13 cars for every personality

What cars suit different personality types.

13 cars for every personality  

Everyone deserves to drive a car, which he is perfect in all respects and satisfy all his tastes and needs. But the cars should also reflect the personality of the driver. For example, if you are calm person, you like to ride in a one slower lane, and when you start with a traffic light, your acceleration looks like the beginning of movement of public transport, you certainly do not need to have a powerful sports car. But what car to buy? Here is the solution. We bring you cars that suit different personality types. So there you go.


1. You are immaculately dressed and always ready for anything

13 cars for every personality 13 cars for every personality

You have to drive: on a modern sports car, which should be stylish, look expensive, like your tuxedo, classic suit. Additionally, the sports car must have enough power that you could get pleasure from driving, as well as to demonstrate their life ambitions.


2. You love mud, mud you a magnet, dust and volcano walking mess

13 cars for every personality 13 cars for every personality

You have to drive: on a huge SUV 4×4, that has no problems to be on full impassability. If you like mud, there is nothing better than taking a mud bath, climbed into the SUV where even tanks have problems with movement.


3. You constantly think how many calories I ate and expended, as well as the number of sets between bench press bar at the gym

13 cars for every personality 13 cars for every personality

You should go: for classic old car “with muscles” (the powerful), because this car will be your continuation on the road. After all, you are ready to continue to offer a job as his body and his car.


4. You’re in the middle of the night go out for a run every day run

13 cars for every personality 13 cars for every personality

You have to drive a car: which easily picks up speed, which is highly maneuverable on the road. This will allow you to not only feel at ease driving, but also to quickly reach the stadium for the next run. However, do not forget that traffic Rules are written for everyone. For runners exceptions in the SDA no.


5. You are a child at heart, a fan of jam-band, hippie, music lover, rocker

13 cars for every personality 13 cars for every personality

You have to drive: on the van with an unusual style, not only to underline your character and your view of the world, but in order that he might take you to the next festival “Invasion”, where the car can become your home for a few days.


6. You are an adrenaline junkie

13 cars for every personality 13 cars for every personality

You have to drive: on the rally car, because … the road to you is …? Where are we going, what are we? You don’t need roads. You need speed and rugged terrain. Only here you will be able to receive a maximum dose of adrenaline.


7. You always stumble on your feet, you are not careful, you absent-minded

13 cars for every personality 13 cars for every personality

You should drive: a station wagon with lots of space to keep your feet away from each other. It is also believed that station wagons and vans, as they have an integral body structure. Better buy a Volvo. In some vehicles you may find a great number of airbag. For you, this is the perfect car.


8. Are you ready to start a dance party where ever you go

13 cars for every personality 13 cars for every personality

You should ride: tuning car, prepared for the disco in the street (subwoofers, amplifiers, gold wire, countless number of columns, etc.). By the way, the more your car subwoofer, the better. If you are a fan of dance parties, it is better to buy a car where the subwoofer is in the trunk. The ideal, of course, for you to be some tuning-truck-SUV.


9. You rent a cramped, tiny apartment and you like it

13 cars for every personality 13 cars for every personality

You should go: urban small car, to turn a tight two-lane urban road with one-way traffic in the highway.


10. You are the boss, the master and commander of all who surround you

13 cars for every personality 13 cars for every personality

You need to drive: in a prominent large SUV (preferably expensive), to help modest the people around you to understand who you are and why they should be afraid of you, respect.


11. You – the expert-mnogozadachnost and active socialite

13 cars for every personality 13 cars for every personality

You need to drive: in a van, to haul many of his friends, to carry a variety of items for training and chargers for phones.


12. You are young at heart

13 cars for every personality 13 cars for every personality

Someone recently said that there are 40 year old men, and there are 70-year-old young. We are talking about health. But also there are people who morally and mentally in 40 years I feel old, and there are 70 year old people who are at heart/in your heart feel young.

If you’re young at heart, then you need a special car.

You have to drive: on the art car. For what? On this car you will never look like a dinosaur. Seriously, buy yourself a car that is popular with young people.


13. You are old at heart

13 cars for every personality 13 cars for every personality

For those of you who feel the soul of an old man, also has a solution.

You have to ride on an old restored classic carthat will stand out from the traffic and get wrapped all around. Even the young people. So you can keep up to date with young people along with their Telegrams, gyrometers and drones with iPhones. Believe me, hitting the road in a vintage car, you will surprise even the most progressive youth.