10 facts about SMS messages that are dangerous for drivers
Here is how messages on your phone increase the risk drivers.
We all know that the phone is very distracting when we are driving. And if about the dangers of talking on the phone in the car many motorists know about the dangers of sending text messages or simple messages in social networks, don’t know many drivers, not speaking generally about serious risk when reading short messages coming to your phone. Today we decided to remind our readers of how dangerous it is to use the phone when you are driving.
1. Reading messages on the phone is distracting the driver
Did you know that according to the study the average time spent reading a message that came on the phone 10-15 seconds. Also according to the study, if we read the message while driving in the car, we still attach from the road, his gaze carefully quickly into the phone screen. In the end, on average we do not control properly the road about 5 seconds. That’s a lot.
2. At a speed of 90 km/h in these 5 seconds you will pass the football field
You will not believe, but distracted driving read messages on your smartphone just for 5 seconds, at a speed of 90 km/h you will travel during this time almost the length of a football field. Can you imagine how much? That is, looked away for 5 seconds, you lose sight while moving at the speed of 90 km/h road with a length of over 100 meters. It is very very dangerous.
3. During a phone conversation or when reading messages behind the wheel drivers often miss a turn
You’ve probably noticed time and again in front of him on the road cars that behave inappropriately, knocking you off course. At this point you must have begun to wonder who sits behind the wheel and find out the reason of strange behavior of the driver, who chudit in front of you. In the end, overtaking a car, you’ve seen that the reason for inadequate behavior of the driver is a simple smartphone, on which he speaks or writes SMS message.
Know why this is happening? The thing is that talking on the phone and reading / sending messages distracting the driver from traffic conditions. The reason is that our brain is not adapted to perform simultaneously multiple actions and calculations.
As a result, the drivers using the phone, often miss turns, lanes, and even reconstructed from the strip into the strip as the drivers-beginners, sat down behind the wheel for the first time. Including, according to the latest study, it was found that when the driver starts talking on the phone, his reaction is slowed down to the level of a slightly inebriated person.
4. Women are more likely than men to reach for my phone while driving in case the received message
Was recently conducted a global study in which scientists decided to find out who of drivers use phones in the car more often – women or men. The study experts found that women use the phone while driving much more often than members of the opposite sex.
5. 49% of drivers under the age of 35 years, using the phone while driving
Also recently commissioned a global study which revealed that most phones driving by young drivers. So, according to the study, about 49% of young people under the age of 35 years, regularly violate traffic rules, talking on the phone in the car, and constantly read and write messages at the wheel, distracted from the road.
6. 20% of young drivers under the age of 20 years read and write messages at the wheel
Moreover, during the study, experts found that around 20% of young drivers under the age of 20 years of constantly using a smartphone behind the wheel for reading and sending messages through different instant messengers and social networks.
7. Despite the risk of 98% of all drivers use the phone to read messages
Surprisingly, all the drivers, knowing about the risks, you still regularly use your phone while driving to read messages. According to the study, about 98% of drivers constantly use the phone for messages.
8. Almost all young people (9 of 10) expect a reply to your message within 5 minutes
Did you know that the younger generation of people cannot imagine their life without a smartphone? Also young people find in bad taste, when their message does not answer for a long time. So, according to the study, almost all young people expect a response to your message within five minutes. In the end, almost all young drivers, while driving and receiving a message on the phone it is my duty to answer the call as quickly as possible.
9. For many people, texting has become a habit
Did you know that unlearn any habit is very difficult? Did you know that for many people today to read and reply to messages on the phone has become a habit that is impossible to get rid of. As a result, many people continue to read and reply to messages even while driving.
10. The use of phones while driving for talking or sending a message increases the risk of accidents 3 times
According to the study during the phone dialing, and when reading or writing text messages (or messages in social networks) increases the risk of accident by 3 times. That’s a lot.