes you boil many drivers.
11. Or when you take out something from your Cup holder and it happens…
But even more furious when you are taking something from the Cup holder in my car, along with a bottle or glass is removed the holder. Alas, not all vehicles in the cabin are high-quality and reliable coasters. Many manufacturers, unfortunately, did not give this important detail neglected.
12. When the seat belt suddenly flies out of hand
Also very annoying to us, when we pulling the seat belt, accidentally releasing it from his hands. In the end, we again have to turn around and pull the strap. It would seem, a trifle. But if this happens often, it’s starting to freak out over. Especially if in your car, sitting in the driver’s or passenger seat, not very convenient to take the belt.
13. When you need to go in the heat in a hot car until the air conditioning will not cool the air in a few minutes
You certainly know what it’s like to drive a car without air conditioning. But if you don’t know what it is, it would not have had the heat in his car. We are talking about a time when you itch to go somewhere on a hot summer day.
Coming to the car, you find that the air in the cabin is more like the air out of the oven. But you need to go somewhere as fast as possible. In this case, you remains nothing how to sit in a stuffy, overheated salon, and hit the road, panting on the road, as long as the air conditioning will not cool the air. By the way, there are a few tips on the subject that will help you to make your trip more comfortable in the heat. Here more about it.
14. When you leaving in the glove compartment of some things, discover that they have melted in hot weather
Unfortunately, not all vehicles are equipped with glove compartment cooling function of the air conditioning system. In many cars the glove compartment in the heat of summer turns into an oven. Don’t forget that. Otherwise you will be very disappointed to discover that your belongings have melted as in a furnace. In the photo example tablets like Ibuprofen turned into a liquid gel.
15. When in the heat you have to literally scrape your bare legs from the leather seats
Yes, leather interior in any car not only looks gorgeous and rich, but makes our journey more comfortable. But, alas, have leather seats and cons. Especially in the summer when the skin is heated stronger than suede, fabric or leather. The worst thing about the summer is to get leather seats after a long trip. You literally have to peel your feet from the leather interior. Very unpleasant and irritating phenomenon.
16. When, after stopping the car, you see it…
It is very annoying to many of us. Turning off the engine and removing the key, we can see how the wiper blade is stuck right in the middle of the windshield. Alas, such a glitch is found in many cars. Including expensive premium. In this case you again need to insert the key into the lock and turn the ignition on to return the wiper to its initial state.
17. And finally, when you get in the car and realize that you do not have enough fuel to reach the nearest filling station
We all used to pre-fill your car, not carrying to the appearance of a burning bulb on the collection tubes. Alas, sometimes this possibility is not always available. And the worst thing is to sit in the car, start it and after warming to realize that the fuel in the tank you will run out to the nearest gas station.
Especially annoying when the computer says the reserve tank empty enough, for example, 10 km, and the nearest gas station is 12 km away. In this case, you really can run out of fuel. Fortunately, the car’s computer is often wrong.