11 crazy things people did while driving
Here’s what people are doing behind the wheel, and it’s not just driving.
Our brain, though not as different as computer, multi-tasking, but sometimes can surprise you. However, behind the wheel, we can’t do many things at the same time as it distracts our attention. Alas, that is our nature. So we still with the driving school hammered into their heads that driving should be extremely careful and, of course, not to be distracted. But, unfortunately, have learned this lesson not all drivers.
And we’re not talking about the fact that all around sneeze on law and security, using shamelessly while driving with their cell phones. Today we want to talk about more crazy things that make motorists behind the wheel. Here is how to spend time in a more interesting, but dangerous sense of some drivers.
Change of wardrobe
Once on a suburban highway near Senezh, many drivers were very surprised when I saw a woman, kicking off his office suit, changed into a swimsuit. It is noteworthy that in some point she just sat on the driver’s seat in his underwear. In the end, a good half of the male population in the car, instead of watching the road, watching the show. Our advice is to change at home. The car is no place to change clothes.
Diaper change
Imagine a typical situation. A young mother drives a motor vehicle in which child seat is sitting a little child. But, moving in traffic, on the go begins to change the baby diaper. It’s awful. In any case, don’t do it. We know that man is capable of incredible things, such as walking on glass, climbing without belay on a steep rock, etc. Especially we know we can mom. But this does not mean that their powers need to be while driving.
Playing the piano
Once Perm residents saw on one of the highway unusual driver, who played on the synthesizer, fixed in the car between the two seats. This driver used his right hand to play a musical instrument. And the driver did it on the fly. We certainly understand that we can, in spite of the work of his brain to do many things at the same time. But not on the road!
The art of craft
Have you seen on the road drivers who sewed or knitted directly behind the wheel? You will not believe it, but these drivers are quite often caught on the road. Of course, we understand that to improve their skill of knitting every minute. But the car is not suited for this purpose.
The dog imagines himself the driver
Sometimes on the way across ladies with dogs, which for many became the same accessory, like a handbag. But sometimes the girls behind the wheel of a surprise with their disorder. For example, recently our colleague I saw on the road, the girl driving, who was riding at speeds over 100 km/hour with a dog on his lap, front paws which were on the steering wheel. No words…
Lunch behind the wheel
As you know, the feeling of hunger does not depend on time. The law of meanness hunger finds us at the most inopportune moment. For example, driving when we’re wasting time in traffic. As a result, many drivers begin to adapt to these conditions, making the snacks behind the wheel, which, of course, dangerous, as eating foods that are distracting us from the road, because the brain switches to a completely different task.
But recently, our reader told us that they had seen in Moscow as the driver for both cheeks ate greedily on the go soup plates. Most interesting is that this hungry driver was driving with their elbows.
Every day we are on the road we see women behind the wheel. I have the feeling that they are now more than drivers of the opposite sex. We have nothing against the girls motorists. But we are against what they sometimes do on the road. For example, the most popular in the car is the rear view mirror, hanging in the cabin, which is often used for other purposes. So, sometimes on the road there are women who apply makeup on the go. Sometimes it happens at speed. And who said that our Russian girls in a burning house won’t fit? They are still not as can.
Reading books
Unfortunately, the books in the world are dying. They have been superseded by electronic books. You look in the morning at rush hour that happens in any subway car or bus. All sit staring at the screen of the mobile phone, or e-books. However, books are not gone from the world. So people with paper books in public transport you can still meet. Also, you can often see people reading a book behind the wheel. Yes, we are not kidding. We from time to time come across such irresponsible drivers.
Lifting both legs up
You will not believe, but some girls like not only to put on makeup behind the wheel. Some daring female drivers like to turn on cruise control and putting foot on the Central console. Again no words, some emotions… I Wonder if these girls thought about how much time you will need to lower the foot on the brake pedal, if necessary, in emergency braking?
The pinnacle of multi-tasking behind the wheel
Recently our colleague saw a young driver who probably prepares for Guinness world record or plans to lose their licences. At first glance it was an ordinary green young driver. But on closer examination, this young driver is our colleague was in shock. This driver was doing several things at once: driving, drinking coffee and gaining the right hand some text on the laptop. Naturally, the maneuvers this young man has been inadequate and unpredictable.
Our colleague thought that such behavior on the road is due, as is usually the case with talking on a cell phone, which, as we know, is very distracting. But when he saw that makes this young man, I was just shocked. In the end, he signaled to this young thrill-seeker, gestures showing him through the window, he returned his attention to the road, stopping to violate traffic rules.
Smoking, coffee, talking on mobile and driving
Sometimes we encounter drivers who can’t live without coffee and cigarettes. As a result, many waste no time, doing all these things simultaneously, which has been a distraction from the traffic situation. But I recently saw in Network video, filmed on a Russian road, where the middle-aged woman sits behind the wheel, with one hand holding a coffee and a cigarette, the other hand, the mobile phone, talking on it, and elbows she drives. We certainly understand that the person is still not capable of that.
But the next time you want on a public road to try to do something similar, remember that around you there are other cars in which people sit. Do not forget that your actions can lead to disastrous consequences that you may regret a lifetime.