10 problems, which we hope will one day decide scientists
The global problems of mankind.
Somehow in recent years, the science was not in Vogue. Especially in our country, where again there has been a surge of interest to sorcerers, fortune-tellers, etc. But in the meantime without science our world nowhere. In the near and distant future without scientists we will face a catastrophe in many areas of life. Including automotive chaos. We have collected the most important problems, which we hope will solve science. So in the future, the world needs more scientists.
1. As committeesee the Earth’s population?
By 2050 the Earth the population will be approximately 9.7 billion people. It very much even with the current situation on the planet. The fact that even with today’s population there is a problem with the food. At the moment a huge part of our planet’s inhabitants starving. Then what will be in 2050, when some of the countries inhabitants will be many times more? I hope by the time scientists figure out how to feed people.
2. Traffic congestion and all the associated troubles
Traffic jams of major cities around the world cause huge financial losses. For example, according to the study, only in 2017 because of traffic jams, the Americans lost 132 billion dollars. And this occurs all over the world. Unfortunately, in our country such a calculation of the losses is not conducted. But I think motorists in Russia will also lose a lot of money.
In the end it hurts our economy, and so on incense breathing. According to experts, automotive growth in the world will continue in the future. So traffic will be even greater. Consequently, economic losses due to congestion will only increase. And this problem needs to be solved. But without a scientific approach can’t handle her.
3. The rise in sea level
Did you know that in connection with global warming and melting glaciers 40% of the territories in the world within 100 km of coastline inhabited by people who are at risk of flooding in the future? Unfortunately, rising ocean levels, not an artificial problem, such as, for example, believes the President of the United States is a real threat to a huge number of people living near the ocean.
4. Dirty air
According to a recent study, air pollution leads to trillions of dollars of damage annually as a result of, for example, lost working days in connection with health problems of the inhabitants of the Land. Also dirty air is the fourth leading cause of premature death worldwide. In addition, air pollution is changing the face of the sky. You look at the sky in major cities of China and France. Yes, there are people have already forgotten how the blue sky looks on a Sunny day.
5. Increasing fuel efficiency in all vehicles
Increasing fuel efficiency reduces the cost of travel by any mode of transport and helps to reduce air pollution across the globe. Unfortunately, humanity is still far from clean transportation on a global scale.
6. The search for new forms of energy for transport
To science has long been the main task of the 21st century – the search for alternative sources of energy for movement of all modes of transport. Only through a new kind of energy that won’t pollute the planet, we can stop global warming and horrible pollution.
7. The lack of water
According to statistics, each person of the 10 on our planet have no access to clean water. It is about 663 million people. You think, how many people on the planet is not able to drink clean water! Meanwhile, ecologists predict that in the future the shortage of clean water will only increase worldwide.
8. Internet connection around the world
Despite the fact that in the 21st century is a digital era, is still the world’s only less than half of the population has access to the world wide web.
9. Create shatterproof screens of smartphones and tablets (finally)
You won’t believe, but fragile screens in smartphones bring the world annually billions of losses and harm the economies of all countries. After all, every day hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world break the screens of their smartphones and tablets, with the result that people are forced to throw away money on costly repairs. If today the screens of mobile phones was high impact, saved people the money would go to benefit the global economy.
10. Car accident
In the next few years self-driving cars with the autopilot, which can appear in the world, can save many lives by reducing accidents on the road. However, we don’t believe that Autonomous cars will survive on the roads. After all, there are still many unresolved problems with their functioning.